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32 minutes ago, Beldin said:

Joey45 has a pretty nice QE. I have an update runway file for 24 planes and 8 helicopters. I also have a custom F-35b mod that will do both STVOL and VTOL, landing works as well. I've not checked the damage model or player take offs but I think the later works. Check out the video and DM me if you need help getting it working.

Only real issues is the last update stopped the lift fan door from opening on the F-35 during vertical take off so it looks little strange but it still takes off.



Is this version of the carrier available for download anywhere? 

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Hey Guys! Thanks for the Feedback. Send me a PM Hawaiian and I will see if I can find the ghost lights.  

I AM SIQ!!! "Sick In Quarters" as we use to say. Not sure when I will be back. I think this is a reminder that your body can only take so much before it gives in. Mine gave in hard. 

Edited by Admiral189
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21 hours ago, Admiral189 said:

Hey Guys! Thanks for the Feedback. Send me a PM Hawaiian and I will see if I can find the ghost lights.  

I AM SIQ!!! "Sick In Quarters" as we use to say. Not sure when I will be back. I think this is a reminder that your body can only take so much before it gives in. Mine gave in hard. 



Sounds like a good reminder to start working on that hospital ship mod.  You don't need 'em til you need em!

Get better and thanks for the boat mods.


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Good Morning All. Thanks for the kind words. It shows your human. I hope you all are doing well. 

Unfortunately, I'm still down but recovering slowly. Trying to regain my strength. Whatever I caught doesn't want to let go. Right now I'm out of sync with modeling ships. It's been really difficult to concentrate with this cold lingering over me. However, I have managed to work on a couple of mods. HMS Albion, HMS Bulwark, and the new UK TYPE 31 Frigate HMS Arrowhead. I think we can soon close out all the UK Ships. These mods have been sitting for close to a year along with many many more models. 

The USS Lewis Puller is complete. I just need to add the additional 3 liveries. I didn't know there were 5 vessels in her class. 

One key thing about modeling ships, aircraft, and military vehicles. If you're not focused on modeling. You will soon get distracted and move on to something else. That's exactly what happened in this case. Either way. I'm trying to get back into it!!

You all take care. Stay Healthy!!







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Good Afternoon Everyone.

I have released the USS Lewis Puller ESB-3 version 1.0.0 with liveries and Captains View Camera. You will need Combat Arms installed to access the Captain's View. Those that are not familiar with it. You can access the Capts view using the Tank Icon in the top left corner in DCS. https://i.postimg.cc/WpXz5Ynn/Screenshot-05-29-2023-10-04-50.png

PLEASE PM ME if you have any major technical issues. Enjoy!!




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2 hours ago, Admiral189 said:

Good Afternoon Everyone.

I have released the USS Lewis Puller ESB-3 version 1.0.0 with liveries and Captains View Camera. You will need Combat Arms installed to access the Captain's View. Those that are not familiar with it. You can access the Capts view using the Tank Icon in the top left corner in DCS. https://i.postimg.cc/WpXz5Ynn/Screenshot-05-29-2023-10-04-50.png

PLEASE PM ME if you have any major technical issues. Enjoy!!




Great job Admiral! Thank you for your hard work! Is the USS Lewis Puller a support and supply Ship? Thanks again,

Timex 3

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Hey Timex3. Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Sorry, I should have given more information on her but she is the first purpose-built expeditionary mobile base vessel (previously classified as a mobile landing platform, and then as an afloat forward staging base) for the United States Navy,

Hey Keyser, I will PM you.


Edited by Admiral189
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Hey Guys. As you know I'm attempting to create an AI Warship for most countries. I still have the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, the US, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Danish, Greece, Indonesia, Singapore, Chinese, Russia, Turkey, and Germany. I have Warships and Corvette Class ships for all these countries. I also have a lot of small patrol boats that I have to create along with plenty more commercial vessels. I'm not just limited to creating ships. I understand how to create Tanks, vehicles, aircraft, and helicopters as well but I just haven't released them. I still have some older warships I need to create as well. 

All of you have different interests in what you would like to play with in DCS. So I would like to take a vote on what type of ship you all would like for me to create and from what country.  I will create that ship based on the number of votes I get for that type of vessel. Send your requests and I will take it from there.

