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Everything posted by Flycat

  1. you can see lots of player in BF3/4 or arma2/3 work together in a vehicle on the server. the player of morden combat simulator won't be a single wolf,should be do more team work . I think Ed need to improve user's online experience,and let's poliet fly together and do more interesting.
  2. f/a-18c is built by Northrop Grumman,f-14 was made by Grumman. if bug could be, why not cat.
  3. well,he used photoshop make two helmet of jester in one pic. funny that,two part of helmet is a little different on the color. LOL
  4. LOL,maybe we can played F-14 of IRIAF vs MiG-21 of IRAF in the future. thank you buddy.
  5. rudel ’s avatar is vfma 531 yesterday,cobra's avatar is vf-101 I didn't find today's avatar of cobra,maybe it's also vfma-531? it's apart of helmet with 4 star. and i find a website: http://www.vmfa-531.com/ there is a guy called rudel and use vfma-531 as his avatar.LOL
  6. we can use chrome broswer,use right mouse buttom click cobra's new avatar,than select search though google image,the result shows that it was apart of f-14b modle of vf-101 by 1/32 tamiya. well,we can fly as IRAF and fight against mig21 of Iraq air force.good idea for roleplay LOL
  7. it released on steam yesterday.when you pre-order on ed's e-shop you also get 10%off on the MiG-21. they only do the same on steam store.
  8. the good news is they have already started to work on next module. the bad news is they didn't told about what is next they are working on.
  9. I still remember they said we had decided cancel the 1.2.9 patch,and next patch is 1.3.0 with DCS 2.LOL the Moderator on the forum isn't the employee of ED company,they didn't really know the plan of ED. So we should be skeptical of what they told about. LOOOOOOOL
  10. jaja,cobra came back:smilewink: well,if they could fly the warbird in DCS,this guys will pay less time on the forum and won't ask the question like this again. :joystick::pilotfly: Have a nice day! :D:D:D
  11. Cobra has gone to enjoy his vacation! LOOOL so,just pay more patient. :music_whistling: :cheer3nc::holiday::drink::drunk::beer:
  12. Well,when I looked through A10c's facebook,I noticed they post a pic about F-14 and A-10c is landing on the airfield.the other pic is a two-seats,swing wing aircraft fly though the CVN.It is obviously(or maybe?) the tomcat. It seems it will have new model and texture.You know,tomcat in dcs never change since 10 years ago,maybe it needs more love.LOL :music_whistling: Hope to come ture. I dono know where should I post this.if in wrong sub-forum,please help me to put it in right place.thx:thumbup:
  13. Flycat


    new project? oh,I've seen that the tittle is "MiG-21 damage model". thx for your hardworking and have a good rest.
  14. LOL There is some problem with me too. can't wait to watch. :pilotfly:
  15. USSR pilots need alcohol to make them more happy on the air. LOL
  16. wait few days,everything will be okay. It also could be sold on steam platform,the only problem is the date.
  17. After you finish this great work,my mission is only waiting to release time and purchase it. And then let's discuss about next proud project. :sorcerer::holiday::laugh:
  18. I have seen this video(vtol of mig21) before,when I search the vid of mig21.And this made me considered they would like to build the plane such like mig-21pd or yak-38. however,yak-38 wasn't perfect,but she is very interesting for virtual polit,right~ :thumbup:
  19. I've found their offical page. This team is called Siergar3D and they activie on their offical homepage and deviantart.com that's all I known. http://siregar3d.wordpress.com/ thx your hardworking on F14Dmod.I lick this aircraft very much.
  20. http://siregar3d.wordpress.com/ that‘s their offical page
  21. people in RRG studio is full of philanthropist,really gentlemen,really hero! and can I buy this game for $40 in the future?
  22. agree this,only 40$ is really difficult to finish 6 aircraft addon and even get other 2 reward. if they relize that before,maybe luither didn't leave the team. the product is perfect :smartass: ,but in business they fail. :( however,I hope ED and 3rd part team could be more powerful and built more perfect product. :thumbup:
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