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Everything posted by acdelta57

  1. wonder if its just me but when i go to bind controls I can bind 1 or two then it just seems to not register and I have to restart DCS. Currently binding an X56 throttle/warthog stick/cougarmfds. the module looks so good tho I dont care if i gotta restart 50 times i will do it! AMAZING JOB heatblur
  2. ive also got more than a dozen cockbase.dll crashes in huey
  3. been waiting since pre purchase...given up all hope lately and parked the beautiful f5
  4. ever since the last update my game crashes constantly now, specifically when im in the huey. Always points to the same issue CockpitBase.dll I haven't had a single dcs crash in months now after the latest update its been pretty consistant. dcs.log-20180614-163356.zip
  5. So I've discovered if you use the emergency jettison then re-arm on the carrier, upon CAT launch the weapons get jettisoned. Tried repair as well no joy. Repeatable 100% of the time. And just to clairify this is only with EMERGENCY jettison.
  6. TDC will change the range but not currently implemented
  7. I personally love they new last defenders, really gives me reason to sharpen up my gunship skills again. No longer do I just go clean with a door gunner and plop troops down after a few high altitude gun orbits. With the new LOS mechanics it is still very possible to clear out last defenders with a single gunship.
  8. I have 0 issues with the huey in MP or single player. Just gotta read the manual guys. As for the FARP thing if ur in BF make sure u repo to the pads and land on them
  9. Eh if tiger went red I know 3 guys in our squad alone including myself that would go red all the time to fly it. I love to play red but my heart is in the Huey and my soul belongs to the F5. But I hate flying on bluefor lol talk about complicated
  10. Ah I did not know about the CTLD options! That's exciting, any chance to throw in a few p-51ds into the mix with the TFs? just have some sort of offensive weapon just in case? They have a Russian skin for it lol
  11. I've scored a few kills with R60s against F5s and F15s with that little bird. I do wish she was back on red, definitely has more of role than TF-51. I also love to fly the l39 as super low CAS when my helo friends are running missions.
  12. The LOC course sensing is reversed I posted pics in the bug report forum on day one of release
  13. Felt awesome to get back in the saddle on Korea server!!! Missed it very much as I removed by 1.5 many weeks ago. Can't wait for some more great sorties with the Korea war jet junkies! Also has anyone recorded a mig kill with the p51 yet? Still trying to fulfill that goal too lol
  14. Just wondering if I missed it in these forums but I didn't see anything yet, but I was wondering what happened to the L39 for Redfor on 2.5?
  15. {WD} Dust-Off=3=6 Blue side UH1 CSAR, WD Lead
  16. What about more flak zones sporadically placed and increasing in density the closer to the home airfields? You could almost divide the map and show a line thats indicated from this xxx point this is German controlled territory expect resistance etc?
  17. It comes down to the airfields are just much to close IMO. Too easy to takeoff fly 5 minutes and be on top of the enemy base. Just my thoughts
  18. +1 fog of war leave the kill messages to the warthunder fans
  19. I told myself I wasn't going to ready this entire thread, 4 pages in I just said well might as well keep going. My two cents for what it's worth, Razbam has done a fantastic job in implementing engine wear and tear with respect to limitations. DCS modules have been lacking this system for quite some time(minus the warbirds for the most part) Now the "rate" of wear and tear is probably a different discussion and extremely variable from meterogolical conditions, to different engines made at different assembly plants or whatever. The point is no two engines are exactly the same, so measuring rate of wear and tear is highly subjective and is why all engines have timetables of when their inspections are required. Players are not used to being "respectful" to their engine management use. So naturally what do we do? Make forum posts saying it must be a bug must be a bug. Well in this case I actually think not. Like others have stated in this thread I have successfully made numerous sorties 6-7 at a time with absolutely zero problem. I think proper procedure for coming into a vertical landing is very easily misunderstood and performed by the majority incorrectly. Expecting to have the outright engine power to just climb out of a nasty sink rate or improper approach. They shove the throttle up damage the engine and say the aircraft is bugged. Brings me back to the original m2000 days when F15/Su33 players said the mirage FM was bugged because they were being out turned and out "knifed" in the merge. Pay close attention to your power management, just because the limit is "780" or whatever it may be at that scenario, don't run at "780" and this bird will get you home just fine. Our entire squad has had absolutely zero problems with power *when* treating the aircraft properly. Great job and thank you RAZBAM! Keep up the good work.
  20. Aww man such a bummer! In its current beta state the only real advantage it has over the A10A is the FLIR tho. Sad sad. Oh well, look forward to the next scenario then!
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