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Cold War 1947 - 1991


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Thanks for the answer. Correct, I did not want to blame anyone specifically. Just to point that after viggen has dropped the ordnance it's better not to kill him or he is back on the ships for 11 mins, red can't rtb and rearm for that time.


Thanks and keep up the good work.




Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk


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Oh really :D ? I was one of those pilots. As Nellus said, check your facts. I did several strikes. Face the fact that you can not touch the viggens with your tactics. Last strike I even did not carry any A/A weapons cause mig21 can't get me.


If we, the DEVILS viggen pilots wouldn't have some problems with delivering weapons, we would sink those fecking ships in an hour (we did it in two). And yes, DEVILS sink all of them. Other viggen pilots didn't get even close to that. I have seen that most of the time side wins on which DEVILS are flying. In the past it was RED, now it is BLUE :).


I can appreciate where Metzer is coming from. You guys appeared to be quite "focused" on sinking ships to the extent of ignoring threats. I have a tacview of my MiG21 taking down three Viggens heading out on a strike, including you two, with minimal reaction. But this could also be down to lack of situation awareness and co-ordination.

Ryzen 5800x@5Ghz | 96gb DDR4 3200Mhz | Asus Rx6800xt TUF OC | 500Gb OS SSD + 1TB Gaming SSD | Asus VG27AQ | Trackhat clip | VPC WarBRD base | Thrustmaster stick and throttle (Deltasim minijoystick mod).


F14 | F16 | AJS37 | F5 | Av8b | FC3 | Mig21 | FW190D9 | Huey


Been playing DCS from Flanker 2.0 to present 😄

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I did a cheeky AWACS snipe the other day on Sail Ahoy, but only because blue did it to us first, literally right at the start of the mission :noexpression: Maybe placing them higher and further back, with some more layered air defence on the approach might work? The latter could also serve to protect the home air bases a little better, and maybe even begin forcing fights a little higher. Coverage might not be as good for AWACS though, at least near mountains.


Hi Alpenwolf,


In mission Sail ahoy yesterday blue have won. However there is a flaw,. Viggens were going on waves of kamikadze runs, basically fly there shot the ships and whether they get shot down or just quit and then get a new slot and repeat, if they don't fly back to base for reload they come back faster for another run. Introducing some form of lives or other way to prevent that would help a lot to make the mission more fair and immersive.


First of all, the Viggen has a unique problem - if it gets killed, RB-04s, RB-15s, and BK-90s despawn from the game. So when you die, you lose your chance to hit the target even with standoff weapons you've already fired.


Second, red tend to mount a very aggressive air defence over the water (they certainly do when I'm on). It's most likely they just kept getting intercepted over and over like Nellus said, I haven't seen them just respawning to 'get back to base' faster.


As for the Viggens always getting through... I beg to differ, when we have GCI. I think last time I flew the 21 on Battle Over Sukhumi, it took one guy 11 Viggens to land a single RB-04. The Viggen is fast, but a well-arranged intercept will put the MiG either head-on where the Viggen is an easy target for an R-60M, or abeam of it where you can put a short burst of speed on and catch it. If you try to catch it from behind it'll just outrun you.


With high alt at M1.9... the 21 is just as fast, if not slightly faster, at that altitude and climbs to it rapidly. I wouldn't be so sure. Again it just needs a good GCI with one or two cooperative pilots.

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it took one guy 11 Viggens to land a single RB-04


And that's the thing that has made me turn my back on this server after something like six weeks regularly flying on it: This mad "spawn-scramble-kill-get killed-respawn" cycle going on for hours and hours. I've GCI'ed every now and then and was witness to that day after day to the point were I was exausted by the constant vectoring.


I do understand this is a game, but it's also a simulation of an air combat battlefield claiming to be as realistic as possible, and this kind of gameplay is not.



Introducing some form of lives or other way to prevent that would help a lot to make the mission more fair and immersive.


I don't know whether it's fair, but certainly more realistic and thus immersive. I'dabsolutely support the lives idea, but I feel this will not happen here, as this server is meant to be fun.

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And that's the thing that has made me turn my back on this server after something like six weeks regularly flying on it: This mad "spawn-scramble-kill-get killed-respawn" cycle going on for hours and hours. I've GCI'ed every now and then and was witness to that day after day to the point were I was exausted by the constant vectoring.


I do understand this is a game, but it's also a simulation of an air combat battlefield claiming to be as realistic as possible, and this kind of gameplay is not.


I don't know whether it's fair, but certainly more realistic and thus immersive. I'dabsolutely support the lives idea, but I feel this will not happen here, as this server is meant to be fun.

The exact reason why I had to step away from DCS for about 9 months without flying at all. Not one time! Sometime in June of last year until March (the server was still running though). I got really bored of it and never thought I'd ever come back. And since then I've been mainly flying the Mi-8. Why? Because I'm sick of the worthless, pointless and constant dogfights. With EWR's instead of AWACS planes, flying helicopters is even more fun and of course safer. Which is why I started a new concept for designing missions - check out the last 5 missions starting with Once Upon a Time in Abu Dhabi - where helicopters are vital for the outcome of the battle, as well as strikers. It is obvious that more helicopter and striker pilots fly on the server now, but the problem is still there with them dogfighters. I even reduced the number of MiG's and F-5's, Viggens, etc. to counter that and encourage strikers to go about their tasking.


