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Same bugs in realease as in OB

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I have a question, for what Open Beta STANDS FOR? For me Open Beta is for players who are testing new update and looking for bugs, to fix them for release version. Yesterday, we received update for release version, and it has the same bugs which are in Open Beta, something is wrong, right? It's not better to update release version after two weeks, but without bugs? Here is an example of bug with A-10C: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=176747 It was in OB one week ago, it's ok and I understand it, but yesterday there was an update, and guess what? SAME ISSUE... Please, ED, I'm sure I'm not the only one who prefer to get update later but with less bugs, than getting it every week, and it's bad as it was.

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  • ED Team

No software is ever bug free, are there any sim breaking bugs stopping you from flying?


With DCS moving forward quickly we are going to see some cross over of bugs, ED try to minimise this as much as possible, but it will happen, a small price for progress currently I my opinion.


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No software is ever bug free, are there any sim breaking bugs stopping you from flying?


The mouse-cursor is very much sim-breaking.


While I agree with you on no software is ever bugfree, with all due respect, I also agree with Slider. When I heard the news ED decided to push it to release due to "the results of internal and external testing" my jaw dropped. It was the first open beta i did not update because I had to stay with 1.5.4, but after listening to what the community reported about it I was glad I could not update, and I certainly did not expect ED to fix all that stuff in a week, not even considering the things that pop up as a sideeffect during a good amount of bugfixing. Really, it is better to keep a release in OB a week or two longer than necessary, than the other way around. There is little reason not to.


I also agree with you on your second paragraph, the fast progress is amazing and highly appreciated. I can also share understanding that some bugs will crossover. But both don't rule out keeping a release in OB for another week, especially if the previous week had sim-breakers inside.



A hotfix for the mouse-cursor during the week would be highly appreciated, to safe the communtiy some gray hair ;)


That said, thank you for the work you put into this Bignewy :thumbup:

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So you are one voice, but consider that there are many other voices and I for example enjoy the the features of 1.5.5 even though there are some bugs.


They could be kept in 1.5.5 OB but finally they they have to make a decision to update or not to, and they updated...

For many its ok, for some its not. No reason to get excited.



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So you are one voice, but consider that there are many other voices and I for example enjoy the the features of 1.5.5 even though there are some bugs.


They could be kept in 1.5.5 OB but finally they they have to make a decision to update or not to, and they updated...

For many its ok, for some its not. No reason to get excited.


I am sorry that I am not shoing empathy for those who want features they could get by simply choosing to use OB, but for those who have a ruined MP experience but no choice ...


I think you missed my point. I am suggesting for future reference, not complaining that they did it. A fine line but big difference.

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  • ED Team

The mouse cursor is a big one yes, I wouldn't say Game breaking, only happens in Multiplayer as far as I can tell so far. But ED will be on it first thing Monday so do not worry.


Thanks for the kind words 0xDEADBEEF, I enjoy helping. :)


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I am sorry that I am not shoing empathy for those who want features they could get by simply choosing to use OB, but for those who have a ruined MP experience but no choice ...


I think you missed my point. I am suggesting for future reference, not complaining that they did it. A fine line but big difference.


Ok, sorry. You are right. So far I only had the issue that the mouse pointer remains the white arrow, which I first thought is what you are referring to. The completely disappearing mouse pointer is really a bigger issue, as I just found out.



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I'm pretty much in agreement with slider. Many of us are part of a virtual squadron and the bugs that pass on the stable version are embarrassing for the missions we do.(For example the squadron where I am regrouping: M2000C, F15C , A10C,KA50,UH1,F5E ,SA342.)


We do not find it disturbing to have to wait several weeks before having an update, since the version on which we evolve is stable.


Nothing prevents the most impatient to use the open beta. :smilewink:


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Please, ED, I'm sure I'm not the only one who prefer to get update later but with less bugs, than getting it every week, and it's bad as it was.

You're not alone indeed :)


No software is ever bug free, are there any sim breaking bugs stopping you from flying?

I agree that no software is ever bug free, and I don't remember any recent specific occurence of sim breaking bug in release.


OTOH, even non-breaking bugs are sometimes killing the fun to fly.

Yes, DCS is moving forward quickly (and it's a nice thing!!:thumbup:)

I still feel that one week is really short to catch, fix and re-test many bugs (even when you do this for a living - I do sometimes - and not "only" on our free-time like many DCS testers).


My personal opinion (doesn't engage anyone out of my little self), and suggestion for a better product:

- Open beta:

--- can have as many bugs as devs can manage to create (:smartass:)

- Stable:

--- should have no crash-bugs (already done)

--- should aim toward no major bugs, only minor ones (*)

If the "price" to get the latter is to have to wait 2, 3, 4 more weeks for a "stable" release, that's really not an issue as far as I'm concerned: I use OB branch as well.


(*) I'm aware this could lead to lenghty discussions about what is a minor bug and what is a major one, but that's for another day :D




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You're not alone indeed :)



I agree that no software is ever bug free, and I don't remember any recent specific occurence of sim breaking bug in release.


OTOH, even non-breaking bugs are sometimes killing the fun to fly.

