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Syria violates basic MSE rules: airbase names are NOT UNIQUE ANYMORE. HELP!

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Posted (edited)

It seems that one of the last releases of Syria added a bunch (over 100?) of helipads. That is great!

Unfortunately, though, they all have the same name: "H". While seemingly the game itself and ME do not protest, this violates one of SME's strictest rules: Objects must have unique names. In Syria, that is no longer true, making scripts that manage airfields by name unfit for this map:

stupid null, cheap tools, ED!


The result is that if you now invoke Airbase.getByName("H") you only get one airbase, and the remaining 100+ airbases remain inaccessible. This renders many scripts that access airfields (heli pads) by name inoperable. 

Was this done unintentionally? If not, what is the recommended work-around? 

Thank you for any pointers.

Edited by cfrag
  • Like 5
30 minutes ago, cfrag said:

stupid null, cheap tools, ED!

When you paste a screenshot. Click the "paste as plain text" message. Then click the image on the bottom, and the stupid "null" won't happen.

I've reach my file limits, so I only paste screens, tracks etc. from external file services now, and then the issue is also gone, and old post won't be broken due to removed files. 

On 10/30/2024 at 2:57 PM, cfrag said:

It seems that one of the last releases of Syria added a bunch (over 100?) of helipads. That is great!

Was it really necessary to add them as a full-fledged "aerodromes"? They clutter the already cluttered map view to the point of being unreadable.

Also, the newly added airfields, that occupy the 220-223 ID range, cannot be used with the nav system of the Flaming Cliffs aircraft (Su-25T etc.). When swiping the IDs in the POS/ПОС mode, it stops at around #211 and jumps back to #1.

I would really like them to downgrade those helipads to simple map icons.

  • Like 1

Dima | My DCS uploads

Posted (edited)

Also MB-339 auto data card gets the airportlist filled with the helipads.


A		H_c_01	34.92417	33.60367
A		H_c_02	34.83083	33.47817
A		H_c_03	35.31183	33.29000
A		H_c_04	35.26717	33.49583
A		H_c_05	35.09383	33.88567
A		H_c_06	35.08400	33.89717
A		H_i_08	32.96183	35.55000
A		H_i_09	32.98200	35.51467
A		H_i_10	32.98117	35.51517
A		H_i_01	32.88217	35.71883
A		H_i_02	32.93767	35.56867
A		H_i_04	32.80550	35.40150

whole list:

