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I hope this bird has a good autopilot, vodka is not a friend of straight navigation :P

Win 8.1, I7 4770K 4.5ghz watercooled, 240gb SSD in Raid 0, 16GB DDR3-2400, EVGA GTX780 watercooled, LG 29EA73-P (2560x1080)

Cobra M5 *modded by BRD*, CH Pro Throttle, Pro Combat Pedals, TrackIR5 Pro + Delanclip, Bose QC 15, TM Cougar MFD's

300/30 mbps

I hope this was informative, and not preachy.


Preachy? Maaan, that was a brilliant explanation of how you're going to approach the problem & also shows you know your stuff + the engineering process in general. Extreme coolness mate, am sure this burdie will be awesome :thumbup:

The DCS Mi-8MTV2. The best aviational BBW experience you could ever dream of.


Announcing Tu-22M3 Troika by Black Cat Simulations


Best of luck guys!


Also you mentioned two releases. Can you go into detail about what two variants are being modeled?


(Also I don't think publicly announcing a release date is a good idea. It might make a lot of people mad in the future :thumbup: )






Link to my Imgur screenshots and motto



One day in DCS... Vipers will fly along side Tomcats... Bugs with Superbugs, Tiffy's with Tornado's, Fulcrums with Flankers and Mirage with Rafales...

:)The Future of DCS is a bright one:)



Hello guys,


First congrats for the project and good luck! Looking foward to it!


And second. Does the plane have cruise missiles? or only anti-ship?


It can carry bombs? what type?



Hello guys,


First congrats for the project and good luck! Looking foward to it!


And second. Does the plane have cruise missiles? or only anti-ship?


It can carry bombs? what type?




All kinds of dumb bombs (and a lot of them).

KH-22 antiship missile (max 3X). INS guidance/active radar

KH-22 Cruise missile (max 3X). INS guidance

KH-15 Nuclear warhead (max 10X), INS guidance

KH-15P Anti radar (max 10X), passive radar guidance

KH-15S Anti ship (max 10X), INS guidance/active radar

Hello guys,


First congrats for the project and good luck! Looking foward to it!


And second. Does the plane have cruise missiles? or only anti-ship?


It can carry bombs? what type?




Kh15 is a missile with 300km range. So pretty much across the map. It can target land objects.


I think it can carry anything from FAB100 to FAB1500. I don't know about any smart bombs and if it can self designate or program coordinates for GLONASS guides bombs.

Check my F-15C guide


Wow simply amazing!


I akso think a module as complex as this warrants a price to match. Perhaps 2 or 3 times other releases.




64th "Scorpions" Aggressor Squadron

Discord: 64th Aggressor Squadron



Looks like a great project. Is this fully backed by Eagle Dynamics so it will be an official mod and supported by Matt and crew or is this mainly a user mod?

I was in Art of the Kill D#@ it!!!!

Wow simply amazing!


I akso think a module as complex as this warrants a price to match. Perhaps 2 or 3 times other releases.




I don't think it is more complex that the A-10C or F/A-18C ED are making. Just because it is a big aircraft it does not mean it is more complex. Yes there is more modeling work and there are four crew positions, but the systems are not nearly as advanced as that of the A-10C or F/A-18C. Read up on why they choose this aircraft. It is because systems are not nearly as integrated then more modern aircraft and thus less complicated. That does not mean it is easy (especially for a first module), but I think the difference in workload is not that much.

Also I think people should stop with the whole, make it more expensive talk.

You are a customer, your interest should be getting it as cheap as possible. They are the sellers, there job is to make as much money as possible. There is a balance there that establishes itself. This kind of talking makes it so less and less people will be able to afford modules because someone thinks their standard should be that of everyone else.


