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Well after two days of fighting I can say that RIVER was wrong.


A-8 brings somethink to the table.



1) Its very tough. It can take meny hits even from 20mm canons. In several fights i had too leave dogfight because out of ammo. And damaged A-8 can fly away.



2) When I was hit by A-8 my pilot was almost every time killed. In first hit. When we fighting with 109 we can almost ignore 109 unless 109 is very close to you. With A-8 its not the case.




3) A-8 its not that slow. I coudn't catch up with A-8 if the A8- pilot decided to disengaged. He just go in dive to the deck and go back to the airfield.


The AI A-8 is capable of flying faster than a human A-8, with the same payload and altitude. I was just trying formation flight with an AI Anton and found that he was able to fly at 310kts IAS (or more) while I was lagging behind him around 270kts or so, nearly red-lining my RPM. Same altitude, both clean airframes.


Who was talking about AI?

Whisper of old OFP & C6 forums, now Kalbuth.

Specs : i7 6700K / MSI 1070 / 32G RAM / SSD / Rift S / Virpil MongooseT50 / Virpil T50 CM2 Throttle / MFG Crosswind.

All but Viggen, Yak52 & F16


Yes, I have already survived quite a lot of .50 caliber rounds from a Pony, but whenever a Spitfire showed up behind me, it really tore me into pieces. Or my Pilot got sniped which isn't so rare actually. But in contrary I also nailed quite a few 20mm shells into a wing and it didn't want to fall off, so I'd say let's wait for the new Damage model which should change everything.


And yes, The A8 might be a bit faster on the deck. But right now you can exaggerate a bit since the engine doesn't overheat. So expect a tiny change there in a few weeks.

Who was talking about AI?


Who was piloting the A-8 was never specified so I assumed AI. And after having personally flown the A-8 module myself, I have doubts that it can outrun a Spitfire. I can only break 450kph in a dive. Therefore I simply added two and two....

Who was piloting the A-8 was never specified so I assumed AI. And after having personally flown the A-8 module myself, I have doubts that it can outrun a Spitfire. I can only break 450kph in a dive. Therefore I simply added two and two....


No more A8 slots yesterday when I connected on BS, so I took off for a ride in Spit, I can concur with Lukas, A8 can disengage, I'd say Spit & A8 are in roughly the same speed ballpark at the deck which makes the A8 able to run away. He defnitely was increasing distance

I would have fried my engine trying to keep on the chase, so I breaked up. Ending in a zero kill sortie.

That said, the infinite 1.42 ATA kinda screw it up, the guy in front of me should also have to slow down on the engine, but would that make me keep up? Not quite sure.


If you can't run away, the spit behind you had energy advantage, for sure.

Whisper of old OFP & C6 forums, now Kalbuth.

Specs : i7 6700K / MSI 1070 / 32G RAM / SSD / Rift S / Virpil MongooseT50 / Virpil T50 CM2 Throttle / MFG Crosswind.

All but Viggen, Yak52 & F16

The AI A-8 is capable of flying faster than a human A-8, with the same payload and altitude. I was just trying formation flight with an AI Anton and found that he was able to fly at 310kts IAS (or more) while I was lagging behind him around 270kts or so, nearly red-lining my RPM. Same altitude, both clean airframes.


Confirmed - AI Antons caught me easily in my mustang going at a fast cruise speed. Thought I could walk away from them. I was wrong.


When AI Anton's chase my Spit IX down low, they easily catch me.

Confirmed - AI Antons caught me easily in my mustang going at a fast cruise speed. Thought I could walk away from them. I was wrong.


What altitude?

R7 5800X3D / 64GB / MOZA AB9 Base / TIANHANG F-16 Grip / VPC T-50CM3 Throttle / Ace Flight Pedals / RTX 4080 Super / Meta Quest 3

Posted (edited)
No more A8 slots yesterday when I connected on BS, so I took off for a ride in Spit, I can concur with Lukas, A8 can disengage, I'd say Spit & A8 are in roughly the same speed ballpark at the deck which makes the A8 able to run away. He defnitely was increasing distance

I would have fried my engine trying to keep on the chase, so I breaked up. Ending in a zero kill sortie.

That said, the infinite 1.42 ATA kinda screw it up, the guy in front of me should also have to slow down on the engine, but would that make me keep up? Not quite sure.


If you can't run away, the spit behind you had energy advantage, for sure.


IRL it changes at about 18000 ft and up where the Spit's big wing area catches more air for hard turns and yet the aircraft's aerodynamic shape slips through the thinner air easier than the Anton. Good A8 pilots will not engage the Spit IX at high altitude unless a good bounce is available.


Quite marvelous to me how both sides engineered their aircraft in steps to dominate the other and how performance varied at different altitudes.


