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Everything posted by Ice

  1. Black Sea Showdown Firstly, I’d like to thank the 159th Squadron, everyone else involved and especially Fudd for showing that organised operations with the Lock On Community can be a resounding success. Here is the 169th contribution for a similar (but different) exercise. On the last Saturday of every month at 2100Z (Greenwich Mean Time), We will host a closed (password) session on the 169th dedicated server via IP only. It will be a “Grand Finale” to the mission that has been hosted on the server for that month. It will run for 4 hours exactly. Any aircraft that have not landed at an airfield at the close will be considered as dead. The exact scoring system is still being finalised but Aircraft losses will be severe as will be Team Kills. Priority targets such as Ships will score highly. The 169th Statistics Board which now supports Air to Ground statistics will be the scorer and a separate database will be created specifically for this encounter. We also recommend everyone record their track so as they have evidence of any possible discrepancy. 169th members will be separated between both sides so as not to give the impression of a 169th verses the world. How to sign up. Register to our Forums and in the “Black Sea Showdown” Forum Category sign up in the Sign Up Thread and also request which side you wish to join. You will then be given access the appropriate section where mission planning for your team can take place. When registering, please use your regular callsign as per HyperLobby. This is to minimise the chance of dual registrations or spies. All participants will be required to use Teamspeak during the match. There are some real benefits in this format. One being the ability to run events more frequently. Less pressure on planning and the ability to practice your sorties in an environment with human opposition at any time. Rules: The 169th Dedicated Server Rules must be adhered to as well as the Online Etiquitte. Up to 64 players can register plus reserves. That’s 32 per side. You will be allowed to respawn. You will be allowed to change aircraft. If by chance the Red Team lose their Kuznetsov carrier then the Su-33’s that took off from it must change to another group. Any players in Su33’s that spawn over Bulls Eye (Nav 1) will immediately be removed from the server. As this is the first round of hopefully many this post will most likely see some changes so check it regularly. 169th Members whom have Admin rights to our forums are NOT to get involved in any planning. Namely, Ice, PoleCat, ManaWar, Helix. Finally I’d like to see all squadrons put aside their differences and participate in this exercise with the same energy as they have in Red Flag. Our community is small and needs all the help it can get. No doubt there will be some that do not approve of this idea. However I ask that you refrain from posting negative replies and just not get involved. Good Hunting!
  2. Considering that 3sqn and =RvE= are "Boycotting" the 169th Dedicated server for whatever reason. Your "Opinion" , Cali doesnt carry much weight. Your bagging of the 169th is fully expected and is also geting "Old and Stale"
  3. ECM blinking is one of those things people will need to live with. If people want to MACRO ECM on/off to their HOTAS then they do so because they Need to. Those that dont MACRO ECM On/OFF to their HOTAS dont. We allow ECM Blinking on the 169th Dedicated but in all honesty we dont see much of it. No 169th members use this exploit. We are mature enough to realise screaming "ECM BLinker!" every time someone turns their jammer on/off is not helping and leaves a bad mpression on the new guys. So we just learn to deal with it and kill em anyway.
  4. 169th Server has A/A and A/G . There are maps to study and the bandwidth is very high. We are consistently the most popular server online. Especially for the Aces. Our statistics board has been up and running for many months. Obviously there will be differing opinions as to which is the best. However, the numbers speak for themselves.
  5. Well, Nemisis IMO you have all the right stuff to be a great Virtual pilot online. I was very impressed with your attitude in our server. Keep it up! Take the time to register to our forums our website is http://www.169thpanthers.com. you'll find lots of useful stuff for new guys as well as tactical maps and detailed briefing for the mission we host. We host Teamspeak as well. Anyone flyng on our server is encouraged to use it. IP:, password "panthers" Take the time to read our Rules for the server as well. Wish you all the best and many happy hours online.
  6. DROP IT! You cant let it go can you? Just as the forums start to simmer down we've got to start it all over again. Wags said in very clear english. If resoures are available there will be another Patch. that's it! end of debate. Do you guys really want to see more warnings! More bannings!
