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Everything posted by EvilBivol-1

  1. This doesn't sound right and there's probably some kind of mapping issue there. Maybe you even have it reversed?
  2. As your speed drops below about 40 knots, you start losing translational lift and need to start picking up the collective to compensate, which also requires putting in corresponding left pedal to maintain heading. The more rapid the deceleration, the more aggressive you will need to be on the controls. To practice, learn how to to this with a slow deceleration rate. Once you are able to control it there, begin to slow down more aggressively. You can see an example of this in the Landing training video. Note where the controls are initially during final approach and how the collective and pedals are shifted as speed drops down from 40 knots to 0.
  3. Yes, looks like the command is not functional at the moment. Suggest you use the Controls Indicator (RCTRL + ENTER) to check the position of the controls and re-trim in center.
  4. That's true. The right pilot's default view is tilted down 15 degrees to place the instrument panel into view when 'centering' the cockpit camera. Unfortunately the camera angle is currently also the rotation plane. We are aware of the problem. If you wish to level the right pilot's view, you can do so in the mainpanel_init.lua file found in \\Mods\aircrafts\Uh-1H\Cockpit\Scripts. Check like 818, "vAngle" setting. Set this to '0' to level the view. The left pilot's view is level by default.
  5. WEAPON HINTS - turns the yellow autopilot and weapon indicator ON/OFF by default. You can also turn this on/off in flight by pressing LCTRL+LSHIFT+H. AUTOPILOT AVAILABILITY - allow or not allow the use of autopilot modes. CENTRAL POSITION TRIMMER MODE - this is for joysticks without force feedback. When set to ON, stick input is "frozen" after you press-release the trimmer button until you return it to center position. This is designed to give you time to return the stick to center without having to do it very quickly, like you would have to do with this options turned OFF. The same applies to pedals is pedal trim is ON. ENABLE RUDDER TRIMMER - Sets pedal force-trim on or off. If set to ON, the virtual pedals will maintain their position when the trimmer button is pressed-released and you will need to re-center your real pedals. If set to OFF, the virtual pedals are not trimmed and you will need to control your real pedals throughout the flight as you maneuver.
  6. By "throw" I just mean the length of the stick. I've been thinking for some time now to make a kind of training video on setting up DCS input and other options to help new players get started. Hopefully can do this sometime soon. Please post any questions you have and we'll try to answer.
  7. All of the NDBs are on the map of the Mission Editor once you zoom in a little. Of course this means they are also on the map of the Mission Planner, which you can use prior to starting a mission.
  8. I should amend my post above. Technically, all AFM DCS aircraft, including the Huey, are designed for no axes curves. Curves are only there to help compensate for the limitations of our gaming hardware. So to answer the original question, the realistic setting would be linear. However the real question is whether you are able to achieve a realistic level of control authority using linear settings. If not, then you should use curves to try to get as close as possible to having realistic control authority. It's important to understand the benefits and drawbacks of curves, though, so use them wisely.
  9. The power up to full power can take a while as those last few RPM come up. Try accelerating time for a couple of minutes to see if it gets there or it's really stuck. LCTRL+Z to accelarate time, LSHIFT+Z to reset to normal.
  10. Возможно это просто ожидание достижения требуемых оборотов. Они под конец там медленно до вершины набираются. Попробуй ускорить время (LCTRL+Z, LSHIFT+Z вернуть нормальное).
  11. Не стоит так резко подходить к вопросу. Я ничего против "показаний" Kotov'a не имею (наоборот, надо продолжать разговор, понять где-что может быть не так), но во первых летчики, это люди и у них, как у всех других, могут быть разные мнения и впечатления об одном и том-же. У нас в тестерах даже два довольно опытных пилота не просто одновинтовых машин, а конкретно ирокеза. Так вот сначала один из них вообще говорил, что вроде все хорошо. Потом пришел второй и начал указывать на некоторые проблемы и тогда и первый к нему присоединяться начал. Были корректировки некоторые. Во вторых это все таки бета и динамика еще будет докручиватся. Но я думаю сейчас уже можно сказать, что модель даст вам хорошее понимание об одновинтовой системе и о динамических эффектах с ней связанных. Одно сравнение с Ка-50 чего стоит - открывание глаз, все понимается в сравнении, т.д. Тут это все на практике попробовать можно, на своих руках, и, как мне кажется, получить по большому счету правильные впечатления о реальных машинах используя всего-лишь ваш ПК.
  12. If you didn't catch this through our Youtube channel, here's a great vid where you can see how the pilot is making constant inputs with the cyclic, mostly within about an inch in either direction unless performing a strong pitch/roll maneuver. Consider the difference in the length of his cyclic and your joystick and how that affects the required inputs. -Rxpe3LF5QI Another clip with some good views of the controls: Again, this doesn't mean there are no further adjustments required to the model, which may include increased damping, but I think it's useful to understand the effects of the hardware we use, not to mention lack of physical feedback, peripheral vision, etc.
