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About PiotrMKG

  • Birthday 08/11/1979

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  • Flight Simulators
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    Scale modeling, MTB

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  1. So, after HB included @MYSE1234 mods in vanilla module, can someone tell me what mods can I remove from ovgme list and what should stay? As far as I can tell I have all of his mods.
  2. Since I have all HB modules, I want all black t-shirts, how to add them?
  3. Those CPUs have 16 cores 32 threads so no need to disable SMT. Disable SMT only if more than 32 threads.
  4. Hornet, Viper over Viggen land? We need Viggen campaign for this map.
  5. Made a separate profile for core mods, works flawlessly. I have a question, this mod contains HUD modifications, they are separate from realistic HUD mod of yours?
  6. I’m using it to (ovgme) manage mods in saved games, do I need to make another „profile” for DCS main folder? Or how it’s done?
  7. Hi, Is it possible to make it work in Saved games folder? For me this mod works only if copied to DCS main folder, which is sub optimal to copy it everytime DCS updates Viggen.
  8. Any idea what magnetic declination should be dialed in over South Atlantic map? And what are the codes for airfields?
  9. AMD has great CPUs for benchmarks or multithreaded optimized apps, but in real life they are a little let down. On top of that USB dropouts aren’t that uncommon, audio cracking all related to AGESA being still a WiP, and the newer AGESA the more AMD is tuning down performance. Newest AGESA is which is supposed to eliminate whole system stutters due to fTPM, but it doesn’t resolve VDDP/VDDG voltage bug still present since All in all, if You are content Creator go for AMD if U just game stick with Intel, much more polished platform. And I am not a fan boy of Intel I switched from i7 5960X to AMD 3700X then to 5900X.
  10. https://us.msi.com/Motherboard/PRO-Z690-A-WIFI-DDR4 this one is best buy performance/€$£¥ pair with ddr4 3600MHz CL16
  11. I would go with Intel 12700k, MSI z690 ddr4 mobo. If U have ddr4 reuse it. AMD is great in multithreaded apps, DCS isn’t one now. Due to chiplet design all games surfer from wierd fps drops.
  12. Może jak DCS przejdzie na Vulcan’a to będzie lepiej, póki co procesory z lepszą wydajnością jednowątkową zapewniają więcej fps niż lepsza karta graficzna. ED mógłby i pewnie coś tam robi aby DCS wykorzystywał bardziej dostępne zasoby CPU, ideałem byłoby aby wykorzystywał do 32 rdzeni 64 wątków. Jako iż DCS jest już z nami tyle czasu i pewnie jeszcze co najmniej drugie tyle jeszcze przed nami, koszt napisania (pewnie od nowa) silnika gry aby w pełni korzystał z zasobów systemowych byłby opłacalny. 12900k w operacjach jednowątkowych jest chyba ze 40% szybszy niż 9900k, a jak jeszcze wyłączy się te e-cores to algorytm turbo boost pewnie zwiększy tę różnicę.
  13. I would like to see something like ORBX TrueEarth HD for DCS, don’t mind if it takes 200GB of disc space.
  14. Thanks. ps. Will there be any discount for Polish customers, would be nice, since You (Sweden) invaded Us (Poland) in 1655 . War reparations You know
  15. @JackFlash Last minute Q, what's max thickness of desk that the mount can clamp on?
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