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Suncom SFS and Talon restoration and mods

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I'm good with the three resistors, although does that permit it to take three additional switches? I've got an actual F-15's Auto Acquisition switch that I'll be wanting to wire in accounting for two, and intend on dual-staging the trigger for number three.


I'm comfortable with more wires to the grip if this isn't doable, but asking since you mention it.


And apologies for the late response- completely forgot about this conversation until I looked at the grip on my workbench earlier today.

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I'm good with the three resistors, although does that permit it to take three additional switches? I've got an actual F-15's Auto Acquisition switch that I'll be wanting to wire in accounting for two, and intend on dual-staging the trigger for number three.


I'm comfortable with more wires to the grip if this isn't doable, but asking since you mention it.


And apologies for the late response- completely forgot about this conversation until I looked at the grip on my workbench earlier today.


Technically it is doable, there is possibility to add 3 more switches, but it would be very difficult. Some wires should be soldered directly on 4021 chips and they are so tiny.

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I started this thread 2 years ago with idea to convert Suncom grip to USB, I finished one finally.




5pin DIN connector is not visible but I did same thing like in THIS POST, I just used different headers.




Everything works, unfortunately I don't have two hat knobs, they were destroyed in previous modding attempt. I think I'll have to print them.

With this new PCB it was very easy mod.

Edited by debolestis
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If you print , please dont make poles like stock , stock feel is bit soft. Maybe somekind bumbs where microswitchs are.



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Oculus CV1, Odyssey, Pimax 5k+ (i5 8400, 24gb ddr4 3000mhz, 1080Ti OC )




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If you print , please dont make poles like stock , stock feel is bit soft. Maybe somekind bumbs where microswitchs are.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


You mean that 4way switches feel light? I used 6mm tact switches that are 7mm tall, like original. Maybe I could use 5mm and see how that works. That will give a longer throw. Maybe I have a few around somewhere. I need to test it.

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You mean that 4way switches feel light? I used 6mm tact switches that are 7mm tall, like original. Maybe I could use 5mm and see how that works. That will give a longer throw. Maybe I have a few around somewhere. I need to test it.


It may be suncom hat system, i think that tact swicthes are good , just suncom hat pole is bad or spring too heavy , need to make test. Soon as i have time :book:

Oculus CV1, Odyssey, Pimax 5k+ (i5 8400, 24gb ddr4 3000mhz, 1080Ti OC )




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Suncom HAT use a big spring in their pole and the travel to press the micro-swtich is bigger that in other joysticks HAT. Is more like in this L-39 trim HAT (first seconds):



Travel is possible to mod shorter (imho) , shorter spring and different pole from hat to micro switches. :book:

Oculus CV1, Odyssey, Pimax 5k+ (i5 8400, 24gb ddr4 3000mhz, 1080Ti OC )




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Ill take the 5th board if no one scoops it up as i have a second stick (with the big gross red button), want it as a back up.


Quick question...where can i get the hall sensor board like the one i would attached to your Cougar stick gimbal? Im getting lost in web pages and not really getting anywhere i could order a set or two.




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You need assembly the TLE5010/11 magnet resistance PCB. :)


Or buy read to use from China: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/TLE5010-digital-mode-magnetoresistive-angle-sensor/32634095245.html?%20Spm=2114.13010608.0.0.%20Eqr0Mr


FYI - Some units from Aliexpress need re-selder components, QC fail. :)


EDIT - I forget that TLE5010/11 work in digital mode, so is not compatible with Cougar controller, that support only analog input.

Edited by Sokol1_br
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Thanks much Sokol1


Have you used the ones from AliExp? Any recommendations for a magnet?




Update- im trying to find it on the english AliExp site but im having no luck.

Edited by BusterBust


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I now use GVL224 sensors. He sold me two sensors and two magnets for 19$, shipping included. He is here on forum just send him a message. I just uploaded new version of gimbal yesterday. I corrected a few things. I'll write a post later today.

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Have you used the ones from AliExp? Any recommendations for a magnet?




I am forgetting a detail, this TLE5010/11 sensor in Aliexpress work in digital mode (5 wires) and so is not suitable for Cougar circuit, that work only with analog sensors (3 wires).


TLE5010/11 is for use with MMjoy2.


Like Debolestis post above GVL224 is the source for "MagRez" KMZ41 analog sensors PCB:




Or if you want assembly PCB, use this circuit.




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does anyone have a spare sfs throttle POT, or a link to something compatable?

one of my pots has never worked, and i need a spare that works


I know that RS F.U.S.B.A conversion for SFS came with new pot's, what means that this pot's still in production. Don't know what brand and specs of this pots.

Suncom F-15 stick seems use a proprietary and discontinued model.


If you want pot for replace in SFS working in original form (gameport), you need 100k B type pot. Here their dimmensions - what is a critical factor to find a similar for replacement:




If this SFS is converted for USB get a 10K B type pot.


The sensor TLE5010 showed by Goblin only work in digital controllers, for analog controllers you can use GVL224 MagRez that is similar to this, see me post above.

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