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Everything posted by Flycat

  1. Flycat


    you will have to edit your homepage.:pilotfly: :music_whistling:
  2. americans always think theirs is best,in fact their aircraft always was beaten by Mig before the developed f-14&15.
  3. this video is too short,why not post some longer one~!
  4. Flycat


    Hawk doesn't have clickable cockpit, they said it's SFM+ASM level,same as FC3. [qoute] + VAEO --DCS: Hawk (Closed Beta / Pending of Release) (SFM/ASM) (1Q 2014) --DCS; Warbirds Collection (in progress) (EFM/ASM) (Q4 2014/Q1 2015) [/qoute]
  5. I just want to get some eye candy,but one month past there isn't anything news. : P update something interesting plz. DCSw maybe want to simulate the world,so they need the whole life to work on it?
  6. Well,Arma had already developed mulit-crew system.We can drive the tank as the gunner or driver and fly the heli together. So I think we also could do it on DCS. In fact,I'm looking forward to have the tomcat. LOL
  7. awesome pic!thank you
  8. DCS needs more seats! as well-known as F-14 is much better than F-18.who can explain why they prefer F-18 than F-14?
  9. congratulations! wait for more 1 month and fly it! shut up and take my money!
  10. I've seen the photo on Facebook,the cockpit and missile is really awesome. Thanks for update,I'm looking forward to fly it right now.
  11. spring is leaving,summmer is coming now.
  12. Thank you! keep going and we will fly it soon!
  13. Flycat


    Best wishes for developer,thank for your hard-working,and I'm really really looking forward this module.however,we love this game,and just want to fly it right now. LOL
  14. Flycat


    hope I can fly it soon.Belsimtech is working on F-86,if mig-21 release,we can fight with it.
  15. hope you can finish Mig-21 first.
  16. I only hope all of WIP become release. and look forward someone could build F-14D.
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