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Everything posted by Lord_Pyro

  1. Are you expecting the same serverperformances like steam has? where much more ppl can download freshly released games on day one? guess what; you cant. ED most certainly doesn't own that many servers like steam or blizzard does but unlike them, it's not their corebusiness to distribute games all day around the world or to run multiple servers crowded with thousend players simultaneously. So just draw a line, you don't know how many people downloaded the patch the same time you did...
  2. Like the Crimean Region or Georgia? :) The problems with many greater citys would probably be some fps drops though...
  3. Plus the IRIS was quite talkative or did i got a wrong picture? But as long as the Tomcatdevelopement still continues it's fine.
  4. Have you noticed IRIS is not listed in the 3rd Party Board anymore? Are they out of DCS? If so then edit the first post.
  5. If a heatseeker was fired you won't get a launchsignal ;) Everything you see and hear at/from RWR is radarrelated. So popping chaffs is the required measure. Heatseekers you have to spot with your eyes (often the task of the wingman) or you popp out flares every few seconds while in a hot zone as a prevention. So if you see a missile without getting the launchwarning you should use flares. Btw this is what enables the russian fighterjets some nice ambushoptions.
  6. But who is telling you that the DCS F15c will be at the same developementstage as the FC3 F15c? Maybe they want to build a newer model and that would affect the pit ;)
  7. Not that much. TV Screen, Autopilotpanels, ECM and IR Jammerpanels are changing the pit quite a bit and i certainly missed something. Also think about the hud...
  8. Maybe they'll add the pits later if they happen to have some extratime for low prioritytasks. They said it's not planned doesn't mean it's never going to happen. It just wont happen as quickly as it did with the other pits.
  9. Bah! Promopics of an old DCS Version, without the new gras or good textures... Like on the DCS Hueypage, these pics should be updated right away (at the dcs page) because you want to attrackt customers, these old pics wont benefit that goal like pics showing the actual stage of dcs and the hueymodule would do. Don't you think so? That's also why i didnt get the exitement in all the boards as the productpage was reactivated some days ago because it was obviously an old page with outdated screenshots, outdated texts and most likely outdated pricings. If you are a bit into the DCS universe you easily spott, that theese pictures were taken about half a year ago. Yet some people treated it like the holy grail...
  10. And what does this mean? 16, 18 or 21?
  11. You can open the loadoutmenu the same way as on the ground and therefore change payload and fuelamount. But your engines have to be shutt down. No hotpit refuelling. Next thing is, that online with highping the server may not get your parking position because the carrier moves and passively your plane does also but the server might misscalculate the speeds, so it may think you are rolling. Thats why they might not want to reequipp your plane. there is no way of contacting the tower. Maybe in A10 or Ka50 but not for Su33.
  12. With the current Carriers the F/A18 would be put to waste. First of all the flightdeck. As for regular airfields it would be great if certain numbers could be assigned in the missioneditor as rampstartposition and thus eliminating the bug where 2 humancontrolled planes spawn at the same spot resulting in crashes. Of course this would not affect the starting from the runwayplanes. Maybe here the missiondesigner should be able to choose from 4 different runways. Now we need some system to fill the decks. That could be done by appoint in a new submenue (just like it was before created with the warehouses) to assign empty planes to the numbers which i mentioned above as ramppositions. There maybe a check has to be done preventing 2 bigsizeplanes spawning too close to each other (and of course no empty plane is able to spawn on a clientrampstartslot). Such a system could provide us a more realistically flightdecklook, cramped with planes and maybe crew. This would be the next chapter. A system of directors guiding taxiing planes in takeoffposition, giving handsignals for lowering the bar and to prepare for shooting would be cool. (in FSX it has been done on a very basic basis) Of course guides for landed planes would be a bit too much to ask, maybe later. But for takeoff it would be great to call the tower, choosing (or getting declared to) one of the catapults and thus activating the guidingKI for the deckcrew. After the first plane is in position the next one may ask for his spot. For landings we already have ils and if i'm not mistaken the meatball? An LSO guiding on a special frequenzy the last bit of the descend would add great immersion. So overall the carrier would have the need to get a whole communicational overhaul. We would need a towerfreq for navi assistance, arranging takeoffs, and managing inbound flights. And on the final inbound the lso should be take over maybe using a seperate frequency (i guess the hornet has more than one radiosystems?) These would be major changes of course but right now there is no carrierfeeling at all in DCS/FC3.
