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Everything posted by Zaz0

  1. Es un avion "peaton no-friendly", ojo en los apron con los ground crew al girar que te los llevas puestos... PD: los que tienen gafas 3D podran darte una opinion mas real si lo han podido visitar en la realidad tambien...
  2. I concur, doesnt make sense xD but reading their posts it would be possible.
  3. As Zeus says, AV-8B could be flown in all available DCS versions... BUT he was talking about his "early access" due to Delareon question: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3282079&postcount=71 Maybe we could fly only AV-8B at 2.X until 2018, and then at 1.5.X too, both versions while early access....
  4. wo0o :( I came here thinking about a test of a new tecnology about IR or radar signature Again my bad english xD
  5. EDITED My fault, didn't save Missionscripting.lua sorry :)
  6. That was DACT 2017, spanish Hornet ;)
  7. Buenas Juan, si no recuerdo mal son 10 activaciones por licencia, puedes desactivar siempre que quieras. De todas maneras si alguna vez tienes problemas con las activaciones, contacta mediante email con ED adjuntando el ticket y tu problema concreto. Disfruta del simulador ;)
  8. Forgive Angel, he just lost a dogfight tournament at our Squad using a Su-27 against a M2k and he's angry xD Seriously, it seems that M2k almost not drain energy at high-G turns.
  9. I tried changing default tanker frequency to another (264.0 UHF) and nothing, tried advanced WP options and only could set AM or FM, tested 129.0 AM this way, same result this is a sample video
  10. Yes, default frequency on a new mission, 251 UHF both times, I didn't to change it, I'll try, and will add the advanced option for test to as soon as I can.
  11. Hi all, IL-78M chinesse tanker isn't responding radio comms (even I can't hear my pilot transmiting anything). I tried it with M-2000C and Su-33 to avoid possibles bug's mod (at the M-2000C the UHF light iluminated a while and nothing happens), and I tested that if IL-78M is changed to russian, it worked. Obviously, all planes at same coalition. Thanks! PD: version without any mods
  12. You'd tried it first on HIGH PRF, doesn't you?
  13. I remember that was verified to work this way, opposite as usual.
  14. Zaz0

    ECM upgrades

    Hi Zeus, RAZBAM and all people ;) Thanks for that model of CM system, I enjoy it so much, but I found so difficult to change between programs during combat, I have to view down and switch manually the rotary. I found at config menu the possibility to assign a key to each program, but I miss one keybinding to "increase" and "decrease" program, and I think it will be great add to make it easy. I hope you consider it and it could be easy to add. Thanks one more time ;)
  15. Seems to be fixed here ;) I'm reading correct heading/distance to WP selected at VTB at 1.5.5 OB Thanks RAZBAM!!
  16. OMG my wet dreams... :P thanks!
  17. great! waiting for it!
  18. My bad, I think it was dx11 Thanks all for your time ;)
  19. Hi all, I'm in my uncle's home for vacations, and I installed last version of DCS World (release version) at their PC to show they it. Making a new account for he. I surprised that program run, but once we try to start a mission (any predefined, edited or anyway), I cannot view the VC, nor 3d model of the aircraft. We try both free Su-25T and purchased UH-1H. Later I noticed that airports and near zone are clear of 3d objetcs, only we have the "map", even we try to launch an instant mission and we don't see any airplane (they're there because we see the lavels...) Meanwhile I try to use the Modelviewer to ensure, and we don't see any model there too. Here we have this specifications: Windows 7 Home Premium - SP1 - 64 bits i5 750 @2.67Mhz 8Gb RAM nvidia Gforce 320 GT I've installed all (x86 & x64) MS Runtimes and newers nvidia drivers. Thanks you!
  20. Confirm LOCK ON signal is on, sometimes it fails and remain searching
  21. Not lack but currently WIP or bugged: the digits displayed at left botton like XXX/XXX are the vector... Default reference point is own aircraft, then they display course relative to your nose and range to TDC (IIRC it's inverted from US displays, they show first range and then course) BUT if you select with "N" switch (located at left border of VTB) any waypoint, you wouldn't have self-reference but from selected WP, this way, if you have a WP at bullseye you got that important information ;), but now only is half implemented and not showing real values.
  22. They're busy finishing NAV system and killing criticals and worse bugs... I suppose later we will see less critical bug killing, like bullseye VTB display, AAR tanker speed... and to implement some minor systems like contrameasure programmer, MWS maybe... And campaing and training missions are on the way...
  23. Nice kill! xD And very nice responses from RAZBAM as allways!! Thanks you all.
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