Years back when I flew with the virtual squadron 2JG1 our technique was always to energy fight with lead and wingman in a deuce attack when below 12,000 ft. When a melee was going on at altitude, our squadron circled the outside edge of it gaining altitude then shallow dive through in pairs picking out an aircraft, shooting and then busting through and out the other side and climbing again. Rinse and repeat! No circle fight. If you missed - get out of Dodge and dive in again.




Cats . . . .

Edited by Catseye
Who was piloting the A-8 was never specified so I assumed AI. And after having personally flown the A-8 module myself, I have doubts that it can outrun a Spitfire. I can only break 450kph in a dive. Therefore I simply added two and two....


Dammit, I only caught this in your sentence now!

450 kph in a dive?? There's an issue right there! I reach 500+ quite easily in shallow dive. What were the circumstances?

I only was stuck once at these speeds, yesterday on BS, after forgetting flaps in take off mode (btw flaps seem immune to overseed, I dived from 3+km without them breaking, not sure they shoud be that resilient)


Your flaps were working ok?

Whisper of old OFP & C6 forums, now Kalbuth.

Specs : i7 6700K / MSI 1070 / 32G RAM / SSD / Rift S / Virpil MongooseT50 / Virpil T50 CM2 Throttle / MFG Crosswind.

All but Viggen, Yak52 & F16


I can get 500kph in a dive, but not in level flight. As soon as I level off after the dive, I quickly bleed back down to about 400kph. That short burst might be enough to disengage from a Spitfire--maybe that's what people mean when they say it can "outrun" a Spitfire?


But in level flight? No way. I get capped at around 400kph, which is only like 250mph. Spitfire can go way faster than that level last time I flew it.

I can get 500kph in a dive, but not in level flight. As soon as I level off after the dive, I quickly bleed back down to about 400kph. That short burst might be enough to disengage from a Spitfire--maybe that's what people mean when they say it can "outrun" a Spitfire?


But in level flight? No way. I get capped at around 400kph, which is only like 250mph. Spitfire can go way faster than that level last time I flew it.

On a clean Anton with full throttle at 30ft MSL I get 535km/h in level flight (F2 View).





PC Specs: Ryzen 9 5900X, 3080ti, 64GB RAM, Oculus Quest 3


Full throttle as in exceeding manifold pressure/RPM? I've been respecting the max power limits marked on the gauges....the engine doesn't overheat? My temp gauge was around 70-80 even with cowling flaps all the way open so I didn't want to push it any further at the time.

I can get 500kph in a dive, but not in level flight. As soon as I level off after the dive, I quickly bleed back down to about 400kph.
Do you mean IAS or TAS?




"I went into the British Army believing that if you want peace you must prepare for war. I believe now that if you prepare for war, you get war."

-- Major-General Frederick B. Maurice


IAS according to the in-cockpit gauge. After looking at my video footage that particular dive was from lower altitude which probably explains why.


I need to do more test flights with video. It looks like my brain is remembering different numbers than what actually happened in some cases.

Do you mean IAS or TAS?





IAS=TAS @ sea level


Asus Z97 PRO Gamer, i7 4790K@4.6GHz, 4x8GB Kingston @2400MHz 11-13-14-32, Titan X, Creative X-Fi, 128+2x250GB SSDs, VPC T50 Throttle + G940, MFG Crosswinds, TrackIR 5 w/ pro clip, JetSeat, Win10 Pro 64-bit, Oculus Rift, 27"@1920x1080



2.1.x - Textures:High Terrain:High Civ.Traffic:Off Water:High VisRan:Low Heatblur:High Shadows:High Res:1920x1080 RoC:1024 MSAA:4x AF:16x HDR:OFF DefS: ON GCI: ON DoF:Off Lens: OFF C/G:390m Trees:1500m R:max Gamma: 1.5


IAS=TAS @ sea level
I was expecting that. Emmmm, nope… :doh:



That's only true in ISA conditions, but IAS can be either higher or lower than TAS due to atmosphere even at 0 ASL. That's why it is important to know if OP means IAS, TAS, and what conditions happened when the test.





"I went into the British Army believing that if you want peace you must prepare for war. I believe now that if you prepare for war, you get war."

-- Major-General Frederick B. Maurice

I was expecting that. Emmmm, nope… :doh:



That's only true in ISA conditions, but IAS can be either higher or lower than TAS due to atmosphere even at 0 ASL. That's why it is important to know if OP means IAS, TAS, and what conditions happened when the test.






2% @ every 1000ft difference is not relevant in our case. And IAS is ALWAYS lower because of how it is calculated. You probably confuse TAS with ground speed..


