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Everything posted by mhe

  1. Yes. if this thing didn't have the Index glare, it would be damn near perfect. Just the microphone is awful (fixable) and some of the ergonomics need customizing to the user, depending on your particular needs. So far I replaced all the stock foam with vrcover addons and put a cross-strap on it made by Studioform Creative. Balance is much improved and I stay in the sweet spot at all times. Now I need some thicker padding on the cheekbones specifically to take the weight off my nose. I have removed the rubber flaps below the lenses already, they were pressing against my lower eyelid since I am so close to the lens now. This thing is growing on me. Also, people who have used the G2 before, delete or your steamvr.vrsettings file in steam/config file, I had some weird phenomenons with leftover config data from WMR from my G2 in there. Playing other stuff than DCS on the headset has shown me what it is capable of, damn shame that reprojection does take its toll on clarity quite a bit and that DCS is nowhere near running at a constant 90fps yet (and on my current hardware, it probably never will, even if Vulkan and Multithreading turn out to be silver bullets).
  2. Alright, got a Vive Pro 2. Glare is as bad as on the Index, resolution is great, it is just not as needle sharp as the G2 in the center. Audio is okay (Index/G2 being the cream of the crop here), tracking is flawless as expected. Overall it is a good jack of all trades but if flightsimming is all you do, the G2 is still probably the better option here. I play other VR stuff too, so for me the VP2 is a welcome upgrade (had Index and G2 before). Still, I wish somebody would make a headset like that with proper aspheric lenses, stacked fresnels can't make these great display panels shine like they'd deserve. I wish there was a company where you could purchase better lenses and probably modify your distortion profile to make it all work, similar to the people who put GearVR lenses on their OG vives.
  3. mhe

    Vive Pro 2

    Pre-ordered as well, should get mine a day or two after shipping starts, fingers crossed. I have no doubts that this will be the new goto for simmers for a while now. The big leaps in VR will only be done again once DP2.0 drops, providing the bandwidth to go even higher than this. But for now, this will be the headset to beat. Would be interesting to see whether you can somehow fit the Index/G2 headphones to it. Eye tracking module should come out later this year, but since it is the same company that does it for the Pimax HMDs, I won't hold my breath for it to be any good.
  4. mhe

    Vive Pro 2

    The Viveport tool configures what SteamVR thinks is the native panel resolution. So if you set it to either Ultra or Extreme, SteamVR will take that res and add whatever barrel distortion multiplier the driver says and make that "100%". You can still adjust the percentages up and down inside SteamVR like with any other headset since render resolution does not equal output resolution. Basically the Viveport tool configures the options of the driver itself whereas SteamVR is merely a compositor that does its own thing in the whole rendering stack. If you choose anything lower than Ultra, you will not be able to ever utilize the full resolution potential of the headset, because even if your render resolution is ridiculous, it would still get downsampled to what you set in Viveport and then upscaled on the headset again to fit the native panel res, resulting in less quality than would be possible if you haven't downsampled before the transmission to the HMD (which at Ultra and Extreme settings does require DSC to work in your setup due to Displayport bandwidth constraints).
  5. This is called an instructor station in professional sims. And yes, it would be awesome to have.
  6. How about Frenchpack gets updated to deal with newer DCS?
  7. Alright, it works, but I did have a few SteamVR crashes when testing, but performance gain is there and quite nice.
  8. I will try it out asap and get back to you with results, thanks again!
  9. Thanks for the quick reply, I'll try that then!
  10. I have this weird issue when I try to use the Reshade Sharpener and the Kegetys Shader Mod simultaneously, my loading times go through the bloody roof, I have to wait several minutes for anything to load. Any ideas what causes this? As soon as I remove either, things go back to normal.
  11. Hab den ReShade VR Mod auch am Laufen, der absolute Wahnsinn wie viel Unterschied das macht. Und Performance leidet null drunter.
  12. A man can dream: Being able to manipulate the controls like that in DCS (sans HOTAS, since we have hardware for that) would be a dream.
  13. What firmware does your stick run? I remember on mine that a when I ran firmware from a long time ago, it would get a different USB device ID every time it was connected, making re-binding everything necessary. So update your stick to the latest firmware first and see if it goes away.
  14. Any chance you got the stereo parser tweak activated in your autoexec.cfg?
  15. Even if I have a CM3 throttle running with idle cutoffs and afterburner detent perfectly tuned for my go-to planes, it would still be very nice if DCS offered this capability, just like BMS does. It sure isn't rocket science, but it would go a long way for people who don't want to spend hours messing about with firmware configs, deadzones etc. In the end, if you have better or same capability with a lot less friction in usability, your product will be superior for it.
  16. Downgrading to PCIE 3.0 Setting should stop being necessary once your particular mainboard gets the next BIOS update that includes the newest AGESA version.
  17. I recently got around to watch a nice interview with ED's Simon Pearson that is a few months old right now: At 47:17 Simon says "Of course we're doing the mission editor, we're doing all the ground units as well and we're doing the weather and we're doing the voice chat and we're doing the new Earth module." Anybody know what he was referring to? I don't think he meant the Apache that got announced at the end of the year in the trailer, as I would think he'd rather call that a ground warfare module or something similar. I don't want to start a hype train here, but the way it was called is indeed intriguing. Maybe some kind of procedural generation terrain engine that can later be refined with handcrafted high detail terrain areas, similar to what that other big civilian sim does? @BIGNEWY maybe can clarify for the curious bunch that we are?
  18. Thanks gents, I learned something today.
  19. What is an ASPI if you don't mind me asking? I have a lot to learn on Apache systems.
  20. Came across a video where somebody tests the Gazelle FM against flight data logged by the military tests. Maybe it has been posted before, but I couldn't find it even when searching for the substrings of the video link, so I guess it might still be news to people here.
  21. So do we all, especially the VR users will rejoice with any performance improvements that can be had. I had the pleasure of occasionally experiencing 90fps without reprojection in very particular situations in DCS and it was something to behold. Having that buttery smooth performance without having to dial down your visuals so much would be pure joy. Flying through those new clouds in VR with framerate so stable that it could be real life, it would be mesmerizing to say the very least.
  22. Yes, which is why ED is not only switching to Vulkan, but also overhauling the threading system of the engine, so it finally uses more than one (well, technically two) CPU cores. It is correct that Vulkan alone doesn't help much unless you also get rid of other bottlenecks. But the multihreading overhaul is on the roadmap for Q3 just like Vulkan is.
  23. @BIGNEWY I know you have no news to share with us, but maybe these news shared with you and the team might be helpful: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/250820/view/3044967019267211914 tl;dr: SteamVR 1.16 brings full OpenXR compliance into SteamVR. Since Oculus also does that, you could start migrating to OpenXR and only have to maintain 1 API instead of the current 2 (SteamVR and Oculus). That would also be super helpful for the people running WMR headsets since the performance gain should be substantial by just utilizing OpenXR alone (WMR via SteamVR copies the framebuffer between the 2, not the most elegant solution).
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