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Everything posted by Eugel

  1. Yeah, I had the same a couple of times, also on Syria, though I didn´t test other maps. For me, it has mostly been a problem when I try to land. Like a sudden twitch to the side as if something was hitting the helicopter.
  2. So lange ich nicht muss, mache ich kein Update auf Win11. Bisher sehe ich noch keinerlei Vorteile in Windows 11.
  3. No, not Steam VR, I mean "WMR for Steam VR", so Steam VR can communicate with the WMR software.
  4. Oh, this could be interesting. So far, I was mostly happy with Steam VR. I hope for a better WMR implementation without the need for an additional program.
  5. That could be it, timings for DDR5 modules are about twice as high as for DDR4 modules (standard DDR4 is 16-18, DDR5 is 36 and up). Usually, that is offset by much higher clock speeds, but if the mainboard clocks those down to 3600 MT/s, that´s the same speed as DDR4, just with much slower timings. I´m beginning to understand why many magazines wrote that DDR5 wouldn´t have any benefit for gaming... but nowadays, putting RGB lights on the sticks is more important ... Still, that would mean that most people with 4 modules should experience stutters, so I wouldn´t rule out the mainboard yet.
  6. Indeed. And it´s debatable if the performance difference between DDR4 and DDR5 is really noticable in gaming where Ram is rarely the bottleneck. And even if that Ram is not running at it´s full capacity but "only" 3600 MT/s, having 64 GB over 32 Gb is still better and should not result in stuttering. @dugite57 did you buy a 4x16 GB kit or did you just buy 4 seperate 16 GB Ram sticks ? It rather sounds to me like you possibly got Rams with different clock speeds/timings or even a broken stick or broken slot on your mainboard.
  7. This sounds to me like some problem with the mainboard or bios settings and not normal at all. So I wouldn´t draw the conclusion that four sticks are worse than two. I don´t have any experience with DDR5, but I upgraded my 2 x16 GB of DDR4 Ram to 4x16 GB and didn´t get any changes in speed, they still run with their full speed and I get less stutters in game. Where in your bios does it show this 6000 Mhz/3600 Mhz ? You know that the I/O frequency of DDR Ram is half of what the designation of the modules is ? DDR5-6000 would normally run at 3000 Mhz, and because it´s "DDR" Ram (double data rate), that number is doubled. But the clock rate is still only 3000 Mhz. So, if you set them to 3600 Mhz, you could actually be overclocking them.
  8. Naja, aber aktuell zum halben Preis kann man ruhig schon zuschlagen. Wirklich "komplett" sind die Module fast nie.
  9. Die Bildfrequenz geht da nicht auf die Hälfte herunter. Ob man jetzt einmal 4320x2160 oder zweimal 2160x2160 berechnet, kümmert die Grafikkarte relativ wenig. Im Idealfall will man halt 90 FPS haben und je nach Grafikeinstellung und Renderauflösung schaffen das auch teils sehr starke Rechner einfach nicht. Daher geht man oft den Kompromiss ein, auf die Hälfte der FPS runter zu gehen und per Motion Reprojection und Co. Zwischenbilder berechnen zu lassen, damit das Bild flüssig bleibt. Trotzdem bleibt dann die Bildfrequenz auf 90 Hz. Klar, wenn man auf 60 Hz runtergeht, wären das dann nur noch 30 FPS plus Reprojection, das schafft der Rechner dann eher. Aber der 60 Hz Modus ist leider für manche Leute (wie mich) unerträglich. Das wird nicht ruhiger sondern flackert wie Sau.
  10. Is there a list somewhere with all the unit names ? For example, I want to adjust the spawnable crates so that I can build a bofors gun instead of the avenger (and some other things) but I can´t find the correct names anywhere. The unit names from within the editor don´t work and will spawn a leopard 2 instead... Also, is there an option somewhere to make vehicles placed by CTLD to be drivable by players ?
  11. Oh cool, wusste gar nicht dass die mittlerweile einen EU Store haben. D.h. die ganzen Bedenken bzgl. Zoll und Versand haben sich damit erledigt ?
  12. Interesting, for me, the "other" WWII sim made more trouble in VR than DCS. And max settings there don´t equal max settings in DCS. But what would you need a toned down VR version for ? You can already tone down the map details a lot in the current version. Have you tried the "VR" preset ?
  13. What did you tweak after every session ?? Granted, the G2 drove me crazy in the beginning. But once I found my sweet spot, I haven´t tweaked anything in over a year now. That is not 12k per eye. 12k is 12288 x 6480 pixels !
  14. Eugel