No more than TWO SHIP REQUESTS PER PERSON. You all have ONE WEEK to make your reqyest. Thanks.


Edited by Admiral189
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Provides USN early 80s asset as a stand-in for the Spruance, and also represent Kee Lung class.

An important class on its own that can also convincingly stand-in for many classes of multirole corvette/small frigate of the '80s.

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1 hour ago, Admiral189 said:

Hey Guys. As you know I'm attempting to create an AI Warship for most countries. I still have the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, the US, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Danish, Greece, Indonesia, Singapore, Chinese, Russia, Turkey, and Germany. I have Warships and Corvette Class ships for all these countries. I also have a lot of small patrol boats that I have to create along with plenty more commercial vessels. I'm not just limited to creating ships. I understand how to create Tanks, vehicles, aircraft, and helicopters as well but I just haven't released them. I still have some older warships I need to create as well. 

All of you have different interests in what you would like to play with in DCS. So I would like to take a vote on what type of ship you all would like for me to create and from what country.  I will create that ship based on the number of votes I get for that type of vessel. Send your requests and I will take it from there.

No more than TWO SHIP REQUESTS PER PERSON. You all have ONE WEEK to make your reqyest. Thanks.



1. Horizon class of Destroyers-Italy

2. Meko class of frigates- Hellenic navy

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You certainly have fleshed out the naval aspect of DCS I was about to say USS Bowen is a little broke in the most humorous way possible but i noticed there's an update probably seen before but i had a good chuckle (downloading latest version now) attached image for good measure and I'll attach a couple other images i took last night

Admiral keep up the good work, hope your recovering well, Now being in a relationship with a Korean woman I look forward to showing of the Korean ships when they arrive and would love some Japanese fleet ships

Two ship classes, damn that's difficult just going to say flesh out the Brit's build some Korean and Japanese ships and maybe some Chinese ships and I will be a happy bunny not that i am a bunny....

Ok thinking about it..... IJN Suzuya probably my favourite Mogami class Japanese Cruiser
HMS Belfast or the town class cruisers 
HMS Ramillies Revenge/ R type Battleships
JS Izumo Class Helicopter Destroyer
I'll stop myself there because I always struggle to pick two, my brain always goes "but then there is this and there is that"







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Thanks, Guys for the input.

Lord Gore, I've uploaded an update to the Bowen and also I released an updated version of the Oak Hill recently. I'm working on the Atago Class and the JS Akizuki DD-115 Class as well but I have most of the modern Japanese ships. For Korea, I have the King Sejong Class, Daegu Class, and Incheon Class.

Here's the fix for the missile glitch and that's a big glitch lol. Open the USS Bowen FF-1079.Lua.  Change line item 190 which is below from True to false and that will correct that issue. 

GT.WS[ws].LN[1].show_external_missile = false

As a note to you all. If you see any issues with the models I create send me a PM and I will assist you in correcting it. Thanks.

I am keeping tabs on the ships requested and so far I haven't seen two requests of the same ship yet so keep them coming. Thanks.


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5 hours ago, Admiral189 said:

Hey Guys. As you know I'm attempting to create an AI Warship for most countries. I still have the Netherlands, Japan, Korea, the US, Australia, New Zealand, France, Italy, Danish, Greece, Indonesia, Singapore, Chinese, Russia, Turkey, and Germany. I have Warships and Corvette Class ships for all these countries. I also have a lot of small patrol boats that I have to create along with plenty more commercial vessels. I'm not just limited to creating ships. I understand how to create Tanks, vehicles, aircraft, and helicopters as well but I just haven't released them. I still have some older warships I need to create as well. 

All of you have different interests in what you would like to play with in DCS. So I would like to take a vote on what type of ship you all would like for me to create and from what country.  I will create that ship based on the number of votes I get for that type of vessel. Send your requests and I will take it from there.

No more than TWO SHIP REQUESTS PER PERSON. You all have ONE WEEK to make your reqyest. Thanks.



Any chance you could make ur mods have a prefix in front of them like CH does? Just so it's easier to find the mods in the ship menu? Also your ship mods are phenomenal!


And by any chance could we get an Anzac class frigate and a Hobart class destroyer ✊

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