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Everything posted by ratherbegliding

  1. Thanks for clarifying that. Will bear it in mind in the future.
  2. Really? I was not aware. Looking back at my miles history I see I received miles for the purchase of the M2000 and the C-101 Aviojet???
  3. Hi there, Apologies if I'm missing something obvious here.... I purchased the F-4E back in December '24 when it launched. I didn't use ED miles for the transaction - I'd already spent them all! I haven't logged in to my ED account since then but when I looked at my account just now I notice the purchase is not appearing on my 'Miles history' page and I have not received any miles for the purchase? Surely there are miles when you purchase a module in early access or has that changed? Thanks RBG
  4. Hi there, As a chopper pilot really happy to see this teaser: Has any more information been released eg when it will be included in the beta? Is it module specific? Is multi-threading required? Etc… Thanks RBG
  5. Guys, please!!! Posting forum topics with names like that is seriously hazardous to my health!
  6. Hi, When I try to run the updater all I get is a message saying "Server not available. Please try again later". Any suggestions please? (I've been trying at various times...) Thanks
  7. Hi, Does this mod work with the current OB? (ver I've followed the install instructions..... I see the mod in the Options/Specials menu section... But nothing appears ingame??? Thx
  8. Really nice HD cockpits for the Mi-8 in User Files: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/1898778/
  9. Yeah, I am in total agreement.....I don't know why but I keep coming back to the Hip. That being said, I haven't tried the Hind yet....just about to as soon as my DCS finishes updating! Another good server to try is the Search and Rescue one (actually there's two Caucasus and Syria). I get better frame rates in the Caucasus one. Enjoy!
  10. Congratulations @DirtyFret FIVE years later and we're still using your mod
  11. Wow... thank you Sir. I have a few things to work on Initial thougts: - Yes, graphics card is moderately over clocked but never had MSFS crash on me and temps are reasonable ~50-55 degrees C - The BIOS is a surprise, need to rectify that - Also, reverted back to an earlier graphics driver to try and solve the original issue....will update now that that issue is resolved. More testing required..... Thanks again
  12. Hi again, So flew mainly multiplayer at the weekend (in the Mi-8). Reasonably stable in vanilla and even with a couple of HD cockpit and ground texture mods. Suffered two DCS crashes (and in the 8 ), but these were different to before: before, the game crashed immediately on entering the 3D environment. This time I had been flying for a period of time and then all of a sudden the game simulator freezes. Logs attached. Would be keen to understand what's causing it as my DCS build has been rock solid until now.... Thanks! dcs.log-20211106-080003.zip dcs.log-20211107-031008.zip
  13. Thank you Flappie Running again now..... so far so good with no mods. Will test more at the weekend.
  14. dcs.log-20211101-054940.zip So I did a full/slow repair and then managed to fly the mission..... I returned to the main menu and then tried to fly it again and it crashed. Third time worked fine Crash dump file attached from the second attempt... Thanks
  15. Hi all, Sorry if this sounds like a silly question, but I seem to recall at launch the NS430 was not integrated with the on board radio system. Is it possible to re-tune the VHF radio using the NS430 in the Mi-8? Or do you still have to enter/change frequencies using the panel on the centre console? Thanks
  16. Can't find one specific reason causing the crashes. However, as an example, this mission still causes my system to crash with the new Saved Games/DCS folder: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3317287/ No idea why?? Thank you again for the help
  17. Now getting on average a 10 fps increase on a 1070 by running at 1440p in DCS and then upscaling.
  18. Hi Maximov, Thank you. Got DCS running again. Trying to find which mod is causing the crashes.....
  19. Hi, So I am having this same problem since the last DCS update two(?) days ago. I have tried reinstalling the latest video driver and then tried rolling back to the previous version....still crashes every time! The frustrating thing is it was fine yesterday???? Crash dump attached. Thanks dcs.log-20211030-042833.zip
  20. Thanks #silverdevil, but where is the file to download? In the meantime I came across this: I downloaded the Magpie english version and I'm getting on average a 5 fps increase on a 1070.
  21. Please can someone explain how to install and use the AMD FSR files? Thanks
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