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Everything posted by acdelta57

  1. love the weather! Took these few pics from a quick huey flight, 1-Being vectored (self) on downwind leg to runway 06 Sochi 2- Turning base to intercept the loc 3-At the outter marker (blue light and beacon is audible) Stable -500fpm 50 kts 4-Runway in sight flare out over runway 5-hover taxi to parking! worked like a charm! Going to be fun having to save waypoints for home base and doing TACAN/NDB approaches for a while! wheres my popcorn so I can watch the complaints flood this forum :lol:
  2. they do have ILS but only certain airfields. Sochi and Krasnodar are two off the top of my head that have it
  3. Ive noticed this too. They definitely explode
  4. Have you given any thought to time of day? Every serve seems to run mid day times, very un appealing I think especially wth new lighting effects. Is this something you've considered? Early dawn or beginning of evening? If it's for server performance then I understand totally and my question is null lol
  5. cant even see my pipper when flying away from the sun on the horizon line. Have done some significant tweaking to improve FPS but still so bright. Thought it was my end hardware or something sucking, but I guess im not the only one.
  6. I dont know if it helps but I had similar problem, instant action would just crash my game. Then I installed the assets pack and it worked...But every time I use "create mission" it just kicks me back to the main screen, no loading or anything. the only way I could get in was to load up the ME then "created new mission" select "Normandy" hand placed the unit I wanted to fly and launched it and it worked. Im not sure But I think the instant action missions have asset pack units in them, so if they are not installed it causes a problem.
  7. Flying with the deferred lighting checkbox on, i noticed 2 things. Everything seems very bright. Almost to the point where i need to wear sunglasses to sit at my monitor. But the other thing I noticed while trying to improve frames when i "un-ticked" deferred lighting I saw a 50% increase in frames and most of the time held 60FPS pegged with 40s over cities at low level. The brightness is to the point where I cant even see the pipper along the horizon line Could this be an optimization issue that will be looked at or something on my rig that just cant cope with the new effects..any ideas? These pics are from the same mission the only difference is the Deferred shading option It is playable with the shading on, and looks much better but it is just purely to bright IMO I7 3.4ghz gtx 970 16G ram Thanks!
  8. im pretty sure i just reinstalled 2.0 with that new updater link. No 2.1 version tho....
  9. worked for me after copying a 20gig file...updating now
  10. Lol I love this^ have it playing on my speakers, drinking coffee from my p51 coffee mug, wife comes in "I'm married to a manchild."
  11. I periodically woke up all night checking these forums lol and even in one of my short sleeps I had a dream I had to drive 3 hours to the middle of nowhere to meet the delivery truck and Wags personally to buy the "CD-ROM" disk at a small shop, I got the last one! The hype is real!
  12. Still didnt shoot me down! lol This is a kick-able offense shooting players on the ground inst it mirknir!?
  13. Too bad you still cant shoot anyone down with that setup Crav...:lol:
  14. Love this server. I have a question for the Admin/Host. Have you ever considered throwing in a few helicopters just to run CSAR for downed pilots? Since this server promotes staying alive and bailing out I could see it being very interesting. There is a great script that allows shot down aircraft slots to be disabled by x amount of time(determined by host) unless rescued by a helicopter. Anyway great work awesome fun! Cant wait for Normandy!
  15. Another Open Conflict record setting flight! In anticipation of Normandy and English channel crossings, Bert and I decided to set a new record with our P51s. Taking off from Kobuleti with drop tanks and nerves of steel we flew 500+ miles and nearly 2 hours of time en-route to make it to Anapa. Overflying Nalchik and stopping at Krasnodar to pick up some bombs and rockets to eliminate some weapons factories as well. Always fun to take a break from the kill kill action to just set up a nice flight plan and have a cross country! The entire album is here-- http://imgur.com/a/WSsc7
  16. Oh I see. I thought maybe he enabled some sort of resupply system that helos could replenish airfields. Mirk have you ever thought of using a slot block system to crashed/shot down fighters? Like maybe they would be deactivated for x amount of time until they were successfully rescued? Or in case there was no helos the spot would reactivate after X amount of minute? Maybe not used in conjunction with your current testing phase, but maybe for regenisis?
  17. yeah two mi8s can deplete the unguided rockets in 1 sortie lol curious what does Warehouse system mean?
  18. For overweight takeoffs I use the "skid bumping" method. It was common in Vietnam for Charlie model gunships to take off exceeding MTOW by several hundreds of pounds in very high density areas. Bring that collective up very slow just to get the weight off the skids, inch cyclic forward gaining slight momentum utilizing full force of ground effect, bump skid, gain a little momentum, inch forward even more, bump skid again gaining more momentum, repeat until translational lift is met then climb out. Ive had some great success with this especially in Nevada on those 120F summer days. Done correctly you will feel a good deal of satisfaction, done incorrectly you will end up looking like an untamed galloping bronco going down the runway on the verge of loosing control and ending up turning into a pile of rubble! @rotorhead hot starts are already visually modeled. Ive seen it many times in MP players starting up and having flames shoot out. With proper engine modeling those simmers will learn from their mistakes and as to why the hot start occurred instead of just seeing some pretty flames on start up lol. But theres much more to be gained from just a hot start. That is just 1 small piece of the puzzle
  19. Yeah I feel i can get them into flames quite quickly with 30mil or 20mil weapons but the 50.cal does take a lot more practice. I got some kills yesterday in the mustang after reading and utilizing what some of you had posted before and I really felt a slight improvement! Thanks!:thumbup: On a side note I went up in a bf109 this morning and got beat up pretty good by a p51 multiple times lol Oh well all part of the learning process i guess
  20. Awesome read. "Short burst and instantly caught fire" now i know this is real and not DCS lol
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