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SAM range circle in HSD

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I try to generate the SAM circle range drawed in HSD like I saw in many video tutorial, but without succes.

I understand that they come out automatically on HSD after a planned mission with SAM, if they aren't hidden, after INS alignment.

I do it, but no sign about it on HSD. Anyone can help me?


Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk



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yeah sure is INS...I have done fast align of INS, put in NAV after RDY/ALIGN flashing..also the steerpoint are all offset of some NM for the planned..maybe the fast alignment is the issue

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk

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If you are loading the plane with weapons or fuel tanks and the plane shakes during alignement it will mess up the alignement, also if the plane moves during obviously. That is the most common issue with alignement.

Edited by Furiz
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no I never push enter to do it..I simply run alignment and wait for flashing to set on NAV.
I've also tested normal alignment and the issue still remain: no DTC data on HSD.

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk

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32 minutes ago, Geraki said:


What has this to do with OP's question?

         Planes:                                      Choppers:                                       Maps:

  • Flaming Cliffs 3                      Black Shark 2                                 Syria
  • A-10C Tank killer 2                Black Shark 3                                 Persian Gulf
  • F/A18C Hornet                       AH-64 Apache                               Mariana's
  • F-16C Viper   
  • F-15E Strike Eagle                   
  • Mirage 2000C
  • AJS-37 Viggen
  • JF-17 Thunder
  • F-14 Tomcat
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52 minutes ago, L-1011 said:

u said that confirm is incorrect

Inviato dal mio SM-A405FN utilizzando Tapatalk

For store alignment. Do not verify coordinates. INS is trying to align from memory. It takes around 90 seconds. Should get status code of 10 but it should drift more and more often.


For normal alignment. You do verify coordinate. INS is trying to align from current position and need your verification of the current position. The coordinate should be entered within 2 minutes of placing the INS knob to norm. It takes around 8 minutes. Should get status code 10 (in DCS you might get code 6)


Full alignment (A.K.A. best possible alignment) is not really modeled in DCS (AFAIK). I do it anyway.


After norm alignment, place INS knob to NAV. On DED, select INS filter mode ( press list in UFC, then 4. DCS switch to the right once, press any button and filter should move from auto to INS) or turn GPS switch to off. Move the aircraft 70° or more (preferred is 180°) from original position within 10 minutes of norm alignment, place knob back to norm for another 4 minutes. After, knob back to nav and move aircraft to additional 90° and repeat. After your done, INS filter back to auto or GPS switch back to on. No real reason in DCS, in RL is allows INS status of 6. The minimum INS drift possible. Only need to long missions over water, where INS update are not possible.


Edited by mvsgas

To whom it may concern,

I am an idiot, unfortunately for the world, I have a internet connection and a fondness for beer....apologies for that.

Thank you for you patience.



Many people don't want the truth, they want constant reassurance that whatever misconception/fallacies they believe in are true..

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I've followed point by point mudspike guide and now work propely...normali align with DED coords confirm untill flashing "6".

sure I did something wrong; following step by step give me the SAM rings!

thank you folks!

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