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Everything posted by sniperwolfpk5

  1. Yes you are right. I don't know if this is as in real spit.
  2. Any official person acknowledged this over done green tint? It is over done as I lost aircraft while on dog-fighting. Some time it is very hard to look through, depends on the direction of your plane in relation to sun and background.
  3. We might see in future. I haven't seen those lights during takeoff. Don't know if it is possible to light up. One thing which I can think off is the paid version carriers that may come later on.
  4. Carrier light up if properly setup
  5. What about Gazelle SA342? Aren't they have implement long time ago and that was their first module.
  6. The question is not whether multi-crew is difficult or easy to implement, others already implemented it so please stop discussing this net-coding difficult thing and stop defending a company. Multi-crew is in their feature list and people bought this module due to certain features set. Huey was the first module of BST. How much time passed since then. The actual problem is that it is not in their priority list. I don't think so they are working on it. They are already busy on other more prioritized projects. BST has the top notch quality products, there is not a single word doubt but when it comes to communication with community they are the poorest among all the 3rd party. They don't bother to communicate, that is the said truth
  7. Thank you very much for the response. Well I found a weapons zip(313 MB) in Bazar->World was corrupted. I have deleted and run DCS repairer, it re-downloaded the zip file and every thing is working now. FYI before this I have run DCS repairer multiple times but as the file was exists and I thing it was same size, so DCS repairer didn't pick that specific file. I don't know if there are any other parameters that may be used with DCS repairer to force check corrupted files. If there is one there then it is good enough if there is no such option I would suggest give option of checking corrupt files. Once again thank you very for your time.
  8. I have still missing textures(Drop tanks and aim-9) on hornet. Thread title says it already fixed. Does this fix is pushed or will be pushed in up-coming updates?
  9. Is this bug fixed? I have missing fuel and aim 9 textures on some skins.
  10. I am facing same issue. Yesterday I have converted a Bigbird server track to miz for single player practice and I was stuck on Stennis can't taxi even using afterburner. It happens on both cold and hot aircraft.
  11. Thank you very much Foss :thumbup:
  12. Hey 127.500(FM), Is this the default frequency for the Stennis? I have looked for the frequency but not found on f10 map or on brief page . I playing in Bigbird server they have right now night configuration and I tried hard to contact the Stennis but without any success. I have seen one person Yuke when he was landing the carrier was light up like a Christmas tree. I know he was some how able to contact the Stennis but don't know how. I asked him but he didn't response
  13. I would like to replay the ka-50 campaign but waiting for the updated cockpit. It would be really fun to fly with the updated map and tree collusion. Please ED give it some love.
  14. I thing there is emergency gear down option just near the actual gear handle. I am not 100% sure.
  15. Use F5 which is used for the nearest aircraft. Other than that you have to cycle through by using F2
  16. Will there be a free campaign not for EA but later on?
  17. I want too and will there be any package deal like Hornet plus the new up coming map?
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