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Using OvGME to apply & manage Mods


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First of all, I'd like to thank the user @Sedenion for creating the OvGME utility and then sharing it for free with this community ... this software has allowed me to leave the old and unsupported JSGME utility, and at the same time save space on my disk.


I know that OvGME has a very extensive help file built-in, but it seems to me that there is a need for a more guided and illustrated approach to using OvGME, rather than having to direct new users to go read a Help file :)


I'm not related to OvGME's author in any way, just a satisfied user that wants to "spread the word" about this useful software


Why use OvGME rather than JSGME?


Well, beside the fact that if I have a problem with it I can ask the author about it (on this thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=171956), the main benefit of OvGME is that it allows me to share a common set of Mods between several versions of DCS, thus saving disk space.


For users that host Multiplayer Servers, the utility allows to centralize the Mods on a Web server, thus ensuring that the Clients of such a Server use the same version of each Mod; but this is advanced use and out of the scope of this guide ... I want to focus on the single user experience with OvGME :)


Preparing to Install OvGME:


First of all, we need to have DCS on an unmodified state ... this means that if you have applied Mods, they have to be deactivated. It is not recommended to use OvGME and JSGME simultaneously on the same DCS install, if you use JSGME you have to uninstall it from that DCS install ... but keep the original Mods that you have, stored somewhere else ... we will apply them later on using OvGME.


After you have deactivated all of your Mods, we can make sure that our DCS install is really intact by running the DCS_Updater with the "repair" option ... this will compare the files on our disk with those of Eagle Dynamics, and automatically correct those that don't belong ... after the repair we should get a message like this:




Do this for each DCS install that you have on your PC, on my case I've both the 1.5 open beta and the 2.0 open alpha; so I do the repair on the latter too (after disabling any Mods that I might have active), like this:




If you don't know how to perform a DCS repair, here are detailed instructions: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=114030


Installing OvGME:


Download the installer from links on the first post of its official thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=171956 ... currently the latest version is 1.7


One problem that you might encounter, is that Windows may flag the file as harmful, with a message like this:




Even tough the message is in red and worded in such a way that the common user will refrain from running the software, it actually just means that the author of the program has not "signed" it


... this is fairly common with small developers, since the signing certificates are not free and not exactly cheap, going from US$ 75 for one year to $195 for a three year certificate. I can certainly understand that the developer is not going to buy this if its going to give the utility for free, isn't it? :D ... more info about this, here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ieinternals/2011/03/22/everything-you-need-to-know-about-authenticode-code-signing/


Anyway, ins spite of the warning, Windows does in fact download the installer ... but when you run it, you might encounter this message:




You have to click on "more info", and it will show an option to run the installer anyway:




If you are afraid of the "unknown publisher" thingy ... please keep in mind that the developer of this utility is a fellow member of this Forum, has a thread dedicated to its support, and there is a link on the first post of it that points to the source code of the software, where anyone (well, at least anyone that knows programming :) ) can check exactly how the software runs and what it does.


Well, if you do run the installer, you will find it will ask for the place where you want to put it, on my case I'm selecting drive L, since my C drive is low on space :D




After the installer finishes, don't start the utility yet ... the installer will have created a launch icon on your desktop, right click on it and check its properties, compatibility tab ... make sure that "run as admin" is enabled, like this:




This is necessary in order for OvGME to be able to write on the "Program Files" section of your hard drive.


Running OvGME for the first time:


Now that OvGME is installed, run it by double clicking its icon ... since this is the first run, it will ask you for information to create a configuration for one of your games (like JSGME, it can be used to apply Mods for other games, not just DCS):




On my case, I will start by creating a configuration for my DCS 1.5 openbeta ... the first box is just a descriptive name for this configuration, the second box should point to your DCS folder .. in my case it's L:\Program Files\eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta; the third Box should point to the Folder where I will keep my Mod collection ... I'm storing them on a different drive:




While OvGME can provide its own place to store the backup of the original files (when they are superseded by the Mods' files), I prefer to be aware of the location, so I choose my own backup folder ... keep in mind that these folders have to be previously created by yourself.