Yes, DCS is moving forward quickly (and it's a nice thing!!:thumbup:)

I still feel that one week is really short to catch, fix and re-test many bugs (even when you do this for a living - I do sometimes - and not "only" on our free-time like many DCS testers).


My personal opinion (doesn't engage anyone out of my little self), and suggestion for a better product:

- Open beta:

--- can have as many bugs as devs can manage to create (:smartass:)

- Stable:

--- should have no crash-bugs (already done)

--- should aim toward no major bugs, only minor ones (*)

If the "price" to get the latter is to have to wait 2, 3, 4 more weeks for a "stable" release, that's really not an issue as far as I'm concerned: I use OB branch as well.


(*) I'm aware this could lead to lenghty discussions about what is a minor bug and what is a major one, but that's for another day :D





+1 :thumbup:

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.


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Agreed sometimes the updates come fast and it is difficult to test everything.


I would like to see the frequency of public updates reduced personally, to allow more time, but that is something for the higher ups to decide :)


Either way we are moving forward and new stuff is coming all of the time, it is going to be awesome within the next year or so.

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Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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what? SAME ISSUE... Please, ED, I'm sure I'm not the only one who prefer to get update later but with less bugs, than getting it every week, and it's bad as it was.





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Everything I'd want to say has been said.


so +1 from me on the wait longer to receive a less buggy public release, guys who are desperate to use the new features can opt in or out of OB.


Maybe if we put some pressure/ ask the question we could go to a last Friday of the month update schedule?


Personally I'm not bothered if we only get 6 monthly updates, they'll definitely be worth the wait ;)

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You're not alone indeed :)



I agree that no software is ever bug free, and I don't remember any recent specific occurence of sim breaking bug in release.


OTOH, even non-breaking bugs are sometimes killing the fun to fly.

Yes, DCS is moving forward quickly (and it's a nice thing!!:thumbup:)

I still feel that one week is really short to catch, fix and re-test many bugs (even when you do this for a living - I do sometimes - and not "only" on our free-time like many DCS testers).


My personal opinion (doesn't engage anyone out of my little self), and suggestion for a better product:

- Open beta:

--- can have as many bugs as devs can manage to create (:smartass:)

- Stable:

--- should have no crash-bugs (already done)

--- should aim toward no major bugs, only minor ones (*)

If the "price" to get the latter is to have to wait 2, 3, 4 more weeks for a "stable" release, that's really not an issue as far as I'm concerned: I use OB branch as well.


(*) I'm aware this could lead to lenghty discussions about what is a minor bug and what is a major one, but that's for another day :D





+1 :thumbup:

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As far as I recall, the mouse pointer bug only materialized after the release version went public - at least, it was only reported after the release.


There is always pressure from both directions regarding pushing out the release version after a Beta launch. Some guys don't participate in the Beta program, and so they push for the release version to be made as soon as possible. The other camp would prefer the release to be delayed until it has been thoroughly debugged.


What we get is somewhere in the middle. ED only push to the release version after it has been out in the public domain long enough for any MAJOR bugs to be resolved.


I don't think we really have anything to complain about when you understand they whys and wherefores. You simply can't please all the people all the time, and the mouse pointer bug would have delayed the release version if it had been seen sooner - and it'll get a high priority when work resumes on Monday - so the inconvenience will hopefully not be with us too long.


Happy with that Foley?

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I think one fairly large issue with using community testing as the method of finding bugs is that we have 3 builds to manage on premium hard disk space. There's enough noise on the forum to indicate that its not that popular. Whilst we have the split builds of 1.5 and 2 we also have to manage those differences too and genuinely it might be fair to say that community testing has been somewhat degraded by this, either by not using OB whilst we have OA sitting there or simply not having the appetite to test anymore. The release cadence is our best friend and worst enemy. On one hand everyone loves Friday updates, on the other, everyone has a dilema come Friday, especially if there is an OB release not a live. I suspect there wasn't many people testing OB this time round since its not been regularly used. No point suggesting anything like longer cycles, consistent approaches to upgrading, betas being used before live. You get your portion of chaos here and you make do because because.



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Indeed Pikey, it is far from ideal. But it is what we have until 2.5 unifies things and we have just 2 versions to deal with again.


For people with limited disc space it is a real pain, which just proves the point that having short Beta time means the single install users do at least get updates sooner than they would if ED had a no bugs policy on the release version.


It's a compromise that is "least bad" for everyone.

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Can we expect a hotfix at some point or is this going to be a waiting game? I'm a big fan of transparency in communication. So far testers did a good job in trying to calm people down and hand out information. But that information only goes so far.


Some people say things along the lines of "at least there's no game breaking bug" but disappearing mouse for example really is. Maybe not to FC3 or SP only players, but MP flying Ka50, A10C or anything that absolutely needs the mouse is a nogo right now for me with the prospect of losing the mouse every second and just getting it back by guessing where the resume button might be in relation to current hidden mouse position while flying in a high threat environment ... no sir, no good. :)


I don't want this to sound like a rant. I'm just really anxious to get back into my planes & choppers. :)



//edit: Sorry, meant to post this in the mouse cursor thread, not here. But well, not too far off topic here either I guess :)

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