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Everything posted by monkie

  1. disabling weapon hints did not remove the red control position box completely. I made another mission and again it appeared so something else is controlling when it decides to show up.
  2. I really liked seeing the blade shadow on the nose as seen from the cockpit, it gave a nice effect. Maybe it was annoying to some and it was removed?
  3. I'm thinking a slight shaking of the Huey panel, nothing as violent as what is implemented for VRS or max speed, maybe 20% of those effects. I was thinking a slight vibration that would come and go, just enough to give some perception of the vibrations associated with helicopter flying.
  4. I have a question and possible suggestion in respect to the shaking effect of the main instrument panel. I know in the current build the shaking is there to help us "feel" that the airframe is either near maximum speed or in "transition", the shaking can be quite violent. I was wondering if this effect can be lightened greatly and give us a slightly shaking panel during all phases of light to give a little bit more of the sensation of being in a helicopter. It's been over 20 years since I've ridden in a Huey and I couldn't say if such a transational vibration is even realistic but maybe a little touch like that might help with the immersion. Thoughts? Monk
  5. At some point in the past, possibly it was BS1 I know I remember being able to see the rotor blade shadows on the nose of the aircraft while sitting in the cockpit. I am not seeing them with the most current version of BS2, complex shadows are on, is there something I missed or was the effect removed at some point? Monk
  6. Hopefully the final product will keep the current model with the "sugar Scoop" exhaust and cable cutters, that is my favorite version circa late 80's early 90's. It would also be nice to see a scoopless version as well for those that want an earlier version of Huey.
  7. Go to Options, "special" tab and then select the UH-1H, from there uncheck "weapon hints" and than you will no longer see the red box control indicator when you start a mission. The downside is that you will no longer be able to see the yellow weapon hint text on the right side of the screen. I believe this changed during one of the recent updates.
  8. yes thanks, it's working fine now. I had 3 mods for the Huey cockpit and foolishly didn't backup the latest update before overwriting it with the re-mip mapped mod. I now have the XM site and dusty windshield mod but left out the re-mip mapped cockpit textures for now. The XM site is working perfectly.
  9. Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try. I was wondering what was in the backup files.
  10. Has anyone tried this mod with the new update? The pilots pull down site no longer is textured and wondering if it has to do with this mod or with me messing something else up. Monk
  11. If I run a "repair" what will happen to all the mods I just reinstalled?
  12. It seems I messed up the latest UH-1H cockpit texture version Does someone have the default texture that they can send me from this latest update? This is the file name located in C:\DCS World\Mods\aircrafts\Uh-1H\Cockpit\Resources\Model\Textures UH-1H-CPT-TEXTURES thanks for any help. Monk
  13. I couldn't find a command for the electrical system so maybe it's not modeled at this time?
  14. Was about to pull the trigger on the A-10A after purchasing the SU-25 add on but now not sure. It seems it's bugged enough to make me think twice. I am very happy with the SU-25, I very much enjoy the lower tech challenge and was hoping for the same experience with the A-10A but not sure after reading some of the reports. Opinions?
  15. I'll have a look at the options, I think the outside sound goes well with the A-10 and blends with the A-10 "whine" The GAU-8 sound is very good as well. Thanks for your hard work.
  16. With the SU-25 sound mod the PlaneWind.wav sound also seems to affect the A-10 as well. The outside sound isn't that out of place but I also seem to hear it inside the A-10 cockpit which does seem odd. Can it be edited to not be heard inside the A-10 cockpit?
  17. If I remember correctly the MI-24 has 3 hard points per wing as opposed to the KA-50 which has 2 and this makes the MI-24 pretty much unusable with regards to firing the ATGM's. The only way I was able to get the MI-24 to fire ATGM's was to edit out the outboard pylons which eliminated 4 total ATGM's, not a very efficient fix.
  18. The distant sound is very good with the natural fading in and out of the engine noise. Thanks for uploading, it really adds a lot when watching the jets from the ground.
  19. I had just downloaded a SU-25 sound mod, installed it and wanted to post a comment but it seems to have disappeared. I don't even have the posters name in the file or anything. It's an excellent mod and the distant sound of the jet is very realistic and I wanted to compliment the mod creator. Hopefully it will be returned to the downloads section. M.
  20. Great mod thanks. Is it possible to make the circles a bit thinner with a few edits of the .lua files? I find that the circles tend to cover over targets a bit much.
  21. I've noticed the SU-25A in cockpit frame rates are suffering. I'm hoping it's just a 1.2.5 thing because I'm not getting the smoothness I had in 1.2.4 with the UH-1H either, more stuttering for sure.
  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed a FPS drop in 1.2.5.
  23. Everything seems to be working with 1.2.5 but I couldn't just re-copy the Mod Aircraft folders, I had to re-install each and every helicopter again from the start to make sure I didn't fubar something up that might have been fixed in the update. Well worth the effort.
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