Asus Z97 PRO Gamer, i7 4790K@4.6GHz, 4x8GB Kingston @2400MHz 11-13-14-32, Titan X, Creative X-Fi, 128+2x250GB SSDs, VPC T50 Throttle + G940, MFG Crosswinds, TrackIR 5 w/ pro clip, JetSeat, Win10 Pro 64-bit, Oculus Rift, 27"@1920x1080



2.1.x - Textures:High Terrain:High Civ.Traffic:Off Water:High VisRan:Low Heatblur:High Shadows:High Res:1920x1080 RoC:1024 MSAA:4x AF:16x HDR:OFF DefS: ON GCI: ON DoF:Off Lens: OFF C/G:390m Trees:1500m R:max Gamma: 1.5


Posted (edited)
2% @ every 1000ft difference is not relevant in our case. And IAS is ALWAYS lower because of how it is calculated. You probably confuse TAS with ground speed..
Hmm, I think you got it the other way around. In a cold (high pressure) winter day your IAS would read higher than your TAS at 0 ASL.



Have a go in the TAS calculator, for instance IAS reading 400 whatever, in 1013hP standard atm, 100ft alt. 15ºC (so ISA) TAS = 401 whatever, while 0ºC TAS = 390 whatever… :music_whistling: even higher pressure, and or lower temps you guess, or better try yourself :thumbup: .







Edited by Ala13_ManOWar

"I went into the British Army believing that if you want peace you must prepare for war. I believe now that if you prepare for war, you get war."

-- Major-General Frederick B. Maurice

Posted (edited)
Full throttle as in exceeding manifold pressure/RPM? I've been respecting the max power limits marked on the gauges....the engine doesn't overheat? My temp gauge was around 70-80 even with cowling flaps all the way open so I didn't want to push it any further at the time.


Full Throttle should result to manifold pressure und rpm be exactly at the red marks.

And what do you have to loose. Give her fire! Close the cowling flaps.


Edit: Check your prop-governour is activated. Otherwise you might overrev the engine.



Edited by iFoxRomeo

PC Specs: Ryzen 9 5900X, 3080ti, 64GB RAM, Oculus Quest 3

Hmm, I think you got it the other way around. In a cold (high pressure) winter day your IAS would read higher than your TAS at 0 ASL.



Have a go in the TAS calculator, for instance IAS reading 400 whatever, in 1013hP standard atm, 100ft alt. 15ºC (so ISA) TAS = 401 whatever, while 0ºC TAS = 390 whatever… :music_whistling: even higher pressure, and or lower temps you guess, or better try yourself .








You're right.. but for very low temps at SL, below -30 C, which I don't think it's the case.. The point was that the difference between IAS and TAS is not that big as he described. He said IAS 400km/h at sea level which is too low, either way. Something else must be at work here..


Sent from my Redmi 5 using Tapatalk


Asus Z97 PRO Gamer, i7 4790K@4.6GHz, 4x8GB Kingston @2400MHz 11-13-14-32, Titan X, Creative X-Fi, 128+2x250GB SSDs, VPC T50 Throttle + G940, MFG Crosswinds, TrackIR 5 w/ pro clip, JetSeat, Win10 Pro 64-bit, Oculus Rift, 27"@1920x1080



2.1.x - Textures:High Terrain:High Civ.Traffic:Off Water:High VisRan:Low Heatblur:High Shadows:High Res:1920x1080 RoC:1024 MSAA:4x AF:16x HDR:OFF DefS: ON GCI: ON DoF:Off Lens: OFF C/G:390m Trees:1500m R:max Gamma: 1.5




Case closed.


Sent from my Redmi 5 using Tapatalk


Asus Z97 PRO Gamer, i7 4790K@4.6GHz, 4x8GB Kingston @2400MHz 11-13-14-32, Titan X, Creative X-Fi, 128+2x250GB SSDs, VPC T50 Throttle + G940, MFG Crosswinds, TrackIR 5 w/ pro clip, JetSeat, Win10 Pro 64-bit, Oculus Rift, 27"@1920x1080



2.1.x - Textures:High Terrain:High Civ.Traffic:Off Water:High VisRan:Low Heatblur:High Shadows:High Res:1920x1080 RoC:1024 MSAA:4x AF:16x HDR:OFF DefS: ON GCI: ON DoF:Off Lens: OFF C/G:390m Trees:1500m R:max Gamma: 1.5



Not really.

My "faulty indicator" and Naelius "faulty indicator" show dramatically different output for roughly the same situation.

Better if we know which conditions give these mixed results

Whisper of old OFP & C6 forums, now Kalbuth.

Specs : i7 6700K / MSI 1070 / 32G RAM / SSD / Rift S / Virpil MongooseT50 / Virpil T50 CM2 Throttle / MFG Crosswind.

All but Viggen, Yak52 & F16

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