*	GEN 
A	OS57	Abu_al-Duhur	35.73133	37.11867
A	LTAF	Adana	36.98817	35.29133
A	OS70	Al_Qusayr	34.56683	36.58533
A	OS64	An_Nasiriyah	33.92650	36.87533
A	OS60	As_Suwayda	32.69800	36.40267
A	OLBA	Beirut	33.83633	35.48733
A	OSDI	Damascus	33.41533	36.50417
A		Der_Salman	33.48733	36.47433
A	OS61	Dumayr	33.61467	36.76233
A	LLES	Eyn_Shemer	32.43967	35.01467
A	LTAJ	Gaziantep	36.95167	37.46267
A	OJHR	H4	32.53683	38.20633
A	LLHA	Haifa	32.80633	35.04500
A	OS58	Hama	35.11600	36.72533
A	LTDA	Hatay	36.37117	36.29800
A	LTAG	Incirlik	36.99417	35.41267
A	OS62	Jirah	36.09933	37.92083
A	OS69	Khalkhalah	33.08817	36.53450
A	OJMF	King_Hussein	32.34867	36.27017
A	LLKS	Kiryat_Shmona	33.21233	35.59233
A	OSLK	Latakia	35.41150	35.95000
A		Marj_Al_Sultan	33.50033	36.46617
A	OS63	Marj_Ruhayyil	33.28417	36.44417
A	LLMG	Megiddo	32.59750	35.22017
A	OS67	Mezzeh	33.48267	36.23500
A	OS71	Minakh	36.52267	37.03350
A	OSAP	Nejrab	36.17900	37.23833
A	OSPR	Palmyra	34.55817	38.33100
A		Qabr_al_Sitt	33.45850	36.35683
A	LLRD	Ramat_David	32.67500	35.17717
A	OS66	Rasin_El_Aboud	36.18933	37.57033
A	OLRA	Rayak	33.84283	35.97683
A	OLKA	Rene_Mouawad	34.58383	35.99867
A	LLIB	Rosh_Pina	32.97917	35.57250
A	OS68	Sayqal	33.68000	37.20400
A	OS65	Shayrat	34.49450	36.89433
A	OS59	Tabqa	35.75550	38.55117
A		Taftanaz	35.97317	36.78583
A	OS72	Tiyas	34.52250	37.64567
A	Z19O	Wujah_Al_Hajar	34.28683	35.68383
A	LTFG	Gazipasa	36.29767	32.28600
A	OSDZ	Deir_ez_Zor	35.29000	40.16133
A	LCNC	Nicosia	35.14367	33.28200
A	LCRA	Akrotiri	34.59400	32.97467
A	LCRE	Kingsfield	35.01650	33.72150
A	LCPH	Paphos	34.72233	32.47167
A	LCLK	Larnaca	34.86550	33.61350
A	CY-0001	Lakatamia	35.10617	33.32167
A	LCEN	Ercan	35.15917	33.49000
A	LCGK	Gecitkale	35.23633	33.70717
A	CY-0003	Ilker_Karter	35.27833	33.26700
A		Naqoura	33.10783	35.12717
A	IQ-0018	H3	32.94083	39.73250
A	IQ-0020	H3_Northwest	33.07033	39.60650
A	IQ-0021	H3_Southwest	32.73800	39.61217
A	IQ-0040	Ruwayshid	32.40367	39.14217
A	LTCS	Sanliurfa	37.46033	38.91283
A		Kharab_Ishk	36.54683	38.58733
A		Tal_Siman	36.26333	38.92400
A		At_Tanf	33.50633	38.61483
A	OJPH	Prince_Hassan	32.15200	37.16050
A	OJKA	King_Abdullah_II	31.99900	36.23200
A	LLHZ	Herzliya	32.17717	34.84400
A	OJAM	Amman	31.97867	36.00700
A	OJMS	Muwaffaq_Salti	31.81900	36.79067
A		H_c_01	34.92417	33.60367
A		H_c_02	34.83083	33.47817
A		H_c_03	35.31183	33.29000
A		H_c_04	35.26717	33.49583
A		H_c_05	35.09383	33.88567
A		H_c_06	35.08400	33.89717
A		H_i_08	32.96183	35.55000
A		H_i_09	32.98200	35.51467
A		H_i_10	32.98117	35.51517
A		H_i_01	32.88217	35.71883
A		H_i_02	32.93767	35.56867
A		H_i_04	32.80550	35.40150
A		H_i_05	32.80800	35.42517
A		H_i_06	32.60617	34.97300
A		H_i_07	32.82300	35.43617
A		H_i_11	32.99467	35.48400
A		H_i_12	33.01700	35.70450
A		H_s_02	35.33850	36.07417
A		H_s_05	35.78900	37.72467
A		H_s_06	33.27900	36.08517
