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About SkateZilla

  • Birthday 02/19/1984

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World (All Modules)
    Strike Fighters 2 (All Versions and Expansions)
    BMS Falcon 4
  • Location
    Virginia Beach
  • Interests
    Computer Generated Imagery, Video Composition, Visual FX, Photographic Enhancements, Hockey
  • Occupation
    3D Graphics and Rendering, Inventory Management Systems
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  1. DCS Updater Utility v 03.29.2025 / Change Log:
  2. If we can re-produce this on the Legacy hornet, then it's a Legacy hornet bug, with the avionics and not changes to the super hornet.
  3. I would need to see a screenshot of the command prompt box.
  4. I am looking into the changes to the pages, but I am busy this month travelling for work, plus most of my CJS Codepath has already transistioned to v2.5 and integrating the new cockpit. For anyone with the crashes, it maybe the ModernMPD Files, as they also cause issues w/ the SA Page, Please attach your DCS.log files so I can start some tracebacks.
  5. DCS_updater.exe update This worked for me, make sure you're running from Command Prompt, not PowerShell. And Make sure it's being run from the <root><path.to>\DCS World\Bin\ Folder
  6. the only things missing are the new campaigns, I am working at remote locations so I have not had time to add them to the chart.
  7. Apologies, you must also choose a preset in the preset panel, It's *supposed* to auto to default depending on the parameters, but I suspect that subroutine isnt firing off correctly. Selected Preset will have a missile Icon on it.
  8. It says no data because no build is actually selected here.
  9. ModernMPD v2.1.43 was integrated into the latest CJS Super Hornet Mod (2.4.1 and 2.4.2), since it's separated from the legacy file structure wise now. I didn't really check for features not working, I simply integrated the files from the \Super Hornet\ folders into the CJS Cockpit scripts folders and textures etc. I know the MPDs are different colors, the HUD has correct dashed and solid lines, etc. didnt check for "Color" SA. But since we are now Separated from the "Merge" installing, the CJS Super Hornet resides independently in the \Saved Games\ Folder, and does not overwrite or modify any Legacy hornet files, instead we are now using our own cockpit Scripts on top of the legacy hornet's. But the folder name is \Cockpit\Scripts\ just like the legacy, instead of \Cockpit1 <or 2>\Scripts, like it was w/ the merge install setup prior to v2.4
  10. there's 2 profile folders, one in Saved Games, one in DCS Root. App Scans both. But the setting itself is populated based off what's set in the options.lua under ["graphics"], then ["multiMonitorSetup"]
  11. Graphics profiles? I never put a delete option, but \Saved Games\DCS\Config\Presets, Should be a Backup, Default, Preset 01->05, PresetVR. Just delete the folders, and re-launch the app and it should re-populate.
  12. Please note, there still maybe "Drag/Drop" Exception Errors. These are caused by a sub function of a sub thread, trying to invoke changes on the UI thread incorrectly or without permission. I've scanned through most of the functions and fixed a bunch, but there definitely still may be some hiding. I'd ask if you get one, as soon as it comes up, click continue, and then right click the Apps log dialog, choose open, copy contents and paste here, or save into a new txt and attach, so I can get a rough idea of what function is running when it trips.
  13. DCS Updater Utility v 03.02.2025 / Change Log:
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