... will continue on next post

Edited by Rudel_chw
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For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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Importing Mods into OvGME:


Even tough OvGME has an "Import Mod" button, it has fairly stringent rules for the Mod structure, so it isn't really able to import a "JSGME-ready" Mod ... it will give an error like this:




The procedure for converting the Mod into OvGME format isn't difficult, we need to decompress the Mod, for example this:




.. gets decompressed into this:




here the actual Mod is within the "DEVRiM ..." folder, and it has the typical folder structure of a DCS Mod:




Call me anal, but I like to have my Mods ordered, and so I will rename the "DEVRiM ..." folder into a name that states which is the plane that gets moded and ends with the author's nickname in brackets, like this:


Su-25T English Cockpit Mod v1.4a (by DEVRim)


After we have it renamed, we can use the menu Mods -> Make Mod-Archive of OvGME, like this:




... and then we point it to the extracted folder that I renamed, like this:




Then we can complete the remaining boxes ... the most important is the destination folder, where we are keeping the Mods .. on my case its E:\DCS World\00_Mods




Optionally, we can also enter the version of the Mod and a description .. I usually get these from the ED website, on this example: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/722567/


Finally, we click "Make" and the Mod gets zipped and stored within our Mod Folder ... the original Mod files can now be deleted, since they are no longer needed.




Now, OvGME show us that we have ready our first Mod .. you can Enable/Disable it with the buttons, it will have a green icon when it's activated ... but dont do that just yet :)


Generating a Snapshot:


This step isn't really required, but if you ever want to know exactly which files and directories of our game have been modified, then you want to save a "snapshot" of your game structure BEFORE applying any Mods. This is done with the Snapshot -> New Menu:




It will take a while to build the snapshot, specially if you dont have DCS installed on an SSD drive :)






On the next figure, you can see that I've imported a few more Mods ... not all of them show their author's on the Mod name, sorry about that ... those are Mods that I downloaded before I established my current file naming practice :)




The green tick mark show the only Mod that I've currently enabled, I want to show you a Snapshot comparison, but wanted to keep it simple ... so, just one Mod enabled :) ... this is the command to initiate a comparison:




and this is the result:





... will continue on next post

Edited by Rudel_chw
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For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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Activating Mods and using a profile:


You can enable (or disable) several Mods at a time, simply by selecting them using Ctrl-click, like this:




and then clicking on the "Enable selected" button, like so:




Now, since you usually wont have all of your Mods active, there is a way to save this Mod selection, using what OvGME terms a "profile", using this menu command:






What to do when Updating DCS:


Every few weeks, DCS will release an updated version of the game ... DONT allow it to update while you have Mods active, instead cancel the update before it begins and then run OvGME and disable all Mods with this command:




Then you can let DCS run the update, using the "DCS_updater update" command, and afterwards you can get back into OvGME and re-enable your Mods quickly using the Profile menu:




Enabling OvGME with more instances of DCS:


Up to this point, I've OvGME working only with the Config file that I created for DCS 1.5 ... we can use the Config -> New menu to create another configuration for DCS 2.0, like this:




You can see that its almost the same as what we did initially, but I've taken care of pointing to my DCS World 2 Open Alpha folder, and created a dedicated backup folder for it ... however, the Mods folder is the same as the previous config, and this is what allows me to share the same Mods amongst all of my DCS installations, so when I press "Add" you can see that I already have Mods to choose from, for activation:




Before activating any Mod, I take the time to generate a snapshot, since they are separate for each Config:




Then I enable the Mods that I want to use on DCS 2.0 and then save a Profile for future re-enabling them all at once:




Well, that would be all I can think of, hope it helps new users to adopt this software.


Edited by Rudel_chw
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For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! Man! This is so nice application! I like that!


I like the features (1) especially it's a app that can manage the mods that made for different games/versions and (2) creating profile thing.


Nicely done! Thanks so much.


By the way; How should I package the mod to import in OvGME successfully?





...I like to have my Mods ordered, and so I will rename the "DEVRiM ..." folder into a name that states which is the plane that gets moded and ends with the author's nickname in brackets...
Got it. Noted. :)
Edited by Devrim

Intel i7-14700@5.6GHz | MSI RTX4080 Super SuprimX | Corsair V. 32GB@6400MHz. | Samsung 1TB 990 PRO SSD (Win10Homex64)
Samsung G5 32" + Samsung 18" + 2x8"TFT Displays | Saitek X-55 Rhino & Rudder | TM MFD Cougars | Logitech G13, G230, G510, PZ55 & Farming Sim Panel | TIR5 & M.Quest3 VR
>>MY MODS<< | Discord: Devrim#1068

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By the way; How should I package the mod to import in OvGME successfully?


