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Everything posted by SVKSniper

  1. Beczl know how difficult it is to create a nice mod for the comunity. I took DCS: W it is beta version, so I was disappointed.Im happy if DCS:W progressing. There are many capable people and I think we can still create a lot of nice modules for DCS.
  2. SFM keycommands, rules and methods are removed since months so no longer available. It's not belong to force only EFM but if you want to use a custom cockpit you have to declare your own gear, flaps and control surfaces usage due it's not belong anymore the "old FC2" way. So generally if you press for example 'G' the keycommands call the internal logic through iCommandxxxx. So all restriction is belong the internal pre-defined gear logic (retraction speeds, forces, up/down time) This separation is really required because without that you can't use your own declarations for gears, flaps, etc... Also you have to cross-connect to your AFM and cockpit dll functions as well. All dispatch_action() that belong the gears, flaps, control surfaces no longer work. We'll have a new method but unfortunately I can't share it due I'm under NDA. I just want to inform you about that situation so you don't waste time to try to find a solution. Should Alex give you an official info about that. Sorry Lazslo and ED if i understund my one month of code its.....:mad::mad: Im very disillusioned on this news for meand i think for all moders........ Ok guys we waiting 4 years if ED update DCS:W and all code and if we have more info then we can start create our module......Thank you very much!!!!
  3. Guys little update my works.......;)
  4. Hey guys i have one idea..... Now we see in clickabledat.lua: external canopy argument = 38 If i use external refuelboom argument = 22.......hm???
  5. Right Sevas... Here is my buttons and switch for this moment and i upgrade every day... Battery 1 Battery 2 Inventor Fuel Pump AC Generator DC Generator ENG System Engine selector Engine start button Canopy Gear Flaps Refueling Boom ..........
  6. In Modelviewer works??? Then i think,definitely problem in code.....
  7. And position(x,y,z) from MAX for lights??? :D
  8. Yes Skilla, but for this time i have other priority....animation and scripting my cockpit... :D
  9. Now i see where I had a problem.......bad code.....:doh: Thx
  10. In this folder see A-10C,Su-25T folder with sound....I think you create folder for your plane with your sound....
  11. See in your DCS:W folder: Sounds/Effects/Aircraft......:)
  12. What is the setting material in 3d Max for the mirror? Please screen from max,thx.
  13. I think its better if you have 2 mods...I use 2 folder for my SMT and UBT version.....its better if you create lua file and search bad code.....
  14. Read this post Peyvolt(i think here is your problem....name your plane its F-1.....its correct??) http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=89164&page=8
  15. Little help for you SkateZilla.... http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=29065&highlight=refueling+animation&page=6
  16. Bob please more info how to create good canopy glass, mirrors.......or new document for plugin......thx.;)
  17. Good start and nice render Pepe! ;)
  18. We use script for smoke in FC2. See video from VFAT2011 Biele Albatrosy Fly in:http://www.livestream.com/vfat/video?clipId=pla_b125596e-5de6-4492-b155-a7e62f9e536a Its no bad but i will make new for DCS.....but i need more free time.
  19. Tango here is code from our L-39ZA (this code you see for plane in FC2 Rearm.lua file): rearm_payloads[L-39ZA] = { [GUN_ONLY] = {}, [4501] = { { Pylon = 1, LauncherCLSID = "{CLSIDnumber}", LauncherCategory = "11", }, { Pylon = 2, LauncherCLSID = "{CLSIDnumber}", LauncherCategory = "11", }, { Pylon = 3, LauncherCLSID = "{CLSIDnumber}", LauncherCategory = "11", }, { Pylon = 4, LauncherCLSID = "{CLSIDnumber}", LauncherCategory = "11", }, }, } {CLSIDnumber} ----use CLSID for UB-16 [4501] -----this is first number for payload if you more payloads for second is number 4502,for next 4503.......... LauncherCategory ------its defined your weapon category.... "11" ----- its for UB-16 "1" ------this number is for FAB-250
  20. Tango i think use this code: pylons_enumeration = {1, 4, 3, 2}
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