A		H_s_08	34.64467	36.74350
A		H_s_09	36.06033	37.34300
A		H_s_10	36.05067	37.33217
A		H_s_11	33.38633	36.27267
A		H_s_19	33.41567	36.28450
A		H_s_18	34.61083	38.25283
A		H_s_17	34.62700	38.24283
A		H_s_16	35.98783	37.41417
A		H_s_15	33.39450	36.35967
A		H_s_14	33.45533	36.08700
A		H_s_13	33.74567	36.80350
A		H_s_12	33.42950	36.11867
A		H_s_25	33.45750	36.13083
A		H_s_24	33.44467	36.30983
A		H_s_23	33.18183	36.57200
A		H_s_22	33.70783	36.67283
A		H_s_21	33.41150	36.19167
A		H_s_20	33.35333	36.48467
A		H_i_17	32.62400	35.37900
A		H_i_16	32.94550	35.20450
A		H_i_15	33.01033	35.66283
A		H_i_14	32.76283	35.30267
A		H_i_13	32.98317	35.72700
A		H_t_01	36.84817	34.72133
A		H_med_10	33.20733	35.57100
A		H_med_09	35.00417	34.05900
A		H_med_08	35.34383	33.19467
A		H_med_07	35.33317	33.32433
A		H_med_06	35.14650	36.75333
A		H_med_05	35.14417	33.35383
A		H_med_04	37.05283	35.27883
A		H_med_03	35.51667	35.79117
A		H_med_02	35.95583	38.98917
A		H_med_01	34.97483	33.84783
A		H_med_00	36.57600	36.19883
A		H_med_11	32.57050	35.84600
A		H_med_orig_08	33.89283	35.52300
A		H_med_orig_07	32.83333	34.98667
A		H_med_orig_06	35.12800	33.37850
A		H_med_orig_05	32.78550	34.98050
A		H_med_orig_04	34.70783	32.98183
A		H_med_orig_03	34.92133	33.60417
A		H_med_orig_02	34.78783	32.44517
A		H_med_orig_01	37.01150	35.35250
A		H_stad_06	33.52817	36.29817
A		H_stad_05	35.11667	36.76183
A		H_stad_04	35.56050	35.74433
A		H_stad_03	36.21600	37.15667
A		H_stad_02	35.14600	33.31400
A		H_stad_01	36.99900	35.32950
A		H_s_26	33.04683	39.60833
A		H_isis_12	32.74600	35.87950
A		H_isis_11	33.13817	35.50450
A		H_isis_10	33.17367	35.27517
A		H_isis_09	32.75783	35.89783
A		H_isis_08	33.80400	36.14983
A		H_isis_07	33.70983	35.96667
A		H_isis_06	34.26433	36.48317
A		H_isis_05	34.36517	36.51200
A		H_isis_04	33.20367	35.35300
A		H_isis_03	33.26217	35.41833
A		H_isis_02	33.42750	35.93483
A		H_isis_01	33.30583	35.54083
A		H_med_30	37.05067	37.38967
A		H_med_29	35.33867	40.12933
A		H_med_28	34.55800	38.27867
A		H_med_27	35.96050	38.04167
A		H_med_26	36.19400	37.09783
A		H_med_25	31.71933	35.79767
A		H_med_24	33.89333	35.56717
A		H_med_23	34.69200	32.96017
A		H_med_22	31.88150	36.00967
A		H_med_21	33.45583	36.23517
A		H_med_20	32.16533	34.84533
A		H_med_19	32.82100	34.99050
A		H_med_18	32.70800	35.30200
A		H_med_17	33.52350	36.35483
A		H_med_16	34.72067	36.73283
A		H_med_15	36.20617	36.15233
A		H_med_14	34.88367	35.88683
A		H_med_13	32.18167	34.97867
A		H_med_12	31.99317	35.89000
A		H_npz_05	35.32883	40.10533
A		H_npz_04	35.19400	40.08167
A		H_npz_03	35.19100	39.90283
A		H_npz_02	35.33767	39.76083
A		H_npz_01	34.60267	37.90167
A		H_med_orig_09	37.02800	35.35183
A		H_s_04	35.79100	37.72617
A		H_s_07	34.65767	38.28900
A		H_i_18	32.46783	35.02317
A		H_s_03	34.66967	38.29817
A		H_s_28	33.27483	36.27017
