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Everything posted by acdelta57

  1. And for the record I was against de-fueling the mirage in the beginning. But since its popularity has increased, I think that it too should be brought down to its counterparts starting status.
  2. I fly in OC almost daily and I think I've seen maybe 2 mirage players ever use it for something other than take off full burn shoot everything off the rails and die as Bert stated. Most kills still belong to the fc3 aircraft because, well, they do the same thing but when they fire everything they have a lot more firing off the rails then the m2k does. I agree whole heartedly that fast align and should be turned off and the aircraft should be defueld until the new regen comes out with a larger conflict zone. I can die restart and be back in the air with 4 missiles within 60 seconds in the m2k.
  3. I wasn't suggesting removing the a10a just maybe a10c "in addition too.." Perhaps divide all the a10a slots in half and put the other half to the a10c
  4. I could see a10c blue and red viggen but you would have to really be careful with the a10. Our squad mate A10 pilot Bert said he could easily wipe out the entire map with probably less than a full load of guns alone with the stabilization systems now working in 2.1 He is a professional A10 pilot and master at his craft, but perhaps limiting the guns to 50% capacity and Maybe only unguided bombs allowed in the rearm menu and not allowing aim9m.
  5. I don't think there is any problem with the current bomber setup except what we saw today and parkblank described it. When redfor strategically captures all the surrounding objectives, the bombers from the bluefor team spawn 10nm away from the objective they are supposed to bomb and there is not time to shoot them down and the coinciding bomber spam is then in full force. I think maybe having a few "key" airfields that can only spawn bombers. If those get captured by the opposing team bomber support would not be available. I would also love to see the cold war era jets brought in. Maybe even as scouts as well? But instead of bomber support they can spawn or activate an artillery barrage or something? idk just spitballing here. Just having them as another fighter life would be great too. Definitely love the server and the group of gents playing on it. Met some great people recently. Thanks again to all those guys putting together the scripts and making this server possible. Ciribob especially! who singlehandedly made DCS for me with his CTLD and SAR scripts alone.
  6. Blue for the WIN Awesome job everyone working yesterday to push the blue team over the hump and into victory. Could not have been done with out some nice teamwork. Here are a few shots of the last survivors that grinded it all out til the end. Sorry if i mess up or forgot some of your names. But what a great way to finish. From lingering F5 CAP/CAS support being able to move quickly to the repairing objectives while hueys could talk on the CAS and capture the base, to the impressive A10 formation gun runs and ground attacks. Listed in the final picture of the Victors left to right Rogonaut(his wingman was somewhere(sorry forgot ur callsign man), Lancer 1-1 or 2-1 (sorry forgot the actual names), WatchDog Comicalballoon in our AWACS/Recon hawk, WD Bert who ran out of fuel on the approach and can be seen on his side just behind the tail of the hawk and myself in the huey taking the screen shot. These were just a few names of many that helped, but these gents stuck it out to the very end until the job was finished! Congrats blue! the other screens are just a few random ones i took throughout the course of round. From providing cap, delivering troops or hunting down Ciribob in his mi8 planting IGLAs everywhere;) c Y'all on the next round!
