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Everything posted by fragal

  1. Can't we just increase the damage they do ? Everything else can kill things.
  2. So any news on fixing MP? Frame rates, desyncs, lag all seem to be getting worse with each subsequent patch MP has been pretty unplayable for over a month now, flying with a group of guys yesterday and one of them made a joke about the ground being desynced no one laughed because right now with the almost unplayable state of dcs mp it could very well be true. Fix our MP.
  3. Erm hate to break it to you but the AK's take 6 hits to sink a perry they do 23% per hit, they used to take 2 now it's almost double that, rough tacview here but everytime since then it always takes 6, 4 to disable, 6 to sink. I can recheck tonight but from mp and other flights perry's always take 6 now. Tacview-20200304-205831-DCS.zip (1).zip
  4. +1 hope these get sorted quickly missiles that disappear midflight, desynced missiles that are seen in one place but are actually in another, confused playerid's, incorrect airbase spawns, memory leaks from objects and units these are basic fundamentals that have been working for years and now so broken the inherent meaning of multiplayer is pointless.
  5. TGP is not aligning from cold start works fine in hot start.. tracks attached hotstart1.trk coldstart1.trk
  6. [REPORTED] Counter measures counter not updating correctly Rearming counter measures add's to the existing number of CM's rather than displaying the correct value - CM's however look to be rearming correctly 1.trk
  7. Just wondering if this is still in the pipeline ? Would like to see the penultimate variation of the aim7 :D https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3285514&postcount=13
  8. Expect a similar price too every other module probably somewhere between $40 - $60 and you won't be disappointed.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOaRp90VE9Lhif1dbFWIuOQ you should explore Deka's youtube channel
  10. Can we get some new sneak peaks before the 4th @deka ?
  11. You would have thought 6 weeks and counting now all the other planes laugh at me when i say "Wait for me i have to reslot i used a couple of flares on that last one" at the end of my mp flight.
  12. being able to rearm CM's would be nice
  13. +1 make it sell it people will buy it - guaranteed
  14. I'm not trying to get anything removed, I want legitimate bugs and issues that have been reported time and time again to be resolved and some of these issues have been outstanding for months if not years how's that lighting fix coming ? i just read on the ED discord that it's still broken after reading you were working on it and had found the problem.....
  15. @dekadevs I have a question........ On the preplanned/man akg flightpath waypoints can these waypoints be added in manually before launch or are they set another way (in the ME) ? Thanks
  16. https://streamable.com/hs004 I had this a while back - after a complete wipe and fresh install of windows i resolved this.....I had a mild improvement after installing the latest version of .net and java runtimes before i did it but ultimately it degraded again after a few days...
  17. @L0op8ack So october 1st confirmed ? If so my wallet stands ready :thumbup:
  18. It also has the ability to tell the difference between an AI mirage and an AI F14 (displays M2 and 14) and the player controlled ones (Displays U)........
  19. ^ This at the minute we only have HE and HE-T and they do nothing productive and it's not just against ground targets even aircraft can tank an awful lot of rounds before you do anything meaningful
  20. Because right now the hornet is like this.........
  21. Here you go quick run i did the other day, after designating pp1 and pp2 go back and make sure your releasing pp1 first then on the 4th pickle select pp2 you will step back through the stations before every release make sure you select pp2 because it does not auto select the next pp target on the pickle.
  22. uboats said a few pages back everything that’s in the loadout chart posted in the updates will be in on release, so guess so yes.
  23. I worked through the list a while back and figured the basics of the loadouts and their western equivalents. GB-500's - LGB probably around GBU24 level LS6's are your basic jsow jdam glide bomb equivalent C-802's are your anti ship man in the loop missiles (closest equivalent would be the AGM84 SLAM SLAM-ER) C-701's are basically baby mavericks probably closer to a hellfire BRM-1-90's laser guided 90mm rocket pods (chinese apkws) LD-10's are your ARM's (harms) (SD10's with a passive radar seeker) PL5's - Aim9m equivalent SD10A - 120C equivalent No idea on the TGP though probably closest to a litening on functionality.
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