    Und kannst Du uns auch erklären inwiefern die Größe mit der Qualität zusammen hängt ?
  15. Ich denke nicht dass Dir Alternate einen PC ohne Grafikkarte zusammenbaut. Du kannst natürlich alle Komponenten einzeln bestellen und dann selbst alles zusammen bauen. Wird auf jeden Fall günstiger.
  16. But sometimes it´s best to keep these games in your rose-tinted memory. Otherwise it´s like watching the A-Team or Knight Rider as an adult It´s weird that someone would open such a topic as his/her first and only post here, but it´s an interesting topic. For me, a game that I miss would be "Tabula Rasa", an MMO from Richard Garriot (it was kind of a mix between World of Warcraft and Planetside). I really liked that game, it was innovative, I liked the world and the gameplay a lot. But it never had enough players to keep it going so they just shut off the servers after only about 1 year...
  17. https://www.alternate.at/Grafikkarten/NVIDIA-Grafikkarten/RTX-4070 Die haben schon einige normale 4070 auf Lager, auch die MSI Karte.
  18. Eugel


    Naja, das sind halt einfach Presets für Einstellungen wie Kontrast, Farbsättigung, Helligkeit, usw. Nimm das was Dir am Besten gefällt.
  19. Eugel


    Dürfte in etwa die gleiche Pixelgröße sein wie ein normaler HD Bildschirm (1920x1080) in 24 Zoll. Also ich denke wenn man genau hinschaut, kann man die Pixel sehen, aber ich denke nicht dass es sich "verpixelt" anfühlt.
  20. Mit der Maus. Ich habe mir dazu noch eine zweite Maus angeklemmt, die hinter dem Throttle liegt. Braucht etwas Gewöhnung die mit links zu bedienen, geht aber mittlerweile ziemlich gut. Sobald Du die Maus bewegst, erscheint im Cockpit ein Cursor den Du dann mit der VR Brille auch steuern kannst, d.h. wenn Du auf den Schalter schaust den Du bedienen willst, sitzt der Cursor schon grob an der richtigen Stelle, mit der Maus musst Du dann nur noch feinjustieren und anklicken.
  21. Check your throttle setting. The gun is powered by bleed air from the engine. If your engine RPM is too low, you can´t fire.
  22. Eugel


    Naja, was heißt "würde der passen" ... jeder Monitor "passt" zu DCS, die Werte sind da relativ irrelevant. HDR wird von DCS (meines Wissens nach) nicht unterstützt. Die 4 ms sind etwas mau, aber keine Ahnung ob man da in der Praxis wirklich was von merkt. Ich denke, die größte Frage wird sein ob Dein Rechner DCS in 4k packt. Ich persönlich würde mir keinen 60Hz Bildschirm mehr kaufen, aber das hat nichts mit DCS speziell zu tun.
  23. The steam review section is full of that, I guess about half of the "reviews" complain about prices. But granted, the people writing these "reviews" probably aren´t typical DCS players. But, occasionally, there are threads like this:
  24. I´m no expert on this, but wouldn´t that also open up a possibility for exploit through VPN ? I know that for example on steam, there´s a lot of key resellers who buy cheap keys and sell them in other markets. On topic: I can understand that people would want to save money wherever they can. But on a personal level I agree with the initial statement. I probably spent like 10 times more on hardware than on all my DCS modules. So I sometimes can´t really understand when people get upset when they only get a 33% discount instead of a 50% discount or stuff like that.
  25. Yeah, I had some trouble with the night missions as well. I think I´m stuck in the second or third mission. Might be because of VR, but whenever I put on the NVGs, I couldn´t read any of the instruments, and without them, you don´t even see a tree 20 meters in front of you.
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