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Simulation - Special on German GIGA-TV


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I started a thread over at the GIGA-Forums, speaking for the flight-sim-community and why the simulation-genre has got so little attention in the media.


GIGA reacted to my input and will air a show tonight, with simulations as a main topic. :D



Now the station searches for German simulation fans willing to participate in a live interview. I would do it myself, but I'm on the road tonight (ARGH! - who could expect them to air it no 24hours after I posted?).



So, Groove, Acedy, Urze, Eagle and all other German community members, make my efforts count and tell those people out there, that we are a strong community and that FlightSims are not for nerd-specialists!



If you have no Giga-Account, I will relay your PMs with contact informations, but I have to go offline about 16:00 so hurry up!




Link to thread:






Good Luck!

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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Hey Feuerfalke, thanks for the heads-up, however, this comes a bit too suddenly for me, I already have something else to do this evening, besides that preparing for a show like this would require a lot more time. And I'm not that photogenic anyway... :geek: ;)

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Thanks for the quick reply - yes, I didn't expect a reaction THAT soon either. I managed to take the job, though - "Wer a sagt, der muss auch b sagen" ;)


I will post another thread on Giga with additional information, especially on DCS, IL2 and LockOn.

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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Nope, GIGA is in Cologne. :P


I just finished the life on air session - the time was much to short, but I think I could advertise our hobby at least a bit. I'm now posting links and stuff in the forums, so more people come visit this place and other sims.

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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Sauber gemacht Feuerfalke =)

Aber um Nils und Ettiene zu erklären was der Reiz von Flugsimulatoren ausmacht, bräuchtest du schon wesentlich mehr Sendezeit =)


Ein kleiner Kritikpunkt am Rande..., du hast IL2 Sturmovik und dessen Nachfolger salopp als Ilyushin bezeichnet, da du aber Werbung bei Leuten machen willst die mit Flightsims weniger am Hut haben, hättest du evtl. den Namen benutzen sollen , der auf der Packung steht =) Also IL2 (aber sagen wir einfach das war Lampenfieber) ansonsten hätte ich mir nur noch mehr Werbung für DCS gewünscht



Nicely done Feuerfalke =)

But to explain Nils and Ettiene (hosts of the show) whats the excitement about Flightsims you would need a lot more "on Air" time =)


One little point of Criticism..., you called IL2 Sturmovik and its followups just Ilyushin, but since you wanna make Advertisement for people that dont know that much about flightsims, you should have eventually called it by the name, that is written on the box =) So IL2 (but lets just say that was "Stage-fright" ) other than that i would have hoped for more advertisement for DCS

Edited by Maverick-GER-


F-14 Tomcat

Rest in Peace

(and hopefully get reborn in DCS!)

(Dream came true about 10 years later, now the Apache please :lol:)

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I prepared my own questions together with the staff from GIGA.


One question was directly aimed at the Casual-Mode in DCS as a perfect example to bring Ego-Shooter-fans into the flight-sim-business.




Bad thing, though, Ettiene and Nils didn't stick to the questions. :mad:



I am still in contact with GIGA and I will try to provide us another chance and I am preparing a thread with a lot of information, especially on the details of the SIM.



(PS: I also didn't want to announce publicly that I play the Russian version of DCS mostly, now, while the international version is still on coming soon status. I didn't want to make things worse for the DEVs, IMHO.)

Edited by Feuerfalke

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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Im in direct contact with GIGA.




Any plans for further actions?

Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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We simmers all sit in the same boat - let's try to pull this genre out of it's niche together.



Gigabyte GA-Z87-UD3H | i7 4470k @ 4.5 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 @ 2.133 Ghz | GTX 1080 | LG 55" @ 4K | Cougar 1000 W | Creative X-Fi Ti | TIR5 | CH HOTAS (with BU0836X-12 Bit) + Crosswind Pedals | Win10 64 HP | X-Keys Pro 20 & Pro 54 | 2x TM MFD

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