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Dedicated Server FARP Icons not Rendered AT ALL

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I ran into a glitch on a project I am working on. It appears that on Dedicated Server running I won’t be able to see FARP icons on the first slot I pick.

Client(MT)\server ver

Map option “Allies Only”, no external views.

In this test miz I have set up 3 FARPs for each coalition to test different initial conditions. Circles are drawn around them for reference.

Top FARPS are initially Neutral but a placed armed ground vehicle captures them right off.

Middle FARPS were set to coalition in ME.

Bottom FARPS start neutral but then an armed ground vehicle moves into their zone and captures them.


Run this miz in Dedicated Server. Spawn in as blue helo. Check F10 map. I expected to see my blue FARPS and not see the red FARPS.

What I see is none of my FARP icons are visible. No amount of waiting fixes it. No amount of switching back and forth from cockpit to F10 map fixes it.

*Note: I am not seeing my blue FARP objects nor the FARP icons.



If I then switch to red helo and check F10 map, the red FARP icons are showing as expected.

*Note: I am now seeing my red FARP objects and the FARP icons on top. Not seeing the blue FARP objects. (Intended?)



If I then switch to back to blue helo and check F10 map, the blue FARP icons are now showing as expected.

*Note: I am now seeing my blue FARP objects and the FARP icons on top, but now I also see the red FARP objects but not the red FARP icon. (Intended?)



It appears the FARP objects\icons are not rendered properly on the first slot spawned.  Not sure if the visible enemy FARP objects in the last picture are correct.  I did not test MP server through Client as I am only interested in the Dedicated Server behavior.


*Note: I didn’t attack log or track because I believe it is easily reproducible so you should try it yourself. If you can’t repro then I will go create those.


(See attached miz.)



Edited by [16AGR] CptTrips
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This wasn't listed as fixed but I tried to test it anyway to see if I had gotten lucky.  

It appears to be working worse now.  It doesn't render the FARP icon no matter how many times I switch coalitions now.

That was on a hosted server.  I'll try again on a local dedicated server but  I was getting validation issues that I assume is the auth servers getting pounded.

Maybe this was just a preliminary step on the way to a final fix, but kinda step backwards.  At least I had a workaround before.


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  • [HOUNDS] CptTrips changed the title to Dedicated Server FARP Icons not Rendered AT ALL

As a new player, It's really a shame all the bugs and even hacks I read about.
Although the graphics are toned back a touch for 500+ players in one MP arena,.....Aces High III is a much more stable combat sim.

I'm hoping to see less post about bugs, meaning they are being fixed, before I invest.


Great graphics though


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19 hours ago, Animl said:

As a new player, It's really a shame all the bugs and even hacks I read about.
Although the graphics are toned back a touch for 500+ players in one MP arena,.....Aces High III is a much more stable combat sim.

I'm hoping to see less post about bugs, meaning they are being fixed, before I invest

If you want less messy bugs, choose DCS Release version.

Don't accept indie game testing requests from friends in Discord. Ever.

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  • ED Team
On 10/20/2023 at 4:58 PM, Animl said:

As a new player, It's really a shame all the bugs and even hacks I read about.
Although the graphics are toned back a touch for 500+ players in one MP arena,.....Aces High III is a much more stable combat sim.

I'm hoping to see less post about bugs, meaning they are being fixed, before I invest.


Great graphics though


I hope it is true and you are a new player I hope you enjoy your stay, but understand I have read your intentions on another forum, so please make sure to keep your posts constructive and mature. If you find a bug please report and we will be happy to take a look. There is plenty of room on most people's hard drives for multiple games, so enjoy what you like, but keep it DCS related here. Thanks. 

On 10/21/2023 at 2:02 PM, [HOUNDS] CptTrips said:



He is not capable of understanding what Open Beta means.


Same goes for everyone, lets be nice to each other and helpful. I know you both have issues elsewhere lets not let it bleed over here. We have a report feature if you fee there is an issue I recommend you report any post that breaks our rules. Thanks!!

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Forum RulesMy YouTube • My Discord - NineLine#0440• **How to Report a Bug**

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