A		H_s_29	33.25167	36.27083
A		H_s_30	33.28100	36.26417
A		H_t_02	37.01967	35.34350
A		H_i_20	32.99933	35.40750
A		H_i_26	32.08467	34.78117
A		H_i_25	33.18283	35.23417
A		H_i_24	32.14333	34.81517
A		H_i_23	31.74750	34.93567
A		H_i_22	32.08750	34.91967
A		H_i_21	32.76100	35.40050
A		H_j_04	32.47650	36.06317
A		H_j_03	32.48417	36.06583
A		H_j_02	32.58667	35.92450
A		H_j_01	33.31383	38.70267
A		H_l_05	33.15367	35.19633
A		H_l_04	33.13250	35.39317
A		H_l_03	33.18283	35.49567
A		H_l_02	33.16933	35.18700
A		H_l_01	33.26550	35.21617
A		H_s_32	32.07583	36.14450
A		H_s_31	33.73283	36.50900
A		H_npz_06	32.11383	36.10617
A		H_s_40	32.82517	35.99617
A		H_s_39	32.58700	35.39983
A		H_s_38	32.43817	36.01900
A		H_s_37	33.55217	36.44717
A		H_s_36	33.23467	36.14867
A		H_s_33	33.03517	35.13850
A	 LLEK	Tel_Nof	31.82967	34.83783
A		Ben_Gurion	32.01233	34.87083
A	LLHS	Hatzor	31.76617	34.73517
A	LLPL	Palmachim	31.89483	34.68867
A		H_s_34	34.92750	35.99200
N	KHM	374.0	37.54017	36.95233
N	RA	450.0	34.58600	36.00267
N	KTN	372.5	34.22717	37.23367
V	TRF	116.100	31.69600	38.73550
V	BAR	113.900	33.76933	35.55550
V	AMN	116.300	32.00400	36.06583
V	TAN	114.000	33.48233	38.65400
V	NAT	112.400	32.33383	34.96883
V	KHM	113.900	37.54033	36.95333
V	KTN	117.700	34.21317	37.26417
V	MUT	112.300	36.86250	33.29083
N	DKA	343.0	34.99317	33.74933
V	GHI	113.800	31.83467	36.77833
C	GHI	X085	31.83467	36.77833
N	ADN	395.0	36.97083	35.26150
V	ADA	112.700	36.94050	35.21033
C	AKR	X107	34.57933	32.96267
N	AK	365.0	34.58400	33.01267
V	KAD	112.600	33.80733	35.48583
N	BOD	351.0	33.90333	35.48167
V	BGN	113.500	32.01300	34.87533
V	DAM	116.000	33.36500	36.46800
N	DAL	342.0	33.48717	36.60217
N	ABD	264.0	33.33517	36.42817
N	DRZ	295.0	35.28900	40.18733
V	DRZ	117.000	35.29183	40.15367
V	ECN	117.000	35.15667	33.49133
N	GAZ	432.0	36.95317	37.46850
V	GAZ	116.700	36.95150	37.47283
V	GZP	114.200	36.29817	32.30017
N	GZP	316.0	36.29983	32.30000
V	GKE	114.300	35.23350	33.72733
N	GKE	435.0	35.23183	33.74317
V	HTY	112.050	36.36283	36.29000
N	HTY	336.0	36.36300	36.29033
C	DAN	X021	37.01550	35.44817
V	LCA	112.800	34.87283	33.62500
N	LCA	432.0	34.82367	33.56300
V	LTK	114.800	35.39667	35.95200
N	LTK	414.0	35.48017	35.94483
N	MEZ	358.0	33.48583	36.22667
N	ALE	396.0	36.18583	37.22317
N	MER	365.0	36.17300	37.30750
V	ALE	114.500	36.17967	37.20933
N	PLR	363.0	34.55567	38.26683
N	PAL	337.0	34.55283	38.29817
N	PHA	328.0	34.71833	32.47617
V	PHA	117.900	34.71167	32.50583
C	PHA	X079	34.71650	32.48267
V	ABC	115.900	32.15950	37.14817
C	ABC	X106	32.15950	37.14817
N	RMD	368.0	32.66267	35.18950
V	RMD	113.700	32.66483	35.18767
C	RMD	X084	32.66483	35.18767
V	ROP	115.300	32.98250	35.57267
V	GAP	113.200	37.45800	38.90467
N	GAP	391.0	37.45850	38.90483
N	XAKR	 87.0	31.83633	34.81683
V	CAK	116.200	34.30033	35.69983
N	BAN	304.0	35.22817	35.95783


