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Everything posted by whartsell

  1. Are you talking about physical panels or just getting the graphic images loaded?
  2. All my spare cash is going into my plane build. But you have so many ill have to take one. I'll need to pay for it next week.
  3. there is always a way but in my opinion the level of effort to rewrite the entire com events is not worth it.
  4. Sorry for the delay in posting this as i have been sick :( in the following attachment is a sample vac profile for the static atc menus. i have also included a python script for generating a new profile from a series of templates. for example if you wanted to change/add a new phrase for inbound and you dont want to change all 20 something airports you can just change the inbound template in the template directory and run the script. It will then create a new vac profile I have updated the mod here to include both the mod and the sample profile and the builder vacATCMacroBuilder.zip
  5. I have also created a vac profile with all the airports and callouts in it. I will post it up this evening. It also has a python script to re-generate the vac profile if you want to change things
  6. My first thought would be to override the serialization to something more cross platform friendly like json.
  7. Hello All, I have created a mod to the ATC menu that allows you to use VAC to contact airfields by name. The default ATC menu dynamically sorts airfields by your distance from them making it impossible to assign an airfield to a voice command. This mod keeps the default feature but adds static pages for all the airfields in the map so you can always use the same macro to call them up This mod creates a new ATC sub menu that has the following items: Nearest - works just like the default ATC menu Airports 1 - static list of first page airports sorted alphabetically Airports 2 - static list of second page of airports sorted alphabetically Airports 3 - static list of third page of airports sorted alphabetically FARPs - lists up to 10 farps sorted alphabetically Ships - lists up to 10 ships sorted alphabetically CHANGES FROM DEFAULT BEHAVIOR all the pages except the "nearest" work slightly different than the default All airfields including unfriendly are listed Friendly airfields are marked with coalition all others are not marked, Its up to you to know if they are neutral or hostile KNOWN LIMITATIONS Not compatible with 1.5(gui is munged) or 2.0 (conflicting code changes) yet. I will try to get this resolved by the end of the year All entries except Nearest are sorted by their internal callsign and not the displayed name so their order may appear a little off but it will not change. (unless new airfields are added in the future) Due to the way FARPS and Ships are handled there can be duplicate entries in the menu. This is also a limitation of the default behavior but is more obvious when you have static lists. for example if you have two aircraft carriers of the same class they will have the same name in the menu. Since Ships and FARPS are placeable objects and do apply to all aircraft they are in their own pages and those pages are dynamic. For example if a ship is sunk it will be removed from the menu this mod is JSGME compatible. For installation without JSGME unzip the file in your DCSWORLD directory mod is located at http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/1270182/
  8. For a standard 3Deg approach your vertical speed should be 5x your indicated air speed. So if your approach is at 120 Kts your vsi would indicate 600 FPM. Another trick in your head is to put a 0 after your indicated speed and divide by 2. This is easier for some people. E.g. 120 becomes 1200 then divide by 2 = 600
  9. Most likely the discrepancy is due to the laser wavelength
  10. I always turn on the radar tape in the HUD setup if I'm going to do low level ops
  11. Helios requires .net 4.5 framework. Depending on the version of your OS it may or may not already be installed. Once installed it will work with windows auto update. If its not installed it should show up as an optional update. or you can just get it from microsofts site Not sure if this is your problem but its one thing to check if you had to re-install
  12. Do you have the appropriate version of .net installed?
  13. I guarantee for the price of this unit you could outfit yourself and at least your wingman with rifts and possibly your whole 4 ship as well
  14. The RWR only provides type, bearing and strength of a RF emission.
  15. EOS is based on atmel328p which has one UART. In the case of a single eos board it emating serial over usb. No debugging available over hardware UART. You can use a soft serial lib and connect it to the computer for debugging however you want. I'm not familiar with the teensy and don't have the EOS source in front of me but if memory serves there were a few places where the EOS lib does not use the arduino serial libs so porting to a teensy could be problematic. For chaining over RS 485 you have two supported options. 1 use a Leonardo board and a shield as the master. ( details on gadrocs site) 2 use a RS 485 adapter with the PC as the master. I use a Leonardo and shield (actually I use 3). There is also a warning on my tutorial about issues with EOS libs and hardware with multiple UARTS. I hope this clarifies things a little. If you have any questions let me know.
  16. I have poked around and it doesnt look too terribly complicated. Assuming Gadroc agrees here is what i plan on doing: 1. create a P-51 interface (this will use the default instrument packs available in Helios) if this works then 2. create P-51 gauges I havent even looked at how hard this will be. I know there are resource file for the actual images but havent looked at was required code wise. If i get this far I would love to have some help creating the resource images for the gauges. I am NOT a graphics guy Ill ping Gadroc(Craig) in the next few days and request his blessing
  17. I have been playing around with decompiling Helios to tweak some things. I have been busy with real life so progress is slow. If/when I make progress I will let you know. I will of course contact Craig for permission before I go too far.
  18. All of the planning info is available in the a-10s TO you can find links to the a models in this forum or google.
  19. according to the TO it is known as a "cold" or "partial" compressor stall....
  20. the second half of this video explains it well.... yes I know its the FJ2 (Navy F-86) but the flying qualities are similar
  21. I have some HCF4021s and they work great for the cougar and the warthog. I built a board for a prototype stick grip with them. That's why my old cougar is in pieces ;)
  22. did I read this correctly? A Hempstick modified Cougar can use TARGET? Fully? any Limitations? I have an old cougar in pieces and this would be a fun lil project
  23. IMHO the Shark is the hardest to learn of all the DCS aircraft. Just go in baby steps. As for setting up your controls its an iterative process. First i would make sure the Axis are configured how you expect them to be. I would then start simple and start mapping only the basic stuff you need to fly. e.g trim.etc. Then as you find yourself reaching for the keys often start mapping them to the stick. I would also approach this like "real" flight training. 1) the dollar ride ..start out in the air clean and at medium altitude just to get a feel for the 'Shark. 2) start practicing level flight and turns 3) start climbing descending level and then turns. 4) hovering 5) landing and taking off. you don't need too many mappings to perform the above. once you got all that down then move to navigation and then finally weapons employment. This is not something you can master in a day or a weekend. It will take some time. Also be sure to read the manual relavent to what your practicing...go do it....then read it again you will have questions. You may also want to map the "active pause" button to your stick temporarily so when you get into trouble you can pause quickly,catch your breath,reference the manual,etc
  24. i use these...MCP23018 and for resistors these ..... resistor network
  25. how Arduino libraries work.... http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
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