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Everything posted by krazyj

  1. gotcha, how far away were stationary targets vs moving targets, the most common misunderstanding Ive seen is that people are convinced the stationary targets can be seen past 6km
  2. it doesnt distinguish between friendlies or enemy aircraft. it just see the lump of metal. even if its dead.
  3. While Im sure the community appreciates the prospect of an update, I feel like trust is already gone and the only way to restore this would be to not focus on additional immediate content and focus on fixing some bugs even if this means that it is only a small update. Additionally, Id personally like to see an updated road map, realistic one this time, so we all know what and when to expect what, and obviously very clear and concise communication. We all know that development can take time and has bumps on the road, but for paying customers, we/they just want to hear that hey guys, we have an issue, next major update is pushed to xx, and the coming update will only have minor fixes ect. That I can respect and Im sure others can too.
  4. No, @BIGNEWY already mentioned on a facebook post that it will most like. be the update following this one. unfortunately
  5. a - not yet but its coming for both front and backseat b - the source of your acquisition determines which direction your FCR scans in, so if you have LOS/TADS pointing to the left, FCR will scan that area
  6. krazyj

    F-15e Update?

    if people who are doing the development isnt paid you cant expect them to work for free.
  7. its a pretty basic bug id imagine and easily fixable. but I think most people would let up if they were just told what in the a.. is going on and when we can realistically expect the promised updates. I will wait for something official from the ED team now, I trust @BIGNEWY will update the thread once communication has been received from the dev.
  8. I get that, and as I mentioned in another post I wouldnt have an issue with this if it wasnt for the fact that they promised the first update Nov 2023 followed by another big update in end of 1Q24. there has been absolutely nothing mentioned of what the plan is and communication is sporadic at best. I have patience, and a lot of it, but I also expect devs to be forthcoming about a product they have already received my money from. It would take them 5 sec to post on their forum/facebook ect. Guys we have xyz problems, we are working with ED to resolve, as the old roadmap has come and gone we anticipate first update to be out xx and following feedback and additional fixes next update will follow xx after that. we appreciate your patience and know you want..... bla bla bla.. That Id respect. what they are doing now is taking a mickey.
  9. I will be very surprised if we see any updates to this at all. I hate to say it but I honestly think ED should pull it from the market until the developer can show some more commitment to the project.
  10. and its probably a move he can pull when hes at sea level but in high alt not so much. Anyways, to OP I think you need to go through the training missions, they are good and explain things for you. and `i dont know where on earth you found that absolutely horribly wrong description on retreating blade stall, sounds like something one of the influencers on tik tok would come up with. Have you flown other helicopters in MSFS,XP or DCS before ?
  11. is there a way of changing trajectory when using FCR ? sometime targets above you wont be hit as the trajectory is to low.
  12. I honestly dont think the lack of update is the issue. The issue is lack of comms, lack of a reliable road map. No one forced them to post an update road map with delivery goals. its their own doing. So what good is the road map when its thoroughly being ignored
  13. no wackers mate, yeah its still a WIP but its very cool flying with guys that know how and will use it.
  14. saw a mod once for a reaper I think it was Grim reapers showcasing so maybe have a look on youtube
  15. @AndreNL Just saw your msg on my post on the error in the manual. it seems you already got a reply. But its quite normal to get the NAK message and I get it too with other users but they do receive the message I send. I can only assume its an intermittent bug
  16. Its odd though, Ive had george target a tent and other light buildings designated in the mission editor as hostile. maybe it was a fluke
  17. you can edit this in mission editor although in the new patch as Bignewy says, it is available in the rearm menu
  18. @BIGNEWY there is an error in the manual on page 336 8 refers to Orig ID but on the illustration the MSG buttons are highlighted. I know its a small thing but thought Id report it in See attached screenshot
  19. I actually thought the Sanai map had already been abandoned. A road map is great but what use is it, if 1 its not being used or 2 not updated to reflect the current situation. Ive been buzzing around Sanai in the apache and yes while its a great map, it needs a lot of work particularly on optimization and lighting. I want to use Sanai more, but it just doesnt invite to being used just yet. in my personal opinion, team should focus on optimization and how to continue this in further updates before adding further POIs
  20. Cheers Raptor, Im quite aware of SE vs ME performance, but I just seems the Apache is slightly underpowered in a SE situation. Maybe George does need to lay off the cheeseburgers. I dont recall my numbers from the latest flight but will certainly have a look next time and also the last flight I did was in Sanai so hot/humid would have been a factor for sure. for the sake of M&B calculation, what weights are used for Pilot/George ?
  21. Id normally agree but if you are in a hostile area Id prefer RTB
  22. I find the single engine performance of the apache to be quite poor, if you loose an engine for whatever reason you are really in a bad situation and I had to do creeping takeoffs with no load what so ever. is the real apache this poor on single engine or har it been dialed down for "security" reasons ?
  23. I always learn something new, and a blade stall when overspeed was a bit of a stretch but it is infact what happens as the blade goes supersonic the lift drops from the blade and in effect is stalled.
  24. never heard of wing stall on a helicopter, the MR blade can stall if you overspeed or over pitches the blade. and its quite normal to go full aft on the helicopter for certain manoeuvres such as precision stops (quick stops) or evasive actions ect. this is usually coordinated with the collective input so an overpitching of the blade doesnt occur. the only way to get out of overpitching is to lower coll and move the cyclic forward a little. and once above 40knots normal collective usage can reoccur.
  25. krazyj


    how will the FCR mode overlap on the TSD with known targets ?
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