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Everything posted by spacemishka

  1. Hi, with the new release, dcs.exe is always deleted, when i set my Screen setting and restart the game. Does anyone know what files needs an exeption? I have dcs.exe and edCore.dll on the list, but does not help. regards
  2. Thanks for this. recently the Amor-X Pro was on sale on A* and i got it and a XBOX Series X and a chatpad. Still working on a Layout for a L-39...neat battle bee. And i found the Gazelle better to fly with the controller..
  3. WtH We need A6M, KI-84 and else for WWII Marianas, no La-7, no PO-2 or Mig-3...
  4. hahaha... then i could buy now all...and when then Ed change to subsciption model, what i sipposed to pay? I paid all already.
  5. Hi, nice to see that FC3 gets three more planes, good especially for beginners. But,..why there is nothing for the Warbird Community? We are lacking Full Fidelity Models (e.g. japanese Planes for WWII Marianas) and we have no Low fidelity models....and only one real map to use. Kola Map could be have Finish-Russian-Winter-War-Scenario,....but I-16 against 109? But even we have no early 109C or Hurricane for this. There could be really something. P.
  6. I think other maps got more airbases overtime as well. Let them just give us a good starting point. There can't be everything right in the initial version.
  7. no... i am interested in the BO-105,....but this will take some time until it gets released. Maybe i try the KA-50.
  8. Can't say i dislike yet. it is just hard to get used to it
  9. I have that with my TH 16000 HOTAS. I figured out, that flight controls are also mapped to the ministick on the HOTAS,....even when the ministick has nothing mapped to it. I just mapped something to the axis to overcome that issue
  10. ah.... did that come with the mayor update last year? I came back to the Gazelle the last days...........and really hate it. Cant get in to hover mode, even with changed axis behaviour. Master Arm handling is bad. Why it needa two Master Arm switches?
  11. Is Kaliningrad not part of the map?
  12. at least the JF-17 has also a targeting pod.....
  13. i know.....just forgot about it
  14. Just a I-16 for soviet fan are not enough Another Warbird Idea... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavochkin-Gorbunov-Gudkov_LaGG-3
  15. Would like to see this for the Warbird Collection https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macchi_C.202_Folgore
  16. Yes,...but as i mentioned.... Africa needs also at least some more aircrafts...maybe a Macchi MC.202.
  17. Would like to have it
  18. the new normandy map does not fit your idea?
  19. What i really miss are training mission to get more familiar with the EE and the CE. Are those coming up soon?
  20. also bei mir geht es...hab es gerade gestartet.
  21. JF-17 is nice. Just the engine responds a little slow to changes
  22. The idea maybe was already mentioned, but what about north africa as WWI theatre. Sadly we would need also one or two italian aircrafts .
  23. Ich fürchte da müssen wir einfach warten. ReShade patcht ja die Executable an bestimmten stellen.
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