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Im running a dedicated server on server hardware (dell 1950) virtualised.


Runs fine apart from it crashes about every 4 hours. Anyone else having similar issues or have any tips on troubleshooting.


anyone from ED care to tell us how to get all terrains running on our dedicted servers ?

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Doesn't work very well


17:27:12.462  INFO  NET  Loading mission: "C:\Users\serveur\Saved Games\srv-dcs2\Missions\Persian training map v1.miz" 
17:27:12.463  INFO  NET  state=ssLoading 
17:27:12.465  DEBUG  NET  ServerInfo json size is: raw = 2495, gzip = 797. 1 chunks. 
17:27:12.465  ERROR  DISPATCHER  Failed to load terrain  
17:27:12.492  INFO  NET  server has stopped 


We have to install them without a key before ?

Posted (edited)

I saw the updater updated itself and there was a note about supporting dedicated server installs.


Is there or will there be a separate executable or an option in the setup for installing a dedicated server with all the terrain in one go?


Edit: And any chance of this being able to omit unneeded graphics now or in the future to reduce the size of the install?

Edited by xaoslaad
  • ED Team
I saw the updater updated itself and there was a note about supporting dedicated server installs.


Is there or will there be a separate executable or an option in the setup for installing a dedicated server with all the terrain in one go?


Edit: And any chance of this being able to omit unneeded graphics now or in the future to reduce the size of the install?


It's still a WIP, they are working on improving how it works, but for right now, see c0ff's post above.

Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

1146563203_makefg(6).png.82dab0a01be3a361522f3fff75916ba4.png  80141746_makefg(1).png.6fa028f2fe35222644e87c786da1fabb.png  28661714_makefg(2).png.b3816386a8f83b0cceab6cb43ae2477e.png  389390805_makefg(3).png.bca83a238dd2aaf235ea3ce2873b55bc.png  216757889_makefg(4).png.35cb826069cdae5c1a164a94deaff377.png  1359338181_makefg(5).png.e6135dea01fa097e5d841ee5fb3c2dc5.png


Just tried to load a PG mission after today's update, but it simply defaulted back to a Caucuses mission. Server was started with --norender.


I notice it is not on the change log, so is it not released today, or is it separate from the update.

Windows 10 64bit, Intel i7 6700K, 32GB Corsair 2400Mhz, 970 NVMe 500Gb SSD, GeForce 2080 super, HP Reverb, VKB GF PRO, Thrustmaster Warthog throttle, Thrustmaster Pendular rudders, Windows + DCS :thumbup:


My youtube channel

It's still a WIP, they are working on improving how it works, but for right now, see c0ff's post above.


Ok but see my post above :)


My server is a clean DCS World OB install, launched with --server --rorender

Still don't able to run a persian mission for example.

Posted (edited)

Unpurchased maps crash the server


Latest update, norender, dedicated machine. When I try to run any maps(unpurchased) other than Caucasus it crashes the server. It's too bad because this is one update that I was really looking forward to. Is there any other way to activate it or make it work? Could I be doing something wrong. Server runs flawlessly otherwise.

Edited by KeyserSozeKillz
Posted (edited)
You need to install the terrain files first!


How can this be done? Server only authorises on --norender


GOing to try logging in on my player account, DL the maps then restart with server account.

Edited by DoctorStrop

Windows 10 64bit, Intel i7 6700K, 32GB Corsair 2400Mhz, 970 NVMe 500Gb SSD, GeForce 2080 super, HP Reverb, VKB GF PRO, Thrustmaster Warthog throttle, Thrustmaster Pendular rudders, Windows + DCS :thumbup:


My youtube channel

You need to install the terrain files first!



Care to explain on how to do that without the above solution?



Also, it would be really helpful if ED gives some detailed information on how to set things up regarding dedicated server. The lack of a manual or a user guide is appalling

How can this be done? Server only authorises on --norender


GOing to try logging in on my player account, DL the maps then restart with server account.


By just using the -server option and adding them using the module editor?

By just using the -server option and adding them using the module editor?


Thanks. Will try this and feed back after 52Gb :)

Windows 10 64bit, Intel i7 6700K, 32GB Corsair 2400Mhz, 970 NVMe 500Gb SSD, GeForce 2080 super, HP Reverb, VKB GF PRO, Thrustmaster Warthog throttle, Thrustmaster Pendular rudders, Windows + DCS :thumbup:


My youtube channel

Posted (edited)

Solution to install a map with a headless server.


In autoupdate.cfg, add


In your module list (remove the comma if it's your last module in the list)


Then run


DCS_Launcher.exe repair

Edited by Carlton2001
It Works
It's still a WIP, they are working on improving how it works, but for right now, see c0ff's post above.


Right, I'm familiar with how it works now (with and without this latest patch), just curious if the two features I mentioned (dedicated server specific install/trimmed down install) are coming.


Just a curiosity factor if it is possible to expound on that change note as these would be great improvements if that is indeed where it's going in either or both cases.


I like where everything is going so far and basically consider it a big improvement as is. The one thing besides the improvement we get today that I consider really necessary is the ability to give others the ability to admin the server (I've seen this is in progress elsewhere, so patiently waiting).

Perhaps a solution, I'm trying right now.


In autoupdate.cfg, add


In your module list


Then run


DCS_Launcher.exe repair





Is this working?

By just using the -server option and adding them using the module editor?



Can you kindly explain it to noobs who are new to server administration. Not a computer techie here.

Hi there.

Until we find the tag just do the following :

On server, open file in <DCS INSTALLATION FOLDER>\MissionEditor\dedicatedServerGUI.lua

About line 65 and before the existing : "local res = net.start_server(s)" add :

net.set_name("JDF-Flighter") -- ADD THIS LINE. Change nickname "JDF-Flighter" to your liking eg "Admin" 

Mine looks like this :


        --log.write('WebGUI', log.DEBUG, 'Server settings:', s)
       net.set_name("JDF-Flighter")        -- ADD THIS LINE. Change nickname "JDF-Flighter" to your liking eg "Admin"
        local res = net.start_server(s)

Cheers !!


you have an error.. should be under :local res = net.start_server(s)

--log.write('WebGUI', log.DEBUG, 'Server settings:', s)
local res = net.start_server(s)

Posted (edited)

Can you send me your autoupdate.cfg file please? @Carlton2001 because it is not working for me. I'm getting some parse code error.



Nevermind, somehow got it to work.

Edited by Kunz
Posted (edited)

if it's the last module, don't end the line with a comma


"WARNING": "DO NOT EDIT this file. You may break your install!",
"branch": "openbeta",
"version": "",
"timestamp": "20190410-094509",
"arch": "x86_64",
"lang": "EN",
"modules": [
"launch": "bin/DCS.exe"

Edited by Carlton2001

Mission rotation using trigger "END MISSION" is still broken for dedicated server. Works perfectly when running full GUI but not when running dedicated.

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