  13. Wargame is creating a sequel with aircrafts which would give you some of your desired aspects.
  14. Armed Assaults Warefaregamemodes pretty much walk into that direction and shurely that would he great and you could even go a step further and combine it with a campaign and therefore it would create a dynamic gameplay/multiplayercampaign. You spoke about points, paying for sam and planes. So why don't you go a step further and invent a system of credits where soldiers wage costs credits and other ressources like fuel, ammunition or whole tanks have to be delivered by ship and plane to the airfields or frontlines. Of course it would be timeconsuming for qra flights. Lets say we have a tankcolumn movint on a road still away from the frontline. Now it happens to appear a sneaky interdictionflight out of nowhere. You want to scramble interceptors asap and not after they gathered, joined, payloaded and started their systems. Fc3 fighters could wait with one engine running, spooling the other one while taxiing and therefore conserving fuel one the flightline but once we get the hornet or eagle things look different... But after all it would create a strategical and tactical war- environment without compare. Yet the engine like it is right now is limmiting us to smallscalemissions. The groundattackers here might not have noticed but i guess fighters or squadrons already met the magical barriere, where the game starts warping regardless of the serverhardware and connectionbandwidth. The netcode simply doesn't support largescaleoperations. But still the idea behind this is great and it would be easy to bringt up some rules and affections for this not at least because of this already had been done in il2.
  15. IRC would do that. Just set up a channel, get shure everyone knows about it and see if it works out as planned. Other games use IRC too to set up matches in a few minutes.
  16. At the Frontpanel on the left side there is an Intrument looking like this one (ok this is a german one but the P51's looks similiar). There you have a ball inside a tube wandering to the left or the right and you have this stick thing, also able to move left and right. A perfect trimmed aircraft would result in both of these things centered in the middle or 12o clock position. Of course it not happen just by magic though, so you should know how to achieve this. The whole trimming should be divided in 3 steps which should be also should be performed sequentially and not simultaneously. First thing ist your Rudder. The instrument for rudderdrift is the ball. Just trimm the plane in the direction the ball is wandering out of the center. During the trimprozess you should keep your ailerons manually with the stick centered, because it would affect the ball. Once you centered the ball you can take care of the other one, the stick (or brush, at least in german its called brush). But unlike the ball you have to work now in the opposite direction with your aileron trimm. So if the brsuh falls to the left, trimm your right wing down. After you accomplished this, you can take care of your noseup/down trimm, just take the intrument right of the above shown as reference. Also keep in mind, if you are trimmed good, you will start to get faster and therefore have to retrimm the plane, same goes for changing climbangle or powersettings.
  17. Those who dont see the need modt likeley don't fly in a squadron. Without the Channelcommand from Ts2 now you have to bind keys for direct whispering into several channels, so what the channelcommanddettings in ts2 did, has to be done by the user now resulting in needing more keys. but if you have 6+ people sitting in the same channel, fighting on 2 completely oppodite directions and a third group going to some details of training or briefing, you start to miss important information and want a tarslike feature. For lonley wolves of course this is not really interesting. Next thing was, that in my undetstanding tars just gets your set frequencies of your mics, linking every person on the same freq allthough the rest may even be in the same channel. But if you are already able to switch channels without alt tabbing i certainly show give it a second look. Some discussions here about multiplayer seem to forget about a big part of the online community flying in virtual squadrons cooperative missions. After all these discussions about lacking aircover for a10 or 1vs1 engagements or unbalanced stuff one should not forget that there are also people flying as a whole combatforce together. And this is absolutely possible right now, thats why most of us remain relatively silent about problems and balancing issues. And every time i read about things like "after 5 mins of powering up my aircraft i got immediatly shot down" i adk myself, "why dont you look for real mates then?" it is not so much the task of ED raising the startup time nor have the missions to be changed or redesigned. It is the pilot him/herself who chose to fly alone. I cant immagine any v squad which would reject joining them just because of a bad mood.
  18. This will be interesting with the upcoming dcs jets but with fc3 you wont be able to use tars because of the lack of different mics with variable freq's...
  19. Reminds me hovering in a city in front of an AK soldier, laughing at him, while he was firing his bullets at me. Wasn't even 200m away. After several minutes *Bammm* Everything went black, my head was smashed, my helo was still trimmed on hovering but started slightly to spinn. The spinning was so slowly that it took him about 10min to crash into the the next building, ruining some apartments inside at around 8 o clock am. I can imagine there are nicer ways to get waked up than a chopper bursting in your bedroom, smashing through the walls and furniture and eventually explode. I can imagine at least 2 better ways to get awakened, believe me.
  20. He just want a sophiticated, modern supersonicjet and he's not alone with that wish ;) Mig21 will be nice to play with but to actually work together with the A10c we need a way more modern aircraft, capable of datalink, radar high situational awareness, we need F15, F16 or F/A18 :)
  21. Assuming that we get realistic carrier ops, i will just spend weeks outside my RL XD
  22. For me the greatest would be some carrier ops in terms of ww2. Zero, wildcat (also referred as shitcats around here -.-) val, corsair!, hellcats, kates, devastator, helldiver, avenger + + + +. So many planes want to get started from an carrier. Some day... :)
  23. Altough the Startup of Hornets is already well known, teached by various sims. It's not like no one ever did a hornetsim beforehand. So first thing we'll do is to ramp up at an carrier (if ED delivers some major improvements to carriers, like a crowded deck or rampstartpositions (the system we have right now would be an show stopper!)) line up at the cat and shoot that brid in the air! (and of cource try to land back on deck without ils, just by the feeling and eyemeasurements) :) I long for that day!
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