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Everything posted by johnv2pt0

  1. Do you have access to some tools? With some basic work and little cash you can make a mount yourself. I made a detachable center mount rig for my TM Warthog. A small piece of plywood cut to fit under the chair, screws, a pipe flange, and some pvc pipe and fittings.
  2. Any way to get this working on 1.2.10? I've got it in the TheatresOfWar folder and can access it via ME but it crashes when trying to launch.
  3. I took it apart, sanded the rough spots, greased it up with Molykote 44 medium, and boy what a difference. Just did it today, but if I see any problems over time, I'll repost here. It's like a whole new experience...very nice.
  4. Seen on mine as well, but not constantly.
  5. Check here, someone may have figured it out http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=125245
  6. See here for new code: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2154477#post2154477 Thanks again Grimes
  7. Thanks Grimes! I appreciate you taking the time to fix it. I'll redirect the other thread here for people's searches. Cheers ~ :beer:
  8. Aircraft specific kneeboard? Is there a way to have certain kneeboard pages only show up when flying certain aircraft? Example: You own all aircraft modules, however you want the A-10 startup guide to show on the kneeboard only when in the A-10.
  9. Roger! So, this runway hit scoring script seems to be telling me that "LuaClass" doesn't exist anymore. Did the coding for MIST change so that this won't work anymore or is there some other extremely obvious thing I'm missing lol? The script is from Speed and worked before. Taken from here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1713860&postcount=7
  10. Ok, so based on Grime's advice it was a syntax error, I went back and found it eventually. Boom, mist.ground.patrol works brilliantly. But, a bigger problem is that I only ever get this "error in error handling" message. I really hate asking for help when it's something that I should get a clue on and figure out myself. Also, maybe you guys could help me out on this runway bombing script. It was Speed's? originally from the flanker mission, but changed to suit my needs. Works fine on another mission, but doesn't on this one. SlmodMissionScripting.lua and RunwayBombing.lua attached. Any help is appreciated...like I said, I think getting the debug to work will solve most of my problems. Sukhumi Strike.miz RunwayScoring.lua SlmodMissionScripting.lua dcs.log.txt me.log.txt
  11. I actually didn't have that part commented out. Any other ideas on how to get the error messages working?
  12. I'm having a hard time getting this to work. I've tried running this via do script on a trigger and also tried adding it to the advanced waypoint properties of the unit itself on it's last waypoint. What am I doing wrong? I get an "error in error handling" message.
  13. W definitely gets my vote. I was really dissapointed with the choice of the G and don't see any reason to own it. I'm sure it's already been said, but I can do basically the same thing in the Huey, plus I can do troop transport. And all that said, I rarely fly the Huey... KA-50 keeps me very busy on the other hand. So yeah.... if it's G I'm not buying. If it's W I'll preorder now! And on a side note, great job on the other modules! Love em.
  14. Sure enough...that was it. Thanks sir ~
  15. Hi gents, I'm building a simple mp mission where clients can activate certain aircraft opponents via the SLMOD parallel options system. (7.2) This really should be very simple, but I cannot get it to work. The option list works fine, but when you call the flag that then activates the group, the sim crashes. I have one option that generates a different flag for a sound to play, and that works fine. It also doesn't generate a crash log. I've searched for known bugs related to 1.2.9 and this forum for slmod issues, but don't see anything. Any help is appreciated. Dogfight Server.miz
  16. I used to have microstutters because of music playing in the background (pandora, wmp, etc). I was able to overcome this by making a RAMDISK for my temp folder in windows. No clue if any of this helps, but there it is!
  17. johnv2pt0


    Any talk of ATC improvements? I'm curious what kind of priority is has for being fixed or overhauled in the overall dcs product development (high, medium, low).
  18. Also, my thoughts real quick with the debate around jet trainers. I fly with some guys that are pilots, and I myself am a retired USAF pilot, so I feel I can speak a bit for that subsection of the flight simming world. I don't know a single rl pilot that doesn't jump at the chance to learn and fly anything new that's at dcs level. I've said the same thing about the usefulness of certain aircraft for combat, but then that's really just a matter of mission design. Example: P-51D doesn't fair too well vs. a T-90...so don't put a T-90 in the mission. Does it matter if you see a BMP explode versus a T-90 when you're buzzing around in the sky? For me, no it doesn't. Admittedly, it does complicate things when you're trying to make a stand alone dedicated server type of mission, but there are still ways to make it viable. And then there's the incentive for other developers to get their feet in the door as others have said. If only modern front line fighters are "allowed" to be developed...the number of developers with access to the information required and the dedication to complete a project like that would be far less than what we have now. By learning the coding and the development process for ED, the next airframe they create will be released faster and probably at better quality levels. So you will actually see many more aircraft, including front line fighters than you would otherwise. So, yeah, I'd love to see an F-18, but I also am really looking forward to all the stuff currently in the pipeline. When talking about the flight sim experience most of the learning process and skill development translates across all airframes and only a very little bit is about specific weapon systems. And not to derail the thread, but I think the most limiting thing in DCS isn't the airframe selection but the almost complete lack of ATC and instrument flying.
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