  13. She is also quite light in the training mission. Load her up and she won't be so nimble. :)
  14. The issue is complicated, because we don't use a "canned" rotor animation that we could simply re-draw. The blades are rendered in their actual pitch angles in the model. It may look "thicker" in the sim simply because the blades themselves are drawn thicker to include the motion blur effect. This was true for the Ka-50 as well and is the reason we could not do a "disc" visual effect and instead had to draw each blade individually. This has some drawbacks in the visualization of the rotor disc compared to how your eye sees it in reality (especially because the appearance of the animation is dependent on frames per second), but is necessary in order to properly animate the blade/rotor articulation in real time. I do agree with a point you had made earlier about the droopiness of the blades, which I think is overly done, especially when they are in motion. That I think we should be able to fix and we'll take another look at it.
  15. Sounds like you might have something besides the stick mapped to your cyclic, like pedals maybe or a steering wheel or something else? The virtual stick doesn't wobble on its own and should just stay in place where your HOTAS stick is set (unless there's hydro damage, in which case it will wonder a bit).
  16. Suggest we don't let first impressions go too far in our conclusions about the FM. I mean it's fun to share of course, but I think most players, including real pilots, need at least a few hours of practice and adjustment before they get a good feel for the controls and responsiveness. Chances are the first time you fly any helicopter without stability augmentation, you're not going to do too well trying to hover. That isn't to say that the FM is flawless. We know that it isn't and have said previously that it will continue to be tuned even after open beta release. The point is that an informed discussion about the FM can only happen after you are fully adjusted to it and can perform reasonably accurate testing with precise, repeatable inputs. Having said that, please, share!
  17. The curve is there primarily to help new players when they first try the sim, since not everyone is even aware of the input options and how to set up properly. It's kind of a "cushion" for beginners. Personally, I would first spend a little time flying with no curves at all, just to get a feeling for the "raw" FM responsiveness. Then I would try a curve of 20, followed by 30, to see which feels better. When doing your "flight testing", you should test not only hover, but also various maneuvers and high speed flight to make sure you cover the flight envelope of the controls. IMHO a curve of 30 might be too problematic for the Huey if you are going to do combat mission flying where you are often outside of the middle cyclic position. For slow speed handling, though, it is probably good.
  18. Check SPECIAL > UH-1H menu in Options to enable pedal trim.
  19. There is no "official" recommendation as input settings are always very individual. Even people using the same hardware will often have very different suggestions on what works best. So here are my thoughts based only on my personal experience. First of all take a little time to practice before you draw conclusions. It is a complex flight model and our generally short-throw hardware means very small inputs need to be used, which takes getting used to. Give your brain some time to adjust and build some muscle memory. It's normal to initially have some control difficulty. The question is if you still have control difficulty after a couple/few hours of practice. I've flown the Huey with a CH Fighterstick, a Warthog stick with and without extension, and a MSFFB Sidewinder 2. I find that the Huey is best flown with a light stick that has little friction. This means the CH Fighterstick and MSFFB2 are by default better suited for it than the Warthog, although the extension on the Warthog is a big help. Using either the CH Fighterstick or MSFFB2, I am able to fly quite well with no curves. Adding a bit of curve can help in fine input control, especially for hovering, but you must remember that setting a curve is a double-edged sword. It smooths your input around the middle, but amplifies it away from the middle. Because you are flying a helicopter, the cyclic will be away from the middle quite often, so you have to consider this carefully. If you do wish to use a curve, I would suggest limiting it to 20. Also, unless you have a Very noisy stick, a deadzone of 2-3 should hopefully be sufficient. Again, you will rarely be in the neutral position of the cyclic, so the deadzone is of limited use anyway. If using the MSFFB2, remember that you CANNOT set any curve on the cyclic if Force Feedback is enabled. Also remember to swap your pitch/roll feedback axes in the Axis input options. Also for those using MSFFB2, consider trying the program kindly provided by a user here: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1394206&postcount=18 This will allow you to set pitch/roll curves on the cyclic and still use force feedback, in addition to other changes to the feedback modeling. Using CH pedals, I do find a curve of about 20 and a deadzone of 2 to be helpful. Finally, we've included the option to disable pedal trim, so you don't have to re-center your pedals every time you trim. This options can be turned on/off in the UH-1H Special options page.
  20. About the most you can do is use the ADF to home on the NDB stations located throughout the map.
  21. Respects from Yo-Yo, translated from the Russian forum and re-posted here.
  22. The project's producer, known here as "PilotMi8", has been killing time getting some stick time in a real Huey here in the U.S. Based on his now personal experience, he is quite comfortable with the likeness of our model. We'll try to put together an after action review when there is a bit more time. P.S. This has no effect on the release date!
  23. Since signing off on all of the legal documents preventing us from talking about the product earlier, we've been providing substantial updates and media I'd say about every few days. If that's not enough communication to satisfy your needs and stop you from cursing on our forum, then maybe you do need to look for another place to post. I am sorry that our plans keep slipping, but that's the reality we are working with. If it's too much for you to handle, all the more reason to mind your posting attitude. We are still in final testing. The release could happen any day, but I don't know on which day in particular it will happen.
  24. Because when you are in BVR mode, these commands ([RCTRL +] / [RCTRL -] and [RALT +] / [RALT -]) set the Target Range. When you are in Gun Funnel mode, the same commands set the Target Wingspan ("size"). They are two different functions used in different situations, but share the same keyboard commands.
  25. Target Size is used to set the target's wingspan when employing the 30mm cannon in Funnel mode. It is a separate function from the Target Range setting when in BVR mode. From the FC3 Flight Manual p. 45:
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