Here the software's author explains the format that the Mod has to have:




It seems rather complex, but allows you to have several versions of the same Mod ... I use the utility's Make-Mod to create the zip from a given Mod's file tree, with minimum manual work.




For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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Uh... It doesn't look like very clear explanation to me, but I'll figure it out.


Thank you.

Intel i7-14700@5.6GHz | MSI RTX4080 Super SuprimX | Corsair V. 32GB@6400MHz. | Samsung 1TB 990 PRO SSD (Win10Homex64)
Samsung G5 32" + Samsung 18" + 2x8"TFT Displays | Saitek X-55 Rhino & Rudder | TM MFD Cougars | Logitech G13, G230, G510, PZ55 & Farming Sim Panel | TIR5 & M.Quest3 VR
>>MY MODS<< | Discord: Devrim#1068

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Actually is a lot simpler Devrim.


OvGME takes any JSGME mod exactly as it is!! So if you know how to "assemble" a JSGME mod you know how to do one for OvGME.


OvGME has the ability to archive JSGME mods exactly as they are but when you do it, OvGME kindly provide you with the opportunity to add a description and a version for the mod. These details are saved inside the archive that contains exactly the JSGME mod in two txt files named VERSION and README.


Also, importing a mod is just a nice function that spare you from manually copying a mod archive from your download folder for example to the folder where you keep the mods for installation. For JSGME mods I think you have to do it manually.


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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  • 9 months later...

I'm having a brain fart trying to figure out a new mod installation requirement.


Some if not most of my Mods go into the _Mods folder I created in the Main DCS 1.5 OB folder.


But now I have Mods that are required to go into the Saved Games folder instead (as well as those that must be active in my main dcs mods folder).

So my confusion is with regards to making some mods go in one place while others go to a different place.


Any Help for that ?


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I'm having a brain fart trying to figure out a new mod installation requirement.


Some if not most of my Mods go into the _Mods folder I created in the Main DCS 1.5 OB folder.


Actually, it's not good practice to put your "source Mod files" within the game's main folder, as it's easy for DCS' utilities to confuse them with extraneous files.


Putting the Mod's source files within the game folder is an old habit started by JSGME ... and as DCS already had a "Mod" folder, most people suggested to name this "mod sources folder" _Mod as you have done.


That's why OvGME allows you to specify where are your Mod sources, where they should be applied (usually the Game's folder) and where to save a backup of those game files replaced by the Mod (so that the Mod can be deactivated and the original files restored) ...


.. this way you can easily store your Mod "sources" on a completely separated folder and/or drive, than where the game is located.


But now I have Mods that are required to go into the Saved Games folder instead (as well as those that must be active in my main dcs mods folder).


That's correct ... since about mid-2017 DCS allows to put new liveries and new objects on the Saved Games\DCS folder ... so they remain separated from the liveries and objects of the original game. Here is a thread where an ED tester explains how it Works: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=190778


So my confusion is with regards to making some mods go in one place while others go to a different place.


OvGME allows this by using not one but two "configs" for each DCS instance that you have ... for example these are my four configs: two for openbeta and two for openalpha:




Here you can see how I've setup the folders of the two configs that I have for DCS openbeta:






How do you know which mods should go on the program's mods and which on saved games? ... basically, if the Mod adds something new to the game, it should go on Saved Games ... if the Mod alters something on an existing aircraft, Campaign or Terrain, then it should go on Program Files ... for example these are the Mods that I put on Saved Games for Openbeta:




Best regards

Edited by Rudel_chw


For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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This is an absolutely outstanding guide. I've been pushing OvGME on people for a while now, and having this handy reference to point them to is priceless. Thank you!


thank you for your kind words, unfortunately this guide is a bit obsolete by now, since the developer has improved OvGME quite a bit since the time that I wrote it ... If I ever get the time, I will write a new one to supersede it.


Best regards


For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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  • 4 weeks later...

Except I still have one problem.

I have created 2 Configurations.

One for DCS 1.5 OB Saved Games and one for DCS 1.2 Saved Games.


But now I also have mods that have to be loaded into the Main DCS 1.5 OB folder (C/Program Files/ etc .....> and OvGME keeps telling me I already have this configuration when I clearly do not.

The attached screenshot shows the error I keep getting.


I have no idea what I am doing wrong. The 2 configurations that I have created work without issue but I have Terrain Mods that need to go into the Main folder (described above) and I don't seem to be getting the drift about how to correctly go about this. The HELP files haven't really been helpful, whereas your information has been up until this point.


