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3D visor, any thoughts?

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Hmm..sounds damn interesting, that's for sure =)


The only gripe I have about it except for the rather hefty price ($999 + shipping here in europe), is that it's dependant on two things: A vidcard that supports 3d stereoscopic vision (so far only nVidias do this, not ATI. To the extent of my knowledge, that is), and that the head-tracking requires Windows XP. While the last issue isn't really an issue since I do run XP, the pricetag and the stereoscopic issue is a problem.


But the day I win the big pot in the lottery, I'm getting this and an nVidia SLI-setup :D



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Despite the price tag, it still seems better than Track IR since Track IR limits you to keeping your eyes on the moniter. This thing allow full movement. One day we will have a high-res set that has the 6DOF of Track IR and unlimted movement. One Day.





47 Miles from the DMZ!

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i think these are like the glasses on edimensional.com I posted about them a week ago but not no one had an answer. I would like more info on them too.

PS-they had 3 kinds, the cheapest 60$, then 69$ and finnaly 99$. If you buy, get the 69$, they have a wire but dont bother you unlike the heavy 99$ ones(99$ are wirless and have a big battery)

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One day, a little unit, like those thin microphones, will sit in a corner of your eye and project images with a laser on your retina, so it's always sharp, and more importantly, nothing is blocking your eyes. Which could be good in fighters, to have a 360 deg viewing system (like on the F-35), but with those visors you don't even need a mini-hud, or any other form of massive pieces of hardware to block the field of view.

Creedence Clearwater Revival:worthy:

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I think it would be cool if someone simply develop a visor with hight rezolution, and let trackir do the headtracking. This could keep the whole set at a lower cost.


Although the 3d visor looks cool, I don't think the price is reasonable.


I've seen such headsets for sale on ebay with trakir.



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I had the opportunity to try a headset some years ago with 1024x768 resolution and a 60° field of view. That's much more than what your standard 30°/800x600 VR headset provides these days (it was used by BMW's research facility and came with a pricetag of over 100.000 € back then ;)), but it still wasn't really a satisfactory experience regarding the immersion factor. Sure it was cool, but the tunnel vision effect was still very evident and annoying. Oh and it was damn heavy and hard to wear for >10 minutes :p


I don't think these devices really make sense without at least 90° field of view, and an appropriate resolution of at least 1280x960 or something in that range. That's about what I have with my screen here, and I wouldn't want to go any lower - too bad no affordable headset with such capabilities seems to be in sight...



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Why would the frame rate not be high enough, especially at 800x600?


If you read the SimHQ review you will see that the author got some serious "wow" factor with the Z800 and a TrackIR.

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