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Everything posted by EvilBivol-1

  1. Кроме того можно поставить переключатели в положение CHEM REL и выпускать дымы по нажатию боевого курка (ракет/бомб).
  2. Game mode uses the same FM, but with heavily incresed damping.
  3. You can use the Radio Transmission trigger to create a station on a trigger zone.
  4. Я сам еще не разобрался, но видел, что проблема связанна с режимом центрального положения триммера. Попробуйте отключить его в меню настроек UH-1H.
  5. The ricochet effects have been a perpetual debate since they were first implemented for DCS Black Shark. The devs feel that the modeling is correct or at least correct enough.
  6. Mast bumping is modeled and can include both a "soft" impact against the mast or actual rotor separation.
  7. Please download and install the updated training missions. http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1744443&postcount=1
  8. Sorry, I had communicated with the team about this, but I think they may have left it out due to the size impact of the training. Most likely we will be making a separate installer for the training course.
  9. The stabilizer bar is modeled, but again, may possibly need further tuning.
  10. Any time you reduce saturation, you lose some input authority at the edges of the axis. Meaning you will not be able to deflect the stick/pedals to their outermost positions. While this does help ease control, it should be avoided as it will prevent you from being able to reach full deflection on the controls.
  11. EvilBivol-1


    Ah, yes, I can imagine that the difference in spool up may not be modeled. Actually I think there is a mistake in that the fire rate of a single gun in stow mode also doubles when only the left/right gun is selected manually by the switch. As far as I understand from the docs, this should not happen.
  12. It works on both guns as well, just happens much sooner on one when it is being fired beyong the fire gimbal limit of the other gun, because the rate of fire doubles.
  13. EvilBivol-1


    Seems to be working correctly to me. Testing by counting the number of rounds fired per cycle (I used 5 seconds). The number is the same (+/- some error of course) when firing both guns or a single gun traversed past the firing limit of the second one. Meaning, the single gun doubles its rate of fire to produce the same number of rounds fired per cycle as when both guns are firing.
  14. Не думаю что это имеет смысл в симе. В жизни его отключают в основном чтобы снять нагрузку с ручки и чтобы было легче на маневрах. Наши джойстики же и так не слишком нагружены. Ну правда с форс фидбеком может и да.
  15. You won't hear me criticize you for flying with linear input! It is in fact the ideal way to do it as long as you are satisfied with your control ability. Curve settings are there for people to adjust to their own hardware or just personal preference, but if you can avoid them, all the better.
  16. Sling loads are planned and current WIP internally.
  17. Check out the info posted here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1744419&postcount=7
  18. You can turn autipilot on/off during gameplay using the LWIN+A command.
  19. Кстати видео уроки, а так же различные добавочные материалы, как например инструктаж от нашего Испанского летчика-тестера, можно смотреть на канале youtube Belsimtek. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfXSomaM_K6-dViYowLXeJg
  20. Yes, looks like the mission may not be passable at default play in the release build. Will try to test again and fix up for the next update.
  21. Never mind, it looks like the mission may not be passable in the release build as it's impossible to takeoff from the summit.
  22. All of the controls are set in Options > Controls. If you have a joystick, you need to go to the "Axis Commands" category to see what flight controls are mapped to the joystick and delete any conflicts. If you don't have a joystick, you will find the keyboard commands in the "Ins Rudder" category. Here's an imagine that may help:
  23. Unfortunately the open-beta released with an older collection of the training missions, before the voiceover was added. An updated set with voiceover is available here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1744443&postcount=1 Should also be available for download from an ED server soon and inlucded in the next game update.
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