I never said I'm not open to the idea of limiting lives. I was only trying to work around that testing out different scenarios. I guess it's about time I introduce limiting lives to the server. I'll have to get my head around that soon.

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Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

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Just a newbie Hilo question: How many crates do one have to take to build a functioning SA6 site and Hawk site? And which of the crates are essential?


Alpenwolf, the last missions have been a fresh start to the Cold War server. I’m even taking to the skies in a Hilo, which says allot.



Edited by NELLUS



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Some incredible flights earlier on S&D (the Tacview is insane!) and Two Towns. Blue put in some serious work on the former, the latter was a bit red heavy but still saw some enjoyable encounters.


Honourable mention to Tolovay, who somehow managed to survive this (Nellus tried to save him, RIP) -



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Some incredible flights earlier on S&D (the Tacview is insane!) and Two Towns. Blue put in some serious work on the former, the latter was a bit red heavy but still saw some enjoyable encounters.


Honourable mention to Tolovay, who somehow managed to survive this (Nellus tried to save him, RIP) -




Hehe yea, I knew that I was going to die. Fully loaded with air to ground on my wings, 100% fuel, so pretty much a sitting duck. We were all flying in formation at a stage :megalol:



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Last night's Search & Destroy was a blast. I kept falling prey to the "Hmm, maybe just one more sortie" syndrome and then before I knew it was past 4 a.m. Time flies when you're having fun...


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I rather like how Sail Ahoy has evolved into strikes on the enemy AWACS and runways. It has a different feel now, like the old mission Chaos, and it can be fun trying to figure out how to crack the Blue defenses around Kutaisi after they've done a few bombing runs up the valley behind Batumi. It's a nice change-of-pace and has a unique character now on the server.


The issue with that mission is that the main bases, AWACS stations, and Red ships are so close together that you're always going to have battles right overhead in a tight area. I'm always loathe to ask Alpenwolf for new missions but if we want to focus on the anti-surface ship aspect, he should make a scenario where the ships are off-shore much farther with better warship escorts and an explicit victory condition trigger like his new missions. ("The mission ends with a Blue Victory if all the ships are sunk" or something)


Last thing: in defense of the "Air Quake" crowd, while I certainly don't condone it, I do understand it. There are very few other servers (approximately zero, in fact) where someone can fly a MiG-21, -19, or F-5 in a competitive (i.e., not getting blasted from 20 miles away) PvP server. So we're always going to get guys who just jump in, go to bullseye, and start fighting. Best we can do is to encourage them to come up on SRS, maybe ask them in chat to at least anchor overhead places we need them, and then hopefully they come around. Seeing the automated messages that "We have captured the enemy's Main Water Station!" also helps them get motivated. Bottom line: at least they're flying MiG-21s and F-5s instead of Hornets and Su-33s.

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I have to say, the combination of EWRs with missions that require helicopter or ground attack work with still having some decent fighter slots is pretty close to ideal. I have options for things to do, and it helps force me to try new things, but I'm also still able to enjoy what I'm actually good at and enjoy most. Providing CAP and running intercepts are where I'm in my element and that's still very much an option. I guess I would usually fall under the airquake label, I'm usually on comms and/or bring a GCI with me but at the end of the day I just want to put planes in the ground because the wild and wooly WVR fights we get in the server are something you seldom, if ever, get anywhere else. Air superiority really does have a value all of its own as well, as numerous times over the past few months we've been able to really put the enemy on the back foot and prevent strikes against our objectives by preventing them being able to get more than a few miles from their base. This is really where more options for helicopter guys to complete objectives elsewhere shine, it stops them all ragequitting and gives them a chance to find a way around it without artificial impositions.


When it comes to the new rules, and restrictions in general: I know some people are much more easily frustrated than me, so I get why airfields are also off-limits, but IMO anything beyond "don't crater parking spots or the runway at the main enemy AB" might be a bit overkill. If people don't want to set up SAMs/AAA or provide air cover, they shouldn't expect their secondary airbases to be so safe, and arguably it's more frustrating when someone circles around just out of line of sight and shoots you down right after you take off than if you catch some rounds while starting up at a secondary airbase your team just captured.


AWACS being invulnerable is probably a good move, unless they're replaced by a new one flying in to station (say from offmap) so there's only a brief gap in coverage. I'm guessing this is probably more trouble than it's worth scriptwise, though. More than once I've seen players immediately beeline for the enemy AWACS at mission start so I'm glad that's being discouraged - all it does is make life harder for everyone while failing to prevent a human GCI from still giving fairly effective support based on airfield EWR installations.