  7. I love the way its set up honestly. I wish we had a few more scouts tho like p51 or maybe even throw in the cold war jets. So refreshing not be be defending amrams and ERs all day long
  8. Agreed. ^ and for the realsism aspect just don't activate it in the Huey module. I'm ALL for realism. And I would much rather have a 430 unit then look at the F10 map. The best part about the Garmon 430 unit is that it can be placed literally in almost any aircraft in real world. And wth the Huey having native VOR/LOC capability it would make even more sense to have a Garmin talking to that instead of an mi8 Doppler thingymajig lol
  9. I think for starters you should watch what you say about peoples character especially if that person is the one totally and single handedly hosting/editing/updating and providing YOU a server to play on for FREE. Secondly if you are so concerned what can or can not be accomplished by the host maybe take a sneak peak at the donation page and help out Mirknir. Yes we all want more slots and more maps or better weather or worse weather, night time, day time and especially more dead F15s...but you have to remember the first point and that is he is doing this on his own, in his own time that costs you nothing. Not every person will be happy at the same time so we should all try to be more tactful and polite when speaking in regards to wishlists or additional slots etc..:thumbup: :pilotfly:
  10. Love this GNS430 great piece of equipment. Just curious to know what are the chances of this bad boy being thrown into the best module of all..UH1. With GPS CDI interlink to the hueys nav system would be even more amazing :):thumbup:
  11. But then the gunship Huey needs an extra slot! Lol dumb mistral
  12. ^ AGREED. No need for colors IMHO. Treat every aircraft like an enemy until its positively IDd. And if hes close enough to shoot at you, your probably close enough to shoot back.
  13. I had a feeling something like that was going on. Especially from spotting above. Some people can fly up to 5-6km and spot people on the deck as if they were flying bright red hot air baloons. I won't name names but I've seen it in tacview repeatedly by a certain few. I just assumed they had huge monitors or something, and maybe they do and it is all fair play. But I have a feeling some might be doing it. If someone isn't over the water I have a very hard time seeing anything flying on the deck from 5km
  14. Great module indeed. As for cockpit skins, have you tried her in 2.1 yet? I always thought the 1.5 pit looked washed out and "plasticy" lol but launching it in 2.1 I don't even feel the need for an alternative skin anymore. Looks absolutely amazing!
  15. Slightly off topic but I wish I was recording when shooting a spacefire, he went from smoking white, to not smoking, to smoking black, then smoking black and white, then smoking two whites and a black in the middle then returned to base. Each change in smoke was after a new hit. Lol new DM needs to arrive
  16. Your just a bad player. JK JK LOL My mates and I always rage kill the ak47 with a MK84 after they shoot down a few of our helos. They are good. My advice for Huey's and the incursions is to grab ur wingman and bum rush them as fast and as low as you can. 1 guy aims for the IGLA the other the BMP. After the first pass and if you are (successful killing bmp and IGLA) then take ur Huey up to altitude and pick them off in an orbit or with gun runs. Low level hovering against excellent is an instant GG (or death for you :) ) hope this helps! Don't get discouraged, I know it's hard at first but I know from first hand experience the Huey is more than capable of taking out the incursions by itself. Just takes patience, some skill, and a lot of luck lol good luck! Ps. If u see and {WD} on we love helos and would love to join you in a helo party stomping incursions
  17. I love the Huey for night ops. The night vision allows you to spot tracer and muzzle flashes very easily while still manning the flexball gunsight. As for the AI gunners, they were bugged not shooting at anything, not sure if they are fixed. But of course if your looking for guided munitions to attack hard targets then yeah the Gaz will be your best bet. I'm slightly biased when comes to the Huey because yeah she is my baby :smilewink:
  18. While I agree with Solty that the objectives need to be reworked and perhaps scenario changed due to them being a bit "bland," I really haven't been experiencing the aforementioned "massive lags" lately? I've been on pretty regularly with a couple of mates and the only issues are a few lags when a player joins a fresh slot or when a bunch of asset pack units get destroyed (still way better than previous objective set up). Some workarounds for the player joining a slot causing lag is to place the static object aircraft of each type somewhere on the map, that way at a new start the server has already loaded all the aircraft models.
  19. acdelta57


    Got a new surround sound speaker setup in place anxiously waiting to let that mustang engine roar to life and wake the neighbors! (and or more realistically piss the wife off :) )
  20. VKB gunfighter pro, no curves or saturations.if your serious about your warbird flying, I can't recommend enough. Even so much so I've even started flying modern jets with the KG12 grip due to the control gained However pedals saitek proflight pedals=55% curve
  21. Will this window fix pass integrity check? Yes it does! Lol
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