At least, they were not visible within the CDU in cockpit.

Edit: Need to check further, maybe this blocks the new airports from being displayed in CDU also. Maybe need to ask @6S.Duke, how the heliports can be ignored when populating the auto data card in MB-339 as they are quite useless for it.

Edited by gulredrel
added info
  • Like 1
Also MB-339 auto data card gets the airportlist filled with the helipads.
A		H_c_01	34.92417	33.60367A		H_c_02	34.83083	33.47817A		H_c_03	35.31183	33.29000A		H_c_04	35.26717	33.49583A		H_c_05	35.09383	33.88567A		H_c_06	35.08400	33.89717A		H_i_08	32.96183	35.55000A		H_i_09	32.98200	35.51467A		H_i_10	32.98117	35.51517A		H_i_01	32.88217	35.71883A		H_i_02	32.93767	35.56867A		H_i_04	32.80550	35.40150

whole list:

*	GEN A	OS57	Abu_al-Duhur	35.73133	37.11867A	LTAF	Adana	36.98817	35.29133A	OS70	Al_Qusayr	34.56683	36.58533A	OS64	An_Nasiriyah	33.92650	36.87533A	OS60	As_Suwayda	32.69800	36.40267A	OLBA	Beirut	33.83633	35.48733A	OSDI	Damascus	33.41533	36.50417A		Der_Salman	33.48733	36.47433A	OS61	Dumayr	33.61467	36.76233A	LLES	Eyn_Shemer	32.43967	35.01467A	LTAJ	Gaziantep	36.95167	37.46267A	OJHR	H4	32.53683	38.20633A	LLHA	Haifa	32.80633	35.04500A	OS58	Hama	35.11600	36.72533A	LTDA	Hatay	36.37117	36.29800A	LTAG	Incirlik	36.99417	35.41267A	OS62	Jirah	36.09933	37.92083A	OS69	Khalkhalah	33.08817	36.53450A	OJMF	King_Hussein	32.34867	36.27017A	LLKS	Kiryat_Shmona	33.21233	35.59233A	OSLK	Latakia	35.41150	35.95000A		Marj_Al_Sultan	33.50033	36.46617A	OS63	Marj_Ruhayyil	33.28417	36.44417A	LLMG	Megiddo	32.59750	35.22017A	OS67	Mezzeh	33.48267	36.23500A	OS71	Minakh	36.52267	37.03350A	OSAP	Nejrab	36.17900	37.23833A	OSPR	Palmyra	34.55817	38.33100A		Qabr_al_Sitt	33.45850	36.35683A	LLRD	Ramat_David	32.67500	35.17717A	OS66	Rasin_El_Aboud	36.18933	37.57033A	OLRA	Rayak	33.84283	35.97683A	OLKA	Rene_Mouawad	34.58383	35.99867A	LLIB	Rosh_Pina	32.97917	35.57250A	OS68	Sayqal	33.68000	37.20400A	OS65	Shayrat	34.49450	36.89433A	OS59	Tabqa	35.75550	38.55117A		Taftanaz	35.97317	36.78583A	OS72	Tiyas	34.52250	37.64567A	Z19O	Wujah_Al_Hajar	34.28683	35.68383A	LTFG	Gazipasa	36.29767	32.28600A	OSDZ	Deir_ez_Zor	35.29000	40.16133A	LCNC	Nicosia	35.14367	33.28200A	LCRA	Akrotiri	34.59400	32.97467A	LCRE	Kingsfield	35.01650	33.72150A	LCPH	Paphos	34.72233	32.47167A	LCLK	Larnaca	34.86550	33.61350A	CY-0001	Lakatamia	35.10617	33.32167A	LCEN	Ercan	35.15917	33.49000A	LCGK	Gecitkale	35.23633	33.70717A	CY-0003	Ilker_Karter	35.27833	33.26700A		Naqoura	33.10783	35.12717A	IQ-0018	H3	32.94083	39.73250A	IQ-0020	H3_Northwest	33.07033	39.60650A	IQ-0021	H3_Southwest	32.73800	39.61217A	IQ-0040	Ruwayshid	32.40367	39.14217A	LTCS	Sanliurfa	37.46033	38.91283A		Kharab_Ishk	36.54683	38.58733A		Tal_Siman	36.26333	38.92400A		At_Tanf	33.50633	38.61483A	OJPH	Prince_Hassan	32.15200	37.16050A	OJKA	King_Abdullah_II	31.99900	36.23200A	LLHZ	Herzliya	32.17717	34.84400A	OJAM	Amman	31.97867	36.00700A	OJMS	Muwaffaq_Salti	31.81900	36.79067A		H_c_01	34.92417	33.60367A		