Please Help.



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I tried this OVGME (DCS Nevada 2.2 Alpha install) with the Mirage and 3rd party English cockpit. I tried 25x. I gave up. I could not get the Mirage English cockpit to work using OVGME. I have used JSGME on many flight sims over the years. Also in DCS. I read something in one of these threads about some mod not working if it was in a certain folder. But now, my brain is spinning from trying to many times...


I read the instructions, 20 threads,, some Youtube posts, and more... I guess I just screwed up somewhere, or it does not work. Looks like a good tool .... I just failed...

ASUS Strix Z790-H, i9-13900, WartHog HOTAS and MFG Crosswind

G.Skill 64 GB Ram, 2TB SSD

EVGA Nvidia RTX 2080-TI (trying to hang on for a bit longer)

55" Sony OLED TV, Oculus VR


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Except I still have one problem.

I have created 2 Configurations.

One for DCS 1.5 OB Saved Games and one for DCS 1.2 Saved Games.


But now I also have mods that have to be loaded into the Main DCS 1.5 OB folder (C/Program Files/ etc .....> and OvGME keeps telling me I already have this configuration when I clearly do not.






Every OvGME configuration must have a unique name, take a look again at how I have my DCS 1.5 ... it needs two OVGME Configs, one for the program files and the other for the saved games location.






Compare them with the two configs that you have ... or capture the screen and show me what do you have for each config.



Best regards,


For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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I've been using it for a couple weeks. Love it.

i9 9900K @ 5.1Ghz - ASUS Maximus Hero XI - 32GB 4266 DDR4 RAM - ASUS RTX 2080Ti - 1 TB NVME - NZXT Kraken 62 Watercooling System - Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas (Virpil Base) - MFG Crosswind Pedals - Pimax 5K+

VFA-25 Fist Of The Fleet

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I tried this OVGME (DCS Nevada 2.2 Alpha install) with the Mirage and 3rd party English cockpit. I tried 25x. I gave up. I could not get the Mirage English cockpit to work using OVGME. I have used JSGME on many flight sims over the years.


The english Cockpit Mod is probably Gospadin's ... that is in zip JSGME format, to use it on OvGME you have to decompress it ... you will end up with a "M-2000C English Cockpit_v0.93" folder.


Simply move that folder to where you have stored the Mods that you manage with OvGME, then when you start OvGME the Mod should show up and you can then activate it.


Gospadin's cockpit is compatible with the Integrity Check, so its safe to use on Multiplayer ... I actually prefer the cockpit on native language, but tried it just now and it still works on latest DCS 2.2 version, as shown on the picture.


best regards


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For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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Need help adding the "Description" to the mod. Nothing in the HELP app.




You cant write a description if you are using the short method that I wrote on the previous post: "Simply move that folder to where you have stored the Mods that you manage with OvGME, then when you start OvGME the Mod should show up and you can then activate it."




That method also has the disadvantage tnat the mod is unzipped, so it takes more space to store on your HDD.



A better way is to create a "Mod Archive", using the instructions that I wrote on this post:






this will allow you to provide a description and will compress the Mod for storage.



Best regards


For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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  • 1 year later...

What specific Mod are you trying to install? ... most go into C:\Users\your-user\Saved Games\DCS\Mods ... but you seem to be installing the Mod on E:\DCS Mods


For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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Mustang ground textures, have all my skins ect in saved games.


Game install is in DCS World, created DCS Mods and DCS backup outside that, it does take backups, but nothing change in game.


Tried it for fun with a cockpit as well, all light green, backup made, but nothing in game, wierdio :)

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the first box is just a descriptive name for this configuration, the second box should point to your DCS folder .. in my case it's L:\Program Files\eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta; the third Box should point to the Folder where I will keep my Mod collection ... I'm storing them on a different drive:


That reads to me as i can create a folder where i keep my mods anywhere?


No biggie, i can just manual backups of things :)

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Can't figure out what im doing wrong with this........


I unzip the mod and using the Make Mod-archive option, it will light green looking like its installed but nothing changes in game....





The "configuration root folder" should point to the place where the Mod will be applied: usually that is on Program Files or Saved Games, depending on the Mod requirements.



The "configuration mods folder" is where you have your Mod collection ready to apply ... it is this folder the one you can place wherever you want.


For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB

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