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AIM-120 can still be defeated by barrel rolls at high altitudes


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Not even barrel rolls or high altitude, AI will rock their wings at low altitude and low energy states, and AMRAAMs fired within No Escape Zone will fly right past them without fusing. 

Edited by Nealius
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I dont see anything wrong in that clip, it seems the missile was already low on energy; or rather the bandit was very high on speed, and the barrel roll depleted that energy even further. 

For me that is not a good example of a game/missile problem, different case would have been some head on barrel rolls that completely confuse the missile or do not trigger the fuze, when the missile still had plenty of energy to deal with the target.

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I only fly US planes so no I have not tried the R77. If you are saying Russian missiles have the same issues I would have to check and see but anecdotally they seem to generally track targets at least slightly more reliably.

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I only fly US planes so no I have not tried the R77. If you are saying Russian missiles have the same issues I would have to check and see but anecdotally they seem to generally track targets at least slightly more reliably.
Sorry no, all misiles in dcs, for sure all fox 3 suffer from similar problems. So if you stop playing because you think US fox 3 are worse than they should, the reds are not in a better spot.

All misiles use now the ED missile API with its same limitations and strength equally shared. As far as i know kinematics changes between misiles as well as the CCMs factor (CMS resistance) but they all use the "same radar" and proportional navigation logic so to speak, so barrel rolls and jamming gremlins will be the same for all.

Enviado desde mi ELE-L29 mediante Tapatalk

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, falcon_120 said:

Sorry no, all misiles in dcs, for sure all fox 3 suffer from similar problems. So if you stop playing because you think US fox 3 are worse than they should, the reds are not in a better spot.

All misiles use now the ED missile API with its same limitations and strength equally shared. As far as i know kinematics changes between misiles as well as the CCMs factor (CMS resistance) but they all use the "same radar" and proportional navigation logic so to speak, so barrel rolls and jamming gremlins will be the same for all.

Enviado desde mi ELE-L29 mediante Tapatalk

This is not entirely correct. The AIM-120 works significantly differently from the other ARH missiles.  For one, it has completely different seeker/guidance simulations with more realistic limitations. The flight model on the 120 is also significantly more complex. 

Comparing the 120 to anything that is not on amraam2 scheme is rather pointless. All older ARH missiles are using simplified physics and seekers.

All missiles in the game suffer from barrel rolling in some capacity, the 120 is more heavily affected than others. 


Edited by Default774
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6 hours ago, falcon_120 said:

Sorry no, all misiles in dcs, for sure all fox 3 suffer from similar problems. So if you stop playing because you think US fox 3 are worse than they should, the reds are not in a better spot.

All misiles use now the ED missile API with its same limitations and strength equally shared. As far as i know kinematics changes between misiles as well as the CCMs factor (CMS resistance) but they all use the "same radar" and proportional navigation logic so to speak, so barrel rolls and jamming gremlins will be the same for all.

Enviado desde mi ELE-L29 mediante Tapatalk

I am not sure how bad the R77 is but if it uses the same code I would say its not very good either to those using it. I just stopped flying missions with air to air. With the generally poor AI and poor ATA missile performance it is just less frustrating to fly single player ATG attack missions. SAM missiles do not seem to suffer from the same tracking issues from what I can see.

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5 hours ago, ruxtmp said:

I am not sure how bad the R77 is but if it uses the same code I would say its not very good either to those using it. I just stopped flying missions with air to air. With the generally poor AI and poor ATA missile performance it is just less frustrating to fly single player ATG attack missions. SAM missiles do not seem to suffer from the same tracking issues from what I can see.


I've been thinking DCS as "(Military) Flight Simulator" for a few years now,

so my focus is on the execution of Procedures and Formation flight


PVE Mission? The AIs don't understand their mission at all and their behavior in A2A engagements is very disappointing. 

PVP? The bad notching model shows no sign of being fixed, and AWACS doesn't seem to know any scale other than BRAA. 

A2G is a bit better, although MP servers end up using only Autolase.


As a result, tactics disappear and there is only "Air-Quake" and YouTube contents ...

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