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Hornet mini update - "A review of MSI functions based on available data for the version we are modeling"


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Just read the latest Hornet mini-update, and I must say it sound like a great plan with good priorities. As always, the MSI line caught my eye. 

  • "A review of MSI functions based on available data for the version we are modeling."

 @Wags @BIGNEWY This begs the question, what version are we modeling? In this case we're talking about the digital data computers config and not an OFP.

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Wide Area Surveillance
In the surveillance picture, the JTIDS network perhaps plays its greatest Air-to-Air role.
Each JTIDS User (JU) can report on tracks, which may be hostile, unknown, or even friendly but not on the network, The C2 unit on that given network may also have sensor or other information which can add to a given track, or contribute new tracks to the overall picture.
The C2  unit and other methods work together to ensure that each physical entity is represented by only a single track on the network, and that each entity that any JU has information on is at least represented by one track. This is something like a MACRO version of what the F/A-18 has integrated for years, Multi-Sensor Integration (MSI).
With MSI, the FA-18 may detect a target on the radar from long range, then the onboard Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) may be slewed to that target.  If Link 4 datalink was available from the E-2C, and the E-2C was tracking this contact, its datalinked trackfile may be displayed in the FA-18 as well, and still other sensors may be receiving information on this particular contact. MSI utilizes the mission computer in the F/A-18 to correlate these inputs from different sensors into a single trackfile if possible, creating one track that has a greater amount of known information available. With Link 4, however, often the datalinked file and the aircraft detected file would be a mile or more apart in space, and correlation was not possible. The JTIDS network using the C2 unit, correlates with much higher accuracy, ensuring greatly decreased ambiguity, and using sensors from multiple systems on mutiple air or surface vehicles, thus creating an extremely accurate and complete picture of the combat environment.  Including the surface information, this is known as the Recognized Air and Surface Picture (RASP).
Also included in the RASP are Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) Surface and ground tracks, and electronic warfare information.  Wide Area Surveillance will also distribute information such as points and areas of tactical significance.

Source: https://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/2266/

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