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Todays 7/24/2023 Patch. You must be kidding.......


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Hey, other planes just were in the queue before the Mossie. For example, F-86 got its radar gunsight bug fixed after 7 years, and Dora-9 finally got an official template after 9 years. Yay 😉 !

But seriously, the name of the game is - make the most out of what you've got now, don't dwell on things which may or may not come in the future. Applies to all DCS modules. You'll get used to it.


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i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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I scanned the patch notes looking for the Mossie as well. Along with the other warbirds, I’m more concentrated on those.

It’s difficult to see all the modern Jets getting what seems like a full maintenance overhaul while the props get seemingly neglected. I don’t worry too much about it, I’m happy enough with what I have really but I do wonder if I’ll live to see them getting as much love and attention.

Get back in your Mossie 4eyes and perfect your flying and operating skills. You know you love it, try to accept its foibles for a bit and like me, cross your fingers for the updates. We’ll appreciate them if and when all the more. 😉

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It is a shame.

I fly it on a training server sometimes. Usually blow my own wings to shreds on my first run but have had some successes despite myself. I say get it all nailed down as well as we can so we’re tidy pilots when our happy updates turn up… two weeks an all that 😝 

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There was not one patch or improvement for the Mosquito! 

Yes. This is tragic because the Mosquito has the potential to be a superb model. However, at thie rate of progress it will probably be another 10 or 20 years, if ever, before it is complete. 

(For this reason I'll never  again buy anything "early access" ).

Edited by Terry Dactil
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Meanwhile on Project Overlord we see people regularly flying the Mosquito and successfully, too. The last time I was shot down in one was while flying alone after my ingress route to my target took me straight into the teeth of a Flakvierling. Not much you can do about that at 50 feet.

I don't really recognise all the moaning in this sub forum. You'd think major features were missing or something fundamental was wrong with the addon when that simply isnt the case. An autopilot would be a nice to have, but totally unrealistic, extra feature.

Try flying with a friendly navigator in the second seat, you might just enjoy it.

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DCS WWII player. I run the mission design team behind 4YA WWII, the most popular DCS World War 2 server.

https://www.ProjectOverlord.co.uk - for 4YA WW2 mission stats, mission information, historical research blogs and more.

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53 minutes ago, Skewgear said:

Meanwhile on Project Overlord we see people regularly flying the Mosquito and successfully, too. The last time I was shot down in one was while flying alone after my ingress route to my target took me straight into the teeth of a Flakvierling. Not much you can do about that at 50 feet.

I don't really recognise all the moaning in this sub forum. You'd think major features were missing or something fundamental was wrong with the addon when that simply isnt the case. An autopilot would be a nice to have, but totally unrealistic, extra feature.

Try flying with a friendly navigator in the second seat, you might just enjoy it.

people want to fly military missions with it and actually be successful. Your moaning about our moaning doesn't really help with anything either.

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2 hours ago, Skewgear said:

You'd think major features were missing or something fundamental was wrong with the addon when that simply isnt the case. An autopilot would be a nice to have, but totally unrealistic, extra feature.

Try flying with a friendly navigator in the second seat, you might just enjoy it.

I agree, autopilot would be unrealistic. Some really seem to want or need it though.

Somebody jumped in my Mossie a few nights back, just for the joyride and to make sure it all worked. Was a laugh for a bit.

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6 hours ago, Slippa said:

I agree, autopilot would be unrealistic. Some really seem to want or need it though.

It is not unrealistic if you are in the Navigators seat trying to working the radios. As someone else said, you don't expect the tail gunner of a bomber to have to fly the aircraft while firing his guns. That's not very realistic.

An autopilot / attitude hold need not work from the pilot seat. It could operate automatically only when you are in the navigators seat. How realistic is it for the navigator to be in an aircraft without a pilot to keep things upright?

Edited by Terry Dactil
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Also been looking for Mosquito updates. Not seeing them. Still haven't bought despite wanting to. Until the aircraft can be flown by an AI pilot so I can do navigator tasks in single player, I likely won't buy without a 50% off. 

Not asking for much from an AI pilot either. Altitude hold, that's all, just the ability to hold altitude, preferably capable of a level orbit but straight and level would do nicely.

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I can understand the reasoning of having an auto-pilot and to a degree it would help but if our lovely wooden wonder was fitted with AI, it just wouldn’t be as authentic as it is. 

For SP, piloting as well as Navigating and Radio Operating is at best a bit hectic, at worst impossible to manage. Depending on when you need to be swapping seats and messing with the sets. As it is, the Mossie doesn’t do anything without our input. I think even a simple straight and level flight hold or an orbit for when we swap seats would tickle my brain a bit and give me a niggle? It would help some of course, but it wouldn’t be right to me. In some ways, having it would put me off it.

It’s meant to be crewed by two people. It’s the single player element that’s creating the dilemma. I can’t say it seems right to me to be sat in the Nav seat wondering how long it’ll fly safely trimmed out as nobody’s flying it either.

I get irritated by the things that are already fitted but don’t work properly. I’ve always been the same with everything. Every time I look on the right side at the wiper switch I wonder when and if it’ll work properly. The plugs above and behind the receiver have switches and I think something to do with IFF that doesn’t work and on a few warbirds, the emergency detonators don’t go off. None of that’s gonna stop me flying them but they niggle me.