H_c_02	34.83083	33.47817A		H_c_03	35.31183	33.29000A		H_c_04	35.26717	33.49583A		H_c_05	35.09383	33.88567A		H_c_06	35.08400	33.89717A		H_i_08	32.96183	35.55000A		H_i_09	32.98200	35.51467A		H_i_10	32.98117	35.51517A		H_i_01	32.88217	35.71883A		H_i_02	32.93767	35.56867A		H_i_04	32.80550	35.40150A		H_i_05	32.80800	35.42517A		H_i_06	32.60617	34.97300A		H_i_07	32.82300	35.43617A		H_i_11	32.99467	35.48400A		H_i_12	33.01700	35.70450A		H_s_02	35.33850	36.07417A		H_s_05	35.78900	37.72467A		H_s_06	33.27900	36.08517A		H_s_08	34.64467	36.74350A		H_s_09	36.06033	37.34300A		H_s_10	36.05067	37.33217A		H_s_11	33.38633	36.27267A		H_s_19	33.41567	36.28450A		H_s_18	34.61083	38.25283A		H_s_17	34.62700	38.24283A		H_s_16	35.98783	37.41417A		H_s_15	33.39450	36.35967A		H_s_14	33.45533	36.08700A		H_s_13	33.74567	36.80350A		H_s_12	33.42950	36.11867A		H_s_25	33.45750	36.13083A		H_s_24	33.44467	36.30983A		H_s_23	33.18183	36.57200A		H_s_22	33.70783	36.67283A		H_s_21	33.41150	36.19167A		H_s_20	33.35333	36.48467A		H_i_17	32.62400	35.37900A		H_i_16	32.94550	35.20450A		H_i_15	33.01033	35.66283A		H_i_14	32.76283	35.30267A		H_i_13	32.98317	35.72700A		H_t_01	36.84817	34.72133A		H_med_10	33.20733	35.57100A		H_med_09	35.00417	34.05900A		H_med_08	35.34383	33.19467A		H_med_07	35.33317	33.32433A		H_med_06	35.14650	36.75333A		H_med_05	35.14417	33.35383A		H_med_04	37.05283	35.27883A		H_med_03	35.51667	35.79117A		H_med_02	35.95583	38.98917A		H_med_01	34.97483	33.84783A		H_med_00	36.57600	36.19883A		H_med_11	32.57050	35.84600A		H_med_orig_08	33.89283	35.52300A		H_med_orig_07	32.83333	34.98667A		H_med_orig_06	35.12800	33.37850A		H_med_orig_05	32.78550	34.98050A		H_med_orig_04	34.70783	32.98183A		H_med_orig_03	34.92133	33.60417A		H_med_orig_02	34.78783	32.44517A		H_med_orig_01	37.01150	35.35250A		H_stad_06	33.52817	36.29817A		H_stad_05	35.11667	36.76183A		H_stad_04	35.56050	35.74433A		H_stad_03	36.21600	37.15667A		H_stad_02	35.14600	33.31400A		H_stad_01	36.99900	35.32950A		H_s_26	33.04683	39.60833A		H_isis_12	32.74600	35.87950A		H_isis_11	33.13817	35.50450A		H_isis_10	33.17367	35.27517A		H_isis_09	32.75783	35.89783A		H_isis_08	33.80400	36.14983A		H_isis_07	33.70983	35.96667A		H_isis_06	34.26433	36.48317A		H_isis_05	34.36517	36.51200A		H_isis_04	33.20367	35.35300A		H_isis_03	33.26217	35.41833A		H_isis_02	33.42750	35.93483A		H_isis_01	33.30583	35.54083A		H_med_30	37.05067	37.38967A		H_med_29	35.33867	40.12933A		H_med_28	34.55800	38.27867A		H_med_27	35.96050	38.04167A		H_med_26	36.19400	37.09783A		H_med_25	31.71933	35.79767A		H_med_24	33.89333	35.56717A		H_med_23	34.69200	32.96017A		H_med_22	31.88150	36.00967A		H_med_21	33.45583	36.23517A		H_med_20	32.16533	34.84533A		H_med_19	32.82100	34.99050A		H_med_18	32.70800	35.30200A		H_med_17	33.52350	36.35483A		H_med_16	34.72067	36.73283A		H_med_15	36.20617	36.15233A		H_med_14	34.88367	35.88683A		H_med_13	32.18167	34.97867A		H_med_12	31.99317	35.89000A		H_npz_05	35.32883	40.10533A		H_npz_04	35.19400	40.08167A		