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I really don't understand the point of bombs


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So i've set up missions for bombs, and they seem so cumbersome. the 250 kgs will probably only get you 2-4 kills, while rockets can get you 10-20 if you're careful. the other bombs are too weak to take out bmp's, apc's and tanks, so it looks to be used for soft. but then again, fuel trucks and cargo trucks only take a few well placed cannon rounds and if you charge at infantry they'll damage your aircraft (they love taking out the shkval, ugh!). maybe i'm using them wrong, but what's your opinion?

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think on ground targets like buildings, hangers, sam sites. Things that dont move . somthing that is easy to hit but needs a little more punch in one pass. I prefer the KH-25ML my self. But hay some guys just like bombs.

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think on ground targets like buildings, hangers, sam sites. Things that dont move . somthing that is easy to hit but needs a little more punch in one pass. I prefer the KH-25ML my self. But hay some guys just like bombs.

haha when i try to bomb these things the next thing i hear is usually "bpu fire"

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Test pilots have been begging the Development Team for some sort of Air to Air capability. Ha! Air to Air? If these silly pilots wanted r73s they should have joined a fighter wing. No, we engineers know better. But to throw the pilots a bone we've decided to add a bombing capability to the Ka50! Now, after exhausting all his vikhrs in a futile attempt to bring down a Hellfire-packin' AH-64, the Pilot can now utilize his superior climb capability to hover above his opponent and drop a bomb on his rotor mast. The bombs will have an equal chance of harming a ground-based adversary. Perhaps this will silence the whimpering from the pilot ranks and allow us engineers to get back to work.


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"Watch EKRAN. Everything on fire."



Perhaps wasn't low enough -- maybe a little lower? :D


I see someone is a lil' upset after exhausting all his Vikhrs trying to take down ONE Apache. :D

ED have been taking my money since 1995. :P

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Honestly, I see bombs as just one more way this helicopter is balanced towards the offensive as opposed to the defensive. It's just a very optimistic design as a whole - no thermal sensor, no radar warning receiver, and no self-defense anti-aircraft missiles.


It does fit in with the "low intensity conflict" parameters it was designed for. Only against a lightly armed enemy would it make sense to drop unguided bombs from a helicopter.


However, when you're flying an online mission against radar SAMs, AAA batteries, Apaches, and fixed wing air support, it kind of feels like you're showing up naked on the first day of school. And it's cold, so you're suffering from "shrinkage". :)

Edited by wickedpenguin


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I see the point of bombs, but some others I fly with don't. They have a role in destroying targets. Also, the provide great training because you must learn how to handle your helo with more precision in and around targets with them.. plus the explosions are cool.. ;)


can't wait until they fix the bomblets... :music_whistling:

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wats wrong with the bomblets. I never seam to have any problems with them. Other than hitting the target's, I am gitting better thoe.

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The only place I could imagine using bombs is when I had complete air-superiority and the enemy had a complete lack of SAMs and AAA. But I "guess" that if I had nothing else to put under my wings I would use them but with great hesitation.

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just think of having a whole flight of KA-50's in a online mission. one pilot takes out the air definces. and some armor around the target site and the other 3 have bombs to wipe out the target area. This is not so easy to do in a singel player mode.

Home built PC Win 10 Pro 64bit, MB ASUS Z170 WS, 6700K, EVGA 1080Ti Hybrid, 32GB DDR4 3200, Thermaltake 120x360 RAD, Custom built A-10C sim pit, TM WARTHOG HOTAS, Cougar MFD's, 3D printed UFC and Saitek rudders. HTC VIVE VR.



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wats wrong with the bomblets. I never seam to have any problems with them. Other than hitting the target's, I am gitting better thoe.



they don't kill all the targets around them, like they should, as a type of cluster bomb, they should be deadly to everything, especially flesh and sheet metal within a few hundred feet. as it is now, you can drop them over a group of soldiers, and only a few, if that, are hurt/killed.


They currently have both types ap/at. ( think, if I remember right..).


btw, bridges. buidlings, and unarmed vehicles are good bomb targets., among other things..

ASUS Strix Z790-H, i9-13900, WartHog HOTAS and MFG Crosswind

G.Skill 64 GB Ram, 2TB SSD

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just think of having a whole flight of KA-50's in a online mission. one pilot takes out the air definces. and some armor around the target site and the other 3 have bombs to wipe out the target area. This is not so easy to do in a singel player mode.

i guess this would work, i'll try it out.

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If you want to head off an enemy convoy then head ahead and find a nice bridge that they're going to have to cross and ...... bomb the cr#p out of it! Works a treat. Then pick em off at your leisure.

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To be a :smartass: ... To blow stuff up


Seriously: my guess is to take out fortified positions...

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Has anyone tried skip-bombing techniques yet? :D

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:: Shaman aka [100☭] Shamansky

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If you want to head off an enemy convoy then head ahead and find a nice bridge that they're going to have to cross and ...... bomb the cr#p out of it! Works a treat. Then pick em off at your leisure.

this works against convoys great! i tried this against 3 t-55's and 2 apcs; i obliterated the tanks, did a 180 and finished off the apcs with the cannon

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