Both of the above issues could probably be alleviated by a bit more layered air defence over the main base, but given the short distances involved it's probably pretty hard to do without messing too much with the flow of the mission, and too many SAMs generally results in lag issues. Maybe a lot more MANPADS sprinkled within say 5-10km of main bases could help, I don't know. More and particularly unpredictable low-alt air defence might coax people off the deck as well, it'd be interesting to see.

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Some incredible flights earlier on S&D (the Tacview is insane!) and Two Towns. Blue put in some serious work on the former, the latter was a bit red heavy but still saw some enjoyable encounters.


Honourable mention to Tolovay, who somehow managed to survive this (Nellus tried to save him, RIP) -




I humbly thank you. I had the best instructor you could have so the praise goes to him.



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I never said I'm not open to the idea of limiting lives. I was only trying to work around that testing out different scenarios. I guess it's about time I introduce limiting lives to the server. I'll have to get my head around that soon.


You could try limiting the number of aircraft available at the airfield BUT replenish the numbers slowly by having the base re-supplied by either another airfield or a warehouse.


Burn through all (X amount) of (Y aircraft) in 45mins? Too bad, next one is 15 mins away.

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Health to all. The question is, does anyone hear me on the SRS radio? Although I speak Russian, but such an impression that I can’t hear it. I configured the SRS address as on the server. What else do I need to set clean on the plane? Or not?

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I wanted to write something you need to tune in the MiG21 in the radio itself so that I can be heard. Or is everything tuned in already?




Use the SRS overlay to check you are tuned into and broadcasting on the right frequency.


For the MiG-21 that would currently be 124MHz, usually tuned to channel 00 on the P-832 otherwise channel 09.


If others are connected to that frequency it will be displayed where I have drawn a white circle.


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Some incredible flights earlier on S&D (the Tacview is insane!) and Two Towns. Blue put in some serious work on the former, the latter was a bit red heavy but still saw some enjoyable encounters.


Honourable mention to Tolovay, who somehow managed to survive this (Nellus tried to save him, RIP) -



Heh, they were not so lucky in this engagement. It was all over in a minute.


Ryzen 5800x@5Ghz | 96gb DDR4 3200Mhz | Asus Rx6800xt TUF OC | 500Gb OS SSD + 1TB Gaming SSD | Asus VG27AQ | Trackhat clip | VPC WarBRD base | Thrustmaster stick and throttle (Deltasim minijoystick mod).


F14 | F16 | AJS37 | F5 | Av8b | FC3 | Mig21 | FW190D9 | Huey


Been playing DCS from Flanker 2.0 to present 😄

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Heh, they were not so lucky in this engagement. It was all over in a minute.


I remember that moment, this was one of our first anti ship strike flights and we were discussing the radar settings, and awacs didn't announce your arrival.



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The Blue arty on the Two Towns mission is bugged, they just fire at the hill infront of them https://imgur.com/a/lXQKHlm

That's on ED to fix if it is the case. Not sure it's artillery shells though.

Just a newbie Hilo question: How many crates do one have to take to build a functioning SA6 site and Hawk site? And which of the crates are essential?




You will see that in the menu. It will tell you the names of the crates so you wont get confused.

thanks I will watch tuning. Can it be that on MiG 21 this frequency is already tuned?


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Cold War 1947 - 1991                                       Discord
Helicopters Tournaments
Combined Arms Tournaments

You can help me with keeping up the server via PayPal donations: hokumyounis@yahoo.com

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You could try limiting the number of aircraft available at the airfield BUT replenish the numbers slowly by having the base re-supplied by either another airfield or a warehouse.


Burn through all (X amount) of (Y aircraft) in 45mins? Too bad, next one is 15 mins away.


I really like this idea, tbh, though depends how complex it is I suppose.


A similar resupply system could also open up airfield fuel/ammo dumps as potential targets without it crossing the 'unconventional funny tactics // merciless griefing' boundary I mentioned before, which would encourage even more ground attack in order to stall the enemy and establish local air superiority (especially if your team is short-handed compared to the enemy).


thanks I will watch tuning. Can it be that on MiG 21 this frequency is already tuned?


Yes, channel 0, 124.000.

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Heh, they were not so lucky in this engagement. It was all over in a minute.


You caught us offguard. As Nellus said we were studying about the missiles and forgot about situational awareness. Like it was yesterday when someone (I know who ) start bitching about friendly fire on SRS what causes distraction.


I did this with mig21 to four ship F18 formation :D .

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Guys, please apologize for the zbitie of my plane! I didn’t want to! I relied on my radar, it has been working strangely on the MiG21 lately. I can already see the plane visually, but it isn’t on the radar. And then our ground began to launch rockets, which pushed me to the attack in the final shield. Once again, my friend, the one I beaten, excuse me.

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With high alt at M1.9... the 21 is just as fast, if not slightly faster, at that altitude and climbs to it rapidly. I wouldn't be so sure. Again it just needs a good GCI with one or two cooperative pilots.


I flew mig21 alot and I know that getting to M2 is extremely thirsty and time wasting for this mission and last to long to get to that speed. Well, I won't discuss anymore about new tactics cause I don't wanna to reveal them :D .

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