H_npz_03	35.19100	39.90283A		H_npz_02	35.33767	39.76083A		H_npz_01	34.60267	37.90167A		H_med_orig_09	37.02800	35.35183A		H_s_04	35.79100	37.72617A		H_s_07	34.65767	38.28900A		H_i_18	32.46783	35.02317A		H_s_03	34.66967	38.29817A		H_s_28	33.27483	36.27017A		H_s_29	33.25167	36.27083A		H_s_30	33.28100	36.26417A		H_t_02	37.01967	35.34350A		H_i_20	32.99933	35.40750A		H_i_26	32.08467	34.78117A		H_i_25	33.18283	35.23417A		H_i_24	32.14333	34.81517A		H_i_23	31.74750	34.93567A		H_i_22	32.08750	34.91967A		H_i_21	32.76100	35.40050A		H_j_04	32.47650	36.06317A		H_j_03	32.48417	36.06583A		H_j_02	32.58667	35.92450A		H_j_01	33.31383	38.70267A		H_l_05	33.15367	35.19633A		H_l_04	33.13250	35.39317A		H_l_03	33.18283	35.49567A		H_l_02	33.16933	35.18700A		H_l_01	33.26550	35.21617A		H_s_32	32.07583	36.14450A		H_s_31	33.73283	36.50900A		H_npz_06	32.11383	36.10617A		H_s_40	32.82517	35.99617A		H_s_39	32.58700	35.39983A		H_s_38	32.43817	36.01900A		H_s_37	33.55217	36.44717A		H_s_36	33.23467	36.14867A		H_s_33	33.03517	35.13850A	 LLEK	Tel_Nof	31.82967	34.83783A		Ben_Gurion	32.01233	34.87083A	LLHS	Hatzor	31.76617	34.73517A	LLPL	Palmachim	31.89483	34.68867A		H_s_34	34.92750	35.99200N	KHM	374.0	37.54017	36.95233N	RA	450.0	34.58600	36.00267N	KTN	372.5	34.22717	37.23367V	TRF	116.100	31.69600	38.73550V	BAR	113.900	33.76933	35.55550V	AMN	116.300	32.00400	36.06583V	TAN	114.000	33.48233	38.65400V	NAT	112.400	32.33383	34.96883V	KHM	113.900	37.54033	36.95333V	KTN	117.700	34.21317	37.26417V	MUT	112.300	36.86250	33.29083N	DKA	343.0	34.99317	33.74933V	GHI	113.800	31.83467	36.77833C	GHI	X085	31.83467	36.77833N	ADN	395.0	36.97083	35.26150V	ADA	112.700	36.94050	35.21033C	AKR	X107	34.57933	32.96267N	AK	365.0	34.58400	33.01267V	KAD	112.600	33.80733	35.48583N	BOD	351.0	33.90333	35.48167V	BGN	113.500	32.01300	34.87533V	DAM	116.000	33.36500	36.46800N	DAL	342.0	33.48717	36.60217N	ABD	264.0	33.33517	36.42817N	DRZ	295.0	35.28900	40.18733V	DRZ	117.000	35.29183	40.15367V	ECN	117.000	35.15667	33.49133N	GAZ	432.0	36.95317	37.46850V	GAZ	116.700	36.95150	37.47283V	GZP	114.200	36.29817	32.30017N	GZP	316.0	36.29983	32.30000V	GKE	114.300	35.23350	33.72733N	GKE	435.0	35.23183	33.74317V	HTY	112.050	36.36283	36.29000N	HTY	336.0	36.36300	36.29033C	DAN	X021	37.01550	35.44817V	LCA	112.800	34.87283	33.62500N	LCA	432.0	34.82367	33.56300V	LTK	114.800	35.39667	35.95200N	LTK	414.0	35.48017	35.94483N	MEZ	358.0	33.48583	36.22667N	ALE	396.0	36.18583	37.22317N	MER	365.0	36.17300	37.30750V	ALE	114.500	36.17967	37.20933N	PLR	363.0	34.55567	38.26683N	PAL	337.0	34.55283	38.29817N	PHA	328.0	34.71833	32.47617V	PHA	117.900	34.71167	32.50583C	PHA	X079	34.71650	32.48267V	ABC	115.900	32.15950	37.14817C	ABC	X106	32.15950	37.14817N	RMD	368.0	32.66267	35.18950V	RMD	113.700	32.66483	35.18767C	RMD	X084	32.66483	35.18767V	ROP	115.300	32.98250	35.57267V	GAP	113.200	37.45800	38.90467N	GAP	391.0	37.45850	38.90483N	XAKR	 87.0	31.83633	34.81683V	CAK	116.200	34.30033	35.69983N	BAN	304.0	35.22817	35.95783