  7. Where'd you get that idea? I had to drag in people who had no idea what was going on.
  8. Ours could do with an update. http://www.169thpanthers.com New look as well.
  9. Its been at 90 for a while T. I dont know why. did you get a pm ay any stage from a moderator ?
  10. From what I've seen I think MOST agree with you Rocky. the rest cant see the forest for the trees.
  11. Mud slinging in the public forums is not my style. So I'll refrain from a response.
  12. Some would argue that sport like Tennis, Baseball, Football are fun and enjoyable. I cant think of any that have less rules than we do for our server. The current Statistics board is designed solely for A/A engagements. Soon we will have another statistics board for "Ground Pounders". I think we've covered all bases by now.
  13. Well you probably would. But If I explain to them seeing as it would be their first excercise and not familiar with the "traps" to get the frogs up without escorts ASAP. They might have a fighting chance. :-)
  14. If they must afk immediately. then, I'm afraid thats too bad. Obviously the reason for them leaving is more important than losing 2 points. so I guess they'll live with it. My advice is they do what I do when for instance i have a customer or an important phone call. Turn the plane for home press ALT-1 and hope for the best. If a players machine crashes then then we will be able to determine that when the track is submitted and therefore Not guilty. If however we see a "Pattern" from a repeat offender a different decision may be made. Killing an A/G aircraft does not deserve the same score as killing a fighter. We are in the process of creating a new scoring system. but these things take time.
  15. That would be the Chinese Airforce in training again.
  16. My reply was before our conversation today and i had actually fortten about your saying it was a Vista Issue before that. Hence my standardf response. I am confident that if you follow the Scenes swapping instructions you'll get a huge fps improvement. Whether the server is running Vista or SBS2k3 in our "Professional" opinion is irrelevant. I understand you have great IT knowledge but please remember we do too. Not only that but I've been running dedicated Lockon Servers for 4 years now. also I was Team Leader of the Multiplayer Beta testing for Flaming Cliffs 1.12a/b.
  17. It would be nice if we could stay "On Topic". However for those who have issues with our server it can only be client related resources. It is undisputed that our server IS popular. I know that is hard for some to accept and they will take any oportunity to find fault if they can. But the fact remains many will fly for hours on end without a hiccup and commend us for a server that can smoothly handle so many players and objects. Its not unusual to see 30-40 playing without any warping at all. We are blessed with a 50MB Optic fibre connection on a very fast Core 2 Duo machine. No expense has been spared. If you are having FPS issues. The first thing to try is to Swap the Scenes Files. Instructions Here If you still have issues. Register to our Forums and read on some of the tips and tricks to optimise your LockOn installation.
  18. It won't count as a loss on the statistics board. As for the Scoreboard in game. Well its all over the place. So I would not take any notice of that.
  19. there will always be a few who dont have the resources to run on the 169th Dedicated. Hopefully soon you will upgrade :-)
  20. That was the case in the first instance. It seemed fair because the player making the complaint should receive some compensation for theor troubles. However the second instant it was me making the complaint and it would only cause obvious problems if I awarded my self extra kills. Therefor I revised the ruling and the scores so that only the offender is penalised. Not perfect but will have to do. Keeping in mind the objective is to deter quitting in the hot zone and potentially exploiting the scoring system. Nothing more.
  21. Thank you Cali. Those are great questions. ECM blinkin IS allowed. not that 169th condone or use it. But we realise it can't be effectively policed. Therefor Rather Than Screaming" ECM Blinker" every 5 minutes and getting frustrated like "some squadrons" do. We keep playing and kill em anyway. As it Clearly states in the rules.. 3. Players who quit in mid-flight run the risk of having disciplinary action against them. If an Incident is reported and the offender found guilty. Then losses will be recorded on the Statistics Board in the way of a "Penalty". If we take a look at Player "Penalty" in the stats board it should make more sence.
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