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2 hours ago, Slippa said:

I can understand the reasoning of having an auto-pilot and to a degree it would help but if our lovely wooden wonder was fitted with AI, it just wouldn’t be as authentic as it is. 


the problem with all sims is that the notion of "realism" or "authenticity" isn't standardized in any logical sense, specifically for the outlier capabilities. Sort of like in the movies when a certain scene/dialog breaks your suspension of disbelief and ruins the story.

This 'challenge' is very subjective. When one person makes a statement contradicting the suspension of disbelief of another person the resulting dialog is rather negative, especially when the first person says "well, if it were YOUR way then it'd ruin it for ME!".

With the PC sims, unlike in the movies, the possibility of 'options' allows to resolve these subjective conflicts, however it requires a concession from both sides.

Firstly, the use of the option is not required, just like the auto-rudder feature that exists for ALL Aircraft in DCS, however it creates absolutely zero friction in the realm of the 'realism' fanatics. Yet, this feature allows for a wider audience to enjoy the product.

Secondly, the optional feature shouldn't give you an upper hand over another user, however even here you need to be prepared for a discussion/dialog and possibly a concession (something like when player 1 says "i don't use Assists" hence anyone using any assists is cheating, however when you look at the specific option feature you need to really understand why it's there and don't just bundle them up into a fuzzball).

But because all of the above requires thinking and analysis the usual and easy go-to method for these discussions is "you're wrong and I'm right, gtfo!"

Edited by peachmonkey
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I’m not fanatical about it. I’m not a my way’s the only way and therefore the right way type of person. I have an opinion, that’s all it is and I’m always up for having it changed. We’re always learning, hopefully.

I’d be perfectly happy with a switchable auto-pilot option, similar to the auto-rudder settings. I’d definitely try it out. If it helped me manage better, with time, I’d probably turn it off once we knew what we’re doing. If it’s what’ll help everyone enjoy it, or more people enjoy it then I’m well up for it. I’m far from an expert on DCS. I’ve only been using it here and there for a couple of years maybe? What do i know? Just my opinion. I think on a MP setting we should adhere to whichever rules are in place. I’m not up for people tearing me up with a missile when it’s supposed to be a WWII setting, that type of thing. What we all choose to do with different settings or skins is personal preference, each to their own. Whatever works best for the individual. Authenticity goes out of the window if we start being pedantic, which I’m not accusing anyone of being btw. 🙂

I’d hate to pop any bubbles for a minute but personally, I’m ‘flying’ pixels around in my home. Mostly in my slippers with a hot drink beside me. I’m sat in the worst seat ever known to humanity so there’s only so far our immersion level can go to and I’m fine with that. Apart from the seat.  I’m enjoying having almost if not all systems simulated as authentically as they are and my feet nice and toasty. I also have music at times (sometimes a bit of RVW tuned in the Mossie from a Bedford truck. Aphex Twin wouldn’t seem right lol), a tv on, the usual household shenanigans... I”m not saying anybody’s way is or isn’t right, judging by my AG and Dogfighting results I’d say my way doesn’t appear to be.  I’m just pointing out my opinion on something. Where would we be without the Options or Settings menu? I’d be watching a lot of screen tearing and glitches I know that much. 

Consideration and analysis, debate is the way. A lot can get twisted online and for the most part, I try not to get too involved. I get confused about enough as it is. I was drawn in from lurking here as I couldn’t work out how to make what I’d paid for work properly and this is the place to come for help. Now I’m offering my opinion here and there. That’s all it is for me. For some it’s the be all and end all and I’m often chuckling at some of what goes on. Especially around any updates lol. You have to sympathise with the Devs. I’m often sat smiling at how well people work together to make everyones DCS better too. Looking through threads in the Mods forum I’ve followed all types of things with the obstacles and struggles along the way. Great seeing people getting sorted out. Surely that’s the idea of this thread, devs read threads, people voice their opinions. Hopefully there’s some type of consensus and everyone’s flying blue skies. Including in Mossies.

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Without an AI pilot and/or AI navigator, our Mosquito is a revolutionary concept of a two-seat single-crew plane 😜

The main reason I need an AI level-holding pilot is to allow me to open F10 for navigation. It is different from doing the same in my P-47, because in the latter I fly high and finding scenery key points for visual navigation is easy, fast and safe. Navigation at 50 feet is much more demanding and I need to hold F10 open longer, during which I can’t see ahead - and while the room for error before clipping a house/tree is very narrow.

No updates for so long is disappointing. The Mosquito is mostly complete and the missing pieces are not critical, but come on, show us just a little progress once in a few moons?

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“Mosquitoes fly, but flies don’t Mosquito” :pilotfly:

- Geoffrey de Havilland.


... well, he could have said it!

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You’ve just described exactly what I did last night Bozon.

Tearing along low-level on a MP server and I spent too long checking the map, bang, flight over.

Same good point being made, Mossie Pilots feeling neglected.

I’m more gutted it’s keeping people like 4eyes from enjoying it properly than I am for myself really. It does seem to be the DCS way, wait and see, cross our fingers.

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4 hours ago, Slippa said:

I’m more gutted it’s keeping people like 4eyes from enjoying it properly than I am for myself really

I enjoy flying my Mossie. It's my favorite aircraft to fly.  But, until we get a fix, I don't fly it in a combat mission. Some people collect DCS aircraft.  I collect maps, and I use the Mossie to explore those maps.  It's fun to fly, slow enough to see the scenery, and you can fly low enough to smell the roses.

I come from a old business background. That is why I am so frustrated by ED.  You don't sell a product and leave your customers dangling for months, and in some cases years.

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