My rough estimated prices for modules is something like this


9.99$ = campaigns

34.99$ = trainer SFM and no multicrew

49.99$ = full DCS module

59.99$ = full DCS module with multicrew

79.99$ = bundle (2 aircraft or map+aircraft)


This complex module with special AI + long range antiship missiles + double multicrew (4 possible cockpits?) ... not less than 99.99$

Win 8.1, I7 4770K 4.5ghz watercooled, 240gb SSD in Raid 0, 16GB DDR3-2400, EVGA GTX780 watercooled, LG 29EA73-P (2560x1080)

Cobra M5 *modded by BRD*, CH Pro Throttle, Pro Combat Pedals, TrackIR5 Pro + Delanclip, Bose QC 15, TM Cougar MFD's

300/30 mbps

Looks like a great project. Is this fully backed by Eagle Dynamics so it will be an official mod and supported by Matt and crew or is this mainly a user mod?


As far as we know they are talking to ED, without anything official is a future mod by now (as the Gazelle was).


We are crossing fingers and waiting for the best :)

Win 8.1, I7 4770K 4.5ghz watercooled, 240gb SSD in Raid 0, 16GB DDR3-2400, EVGA GTX780 watercooled, LG 29EA73-P (2560x1080)

Cobra M5 *modded by BRD*, CH Pro Throttle, Pro Combat Pedals, TrackIR5 Pro + Delanclip, Bose QC 15, TM Cougar MFD's

300/30 mbps

My rough estimated prices for modules is something like this


9.99$ = campaigns

34.99$ = trainer SFM and no multicrew

49.99$ = full DCS module

59.99$ = full DCS module with multicrew

79.99$ = bundle (2 aircraft or map+aircraft)


This complex module with special AI + long range antiship missiles + double multicrew (4 possible cockpits?) ... not less than 99.99$


I won't buy this for $100. That is crazy.

I won't buy this for $100. That is crazy.


Don't worry is a personal estimation and it's almost sure I'm wrong with it.


But I'll buy it happily at that price!! :pilotfly:

Win 8.1, I7 4770K 4.5ghz watercooled, 240gb SSD in Raid 0, 16GB DDR3-2400, EVGA GTX780 watercooled, LG 29EA73-P (2560x1080)

Cobra M5 *modded by BRD*, CH Pro Throttle, Pro Combat Pedals, TrackIR5 Pro + Delanclip, Bose QC 15, TM Cougar MFD's

300/30 mbps

You are a customer, your interest should be getting it as cheap as possible. They are the sellers, there job is to make as much money as possible.


No. My interest is to get the best module possible within reason. It may also be possible that they are not entirely driven to make as much money as possible. If that were the case I doubt they would have chosen this aircraft (or in fact this sim).


My interest is to encourage Devs to develop modules I really want and to do it as best they can. If that requires a greater investment in time and money from them then I am willing to pay.


Id give my left arm for a DCS Su27/27SM/24M/Mig25 etc;)


64th "Scorpions" Aggressor Squadron

Discord: 64th Aggressor Squadron




Id give my left arm for a DCS Su27/27SM/24M/Mig25 etc;)


+1 arm here! ;)

Win 8.1, I7 4770K 4.5ghz watercooled, 240gb SSD in Raid 0, 16GB DDR3-2400, EVGA GTX780 watercooled, LG 29EA73-P (2560x1080)

Cobra M5 *modded by BRD*, CH Pro Throttle, Pro Combat Pedals, TrackIR5 Pro + Delanclip, Bose QC 15, TM Cougar MFD's

300/30 mbps


i'd be much happier learning about the plane than listening to self appointed DCS business experts.


What are the non-pilot crew roles? Hows the tail gun work? Who runs it?

i'd be much happier learning about the plane than listening to self appointed DCS business experts.


What are the non-pilot crew roles? Hows the tail gun work? Who runs it?


I did not say I am an expert, you said. If you are not interested please avoid completely to comment on it. Thanks.

Win 8.1, I7 4770K 4.5ghz watercooled, 240gb SSD in Raid 0, 16GB DDR3-2400, EVGA GTX780 watercooled, LG 29EA73-P (2560x1080)

Cobra M5 *modded by BRD*, CH Pro Throttle, Pro Combat Pedals, TrackIR5 Pro + Delanclip, Bose QC 15, TM Cougar MFD's

300/30 mbps

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