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Everything posted by AG-51_Razor

  1. As the addict said to the pusher, "DUDE, you rock!!" Thanks heaps Dan!
  2. You might be correct. I just remember my Dad telling me about his time as the CO of VF-52 and always taking the Panther that had Tacan installed so he could have an easier time of leading the flight back to the boat. He was in VF-52 from '53 to '55. So, I'm pretty sure it was installed in the plane. They were flying off the Wasp (CV-18) during that time.
  3. Unfortunately, the F4U-1D did not have a Tacan but I have high hopes that the A-1H being built by Crosstail Studios will have one installed.
  4. I would say that all "they" would need do to bring it up to Korean War standards is to provide the ability for a mission builder to add a Tacan to the carrier. And provide a standard 1950's era gray paint scheme as well. I'm not sure whether this (the Tacan) is up to ED or M3.
  5. I'd sell my soul for an Avenger! Hell, I'd sell Hoss' soul for one!!
  6. Another bump for this iconic WWII carrier warrior, especially after seeing the latest newsletter from ED showing a WIP of an SBD Dauntless. The Avenger along with the Hellcat, Corsair and SBD would make the carrier deck look fairly complete with only the Helldiver missing. ED has also shown screens of the Zero, Kate and Jill, which I would be willing to bet will wind up being flyable in the future, i.e. a bit over 2 weeks.
  7. Well, for God's sake, at least get rid of those anti sway bars, or whatever those are on the belly, and pretend that you know the Helldiver had a bomb bay in the belly that was covered by actual bomb bay doors!!
  8. Thank you very much for your reply and advice. I will give that a try. Again, thank you very much!
  9. Following the most recent update (or two), the advanced command to have an AI follow something seems to have been "slightly" damaged. I say slightly because it does work under some circumstances but no longer functions as it should in others. I have been using the follow command for quite some time to have the Plane Guard helicopter follow along beside the carrier during flight operations. In order to accommodate longer missions, I have been using the Switched function to launch a second helicopter from a screening destroyer close by to replace the first helo once it departs the zone associated with the carrier. The second helicopter will start (a switched command) and take up station alongside the carrier for the remainder of the mission. This has worked very well for several months until just very recently. Now, the second helicopter launches from the screening DD, and just returns to land. I am curious if this behavior has been noticed by anyone else lately. Another weird aspect of this issue is, without the "Uncontrolled" box checked for the second helo, it will launch at the beginning of the mission and fly right over to the carrier and take up its assigned station. Additionally, I have found that if I give the second helo a "late activation" (and change the trigger to "Group Activate), it will appear right on cue when the first helo departs the zone and launch and fly over to the carrier as prescribed. It seems like the problem is caused by the "uncontrolled" box being checked. Any comments, advice or information would be much appreciated. Advanced Command_Follow_Test.zip
  10. Looking great =Katze=!!
  11. I am getting a similar error message; "Server registration failed with code 401". This is appearing on my server machine when attempting to host a MP mission. I am just using a separate PC running a dumbed down (graphics wise) version of DCS World as the server to host. This began appearing a couple of updates ago so I just stopped hosting. Am I missing some kind of setting on the server side?
  12. Awesome footage! Thanks for sharing
  13. I'm having a couple different problems with the radios; 1st off, I can't figure out how to change the radios on the RFD from Manual to Pre-Assigned frequencies and 2nd, I don't get a comms menu on screen when keying the PTT, which is mapped to the trigger on the cyclic. This is all in Single Player without using SRS.
  14. Sorry Art-J but I have to disagree with the last part of your post here. History geeks notwithstanding, I do believe that there is a huge part of the DCS World customer base that are "Carrier Geeks" (myself being one) and I feel like there would be a tremendous attraction towards the Independance class CVL due to the smaller size and attendant degree of difficulty in operating from its smaller flight deck. Their flight decks were just slightly longer than a Jeep carrier's and actually a few feet narrower. Their only advantage being their ability to keep up with the fleet carriers. I, for one, would have been far happier to see ED develop any one of the CVLs in lieu of the famous, highly decorated Enterprise. But that's just me.
  15. All 3 attack aircraft that flew off of US Navy carriers during WWII (SBD-5, TBM-3 and SB2C-3) had surface search radar installed by the end of the war.
  16. ......or at least a healthy sense of self preservation!
  17. OH MAN! I was afraid that was the case. You're right, it is exceptionally annoying! I am surprised that the Navy accepted it that way. Thanks for the response!
  18. I am having a problem with the RAID/FOV button when carrying Mavericks. If I am just carrying GBUs or LGBs or any other weapon, the TGP functions normally, allowing me to control the FOV and switch between TV and IR via my HOTAS but if I have either model of Maverick on board, the hat switch assigned to RAID/FOV no longer functions and I have to manually select those functions from the DDI with the targeting pod displayed. Has anyone else encountered this problem? I am using a TM Warthog HOTAS with the Realistic TDC Slew box checked.
  19. That's it in a nutshell
  20. I am experiencing the same thing. I have a 10mm extension on a Warthog stick and have always been quite comfortable behind the basket, day or night but now I am almost totally incapable of getting plugged in, much less staying in! I had a +20 in the pitch curve and bumped it to 25 with no appreciable effect and have tried 30 and now 35 and am still having problems. It is really quite frustrating! All the rest of the changes to the FM seem to be very nice though.
  21. I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that the Navy wasn't the only branch of service to use this technology for getting the planes back home. I believe that the Army Air Corps also used a similar, if not identical method of allowing their planes to navigate their way back home. If ED could figure out a way to make this happen for the upcoming Magnitude 3 LLC F4U-1D, it shouldn't be too difficult to make it available to the rest of the planes as it only involved tuning in a radio frequency, there were no cockpit instruments involved. It would be nice to be able to get around without having to use the F10 map. And before y'all jump on me like a duck on a Junebug, I am aware of the method of time, distance and heading (dead reckoning).
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  22. Not that I am a big user of the Combat Arms module but I think that it would be absolutely awesome if a Pacific Theater of Operations WWII assets pack were developed, it included a drivable AMTRAC. Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
  23. Nice! Thanks for sharing.
  24. Another quick observation to this problem; I set the weather to below VFR conditions to see if it had anything to do with Case 1 vs Case 3 and the helo went right back to the screening DD as directed. I am very confused by this.
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