At least, they were not visible within the CDU in cockpit.
Edit: Need to check further, maybe this blocks the new airports from being displayed in CDU also. Maybe need to ask @6S.Duke, how the heliports can be ignored when populating the auto data card in MB-339 as they are quite useless for it.

Heatblur fixed it for Jester, so it is possible.

Sent from my SM-A536B using Tapatalk

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In order to offer new opportunities we had to take this step. For logic, the main reference point is the airfield ID, and the name is made the same so as not to clutter the map (initially, we have more complex names H_s_01, etc.) - When viewing the map, this is too inconvenient, since there is no separate type of helipads in the DCS and the names merge with the airfields.
We are solving this problem, if you have any ideas, write. It is important to us that the map is equally convenient for players and mission creators

  • Thanks 1
28 minutes ago, MAESTR0 said:

We are solving this problem, if you have any ideas, write. It is important to us that the map is equally convenient for players and mission creators

If you're so reluctant to change these helipads to non-clickable icons, then maybe ask ED to add a new aerodrome type for the Mission Editor & F10 map? With smaller icon and text, so they won't be so obtrusive and mix up with "real" aerodromes.


With more and more heliports added to new maps, this feature is long overdue:


  • Like 2

Dima | My DCS uploads

On 11/6/2024 at 7:43 PM, Minsky said:

If you're so reluctant to change these helipads to non-clickable icons, then maybe ask ED to add a new aerodrome type for the Mission Editor & F10 map? With smaller icon and text, so they won't be so obtrusive and mix up with "real" aerodromes.


With more and more heliports added to new maps, this feature is long overdue:


I hope they do something, the F10 is so cluttered now with all of the helipads on it. It's a real chore to find the actual airfields amongst them.

  • Like 2
  • 3 weeks later...

Since this is a public report, I can add my endorsement right up here.

- It's made mission creation for public servers a nightmare because you have to set your airbases up by warehouse, dynamic settings and such. This added 100+ H's to the drop down "Copy to" button in the mission editor. So you can't use H as a name in the UI either, let alone scripting. You HAVE to police the warehouse contents for multiplayer, its absolutely neccessary.

- It's made the existing "Copy to" command issue even worse, in that the defect that prevents 'Dynamic cargo' and 'Dynamic spawning' checkbox is not copied with the warehouse contents. So you need to copy that manually 100 times, or start editing miz files, mission table and warehouse tables with some automation.

- It's made these helipads unuseable for scripting since they are not unique by name. We cannot tell a player to fly to "H", or pick "H" from a menu full of 100 H's or use "find by name" type lua functions.

- Because of the above issues, MOOSE has had to exclude H airbases from the AIRBASE_SET class so we cannot access or use them in any mission. Thats impacting around [redacted] unique players a month just for 4YA.

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