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F-15 update

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most details will be posted at the simmod forum, sorry for that, but we are a team:-)


good to hear that :)

keep up the good work

51PVO Founding member (DEC2007-)

100KIAP Founding member (DEC2018-)


:: Shaman aka [100☭] Shamansky

tail# 44 or 444

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] 100KIAP Regiment Early Warning & Control officer

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ok this is a question for all f-15 lovers.

i have just figured that the us aif force does not use the hooks at the f-15c anymore, there for i am thinking about the fact that i have to model the rear of the fuselage between the nozzles a bit diffrent.

my attemt is to model the actual f-15c that is flying today, so keep that in mind when you ask yourself this question:


do we need the hook area like the f-15 had in the 80ies?


many many aswers are welcome, so please feel free to post your thoughts, so that we as simmod team have something to work with.


cheers boom boom

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Great work on the Eagle, Boom Boom. Hope it becomes more popular than Walmis' model, which I enjoy very much.


Contrary to popular(?) :noexpression: belief, the tailhook on the F-15 (or for that matter, on any other USAF fighter-type aircraft) is NOT there because we just envy the hell out of

. :lol: It is, however, there for the same purpose as used by our naval bretheren ("Naval aviators" or as we call them... Squids):megalol:. The tailhook is there to stop the aircraft in a short distance.


The tailhook is there for emergencies where the aircraft is incapable of stopping in the normal fashion - a normal landing, aerobraking, and then using wheel brakes once slowed below 120Kts. That nose-up attitude you see when we land is not a wheelie we do just to look cool (although it does look cool, doesn't it?:megalol:), it's aerodynamic braking, which allows us to slow without using the wheel brakes. Using the wheel brakes at high speeds - 120 kts in the Eagle, might cause hot brakes, which can reach a significant temperature - sometimes up to 30 min after landing. This can cause the tires to explode, which does not make the crew chief very happy with the pilot.:smartass:


So, we need alternate ways of stopping an aircraft weighing over 20 tons, with puny brakes and small tires, in case of brake failure or high speed landing. Enter the tailhook. It's used to catch the cable you see at the approach/departure end of military runways. These are usually BAK-9/12/13/14 type cables you see 1,500 ft down the approach end of the runway, which is raised using rubber donuts to a height sufficient for the tailhook to engage the system. The aircraft is then brought to a stop by the kinetic energy being absorbed by the system to stop the aircraft in a short distance.



So, to recap, we haven't stopped using the tailhook on USAF aircraft, and it's not some US Navy master plan to steal USAF aircraft and use them on carriers.:megalol:

Edited by Rhen
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Guess Speed 2 will have to wait haha :D



Thanks for the updates borchi! :thumbup:

DCS Wishlist: 1) FIX THE DAMN RIVERS!!! 2) Spherical or cylindrical panorama view projection. 3) Enhanced input options (action upon button release, etc). 4) Aircraft flight parameter dump upon exit (stick posn, attitude, rates, accel, control volume, control-surface positions, SAS bias, etc). 5) ADS-33 maneuver courses as static objects. 6) Exposed API or exports of trim position and stick force for custom controllers. 7) Select auto multiple audio devices

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Ah man, so close..!


But hey, i guess it wouldn't be fair to the veeery outdated SU-27 model.. :P

But still, i think Speed 2 will have to wait a little, as i feel that a certain helicopter needs another flick :D

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