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Everything posted by ESA_maligno

  1. Mismo problema con las Q3............. Same problem whit the Q3.............
  2. Pues justamente lo que comento, los únicos MiG29 que no fueron modificados eran los rumano o los moldavos. Todos los demás MiG29 a los que ED pudiera tener acceso para poderlos simular no son versiones A ya que todos han sido modificados. Es de suponer que los MiG moldavos al acabar en Estados Unidos de Norteamérica junto con su documentación sean los que han servido de base de trabajo para ED. 00000000000000000000 en inglés: Well, precisely what I'm saying, the only MiG29 that were not modified were the Romanian or the Moldovan ones. All the other MiG29s that ED could have access to in order to simulate them are not A versions since they have all been modified. It is assumed that the Moldovan MiGs, upon ending up in the United States of America, along with their documentation, are what have served as a work base for ED.
  3. I think ED has already commented on it; To date, it does not have the means or data to simulate a Soviet or Russian MiG29. The version you are going to simulate is a MiG29 for export to an "Eastern European country", a MiG29 that has not undergone any updates since the Soviet Union sold it to said country. That rules out any German, Slovak, Czech, Polish version, or any country that currently formed part of the Soviet Union. I highly doubt it is a Yugoslav MiG29 (from any country that was part of Yugoslavia). So I prefer that ED has reliable data from Romania..., or Moldova....
  4. Dando amor con picas desde 1602 Giving love with picas since 1602
  5. What is surprising is that in 2024 there is still no public documentation to simulate a MiG29S, SM or SMT but there is to simulate an EFA or an F15E. That speaks a lot about how information sources are managed.
  6. Español: El proyecto 9.12..., ¿el A o el B?, ¿o la versión anterior a la 9.13 con tanque subalares y capacidad de lanzar el R77 con la modificación del computador de guiado? Si es el 9.12, ¿tendrá capacidad de armamento nuclear o será la versión de exportación al Pacto de Varsovia? Ruso, perdón por los errores: Проект 9.12...,А или Б?Или версия до 9.13 с подкрыльевым баком и возможностью запуска Р77 с модификацией компьютера наведения? Если это 9.12, будет ли он обладать потенциалом ядерного оружия или это будет экспортная версия для Варшавского договора? Если бы это был проект 9.12, то он имел бы меньшую мощность, чем МиГ29А, смоделированный в FC3.
  7. What variant of the 9.12? According to the Soviet Union's projects, versions prior to 9.13 could carry underwing tanks and R77 missiles. In fact, FC's MiG29A is an intermediate phase between the latest 9.12 (S version in the West) and the improved 9.12 (an A+ version that would be said today). If it is the first version (9.12) we will lose the underwing tank capacity nor will we be able to operate the E version of the R27...
  8. Okay, 2022... , that explains everything, "relocation of the company and owners" in anticipation of...
  9. Does anyone know if they will ever interview the owners of ED? It's good that we see Wags and that he tells us things..., but what about the entire Russian team, has it disappeared? Sometimes I think we forget about them
  10. Muy buenas. ¿Será operativo el Mark 3A, o vendrá incorporado en el Corsair?, gracias. ========================== Greetings. will the Mk 3A be incorporated or will it be operational in the Corsair?, Thx
  11. Llegando a Sayqal por la noche desde la URSS. Arriving Sayqal at night from CCCP
  12. Operación Dardo en marcha!!!!!!
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