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About 233Pilot

  • Birthday May 4

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  1. 441 TFS is open for recruitment again, send me a PM if you're interested in joining.
  2. Flying with a human WSO I had this same thing happen. Additionally, the human player wasn't able to re-slot and had to leave the server. When they rejoined they had the same issue as mentioned in the quote. Then when I tried to re-slot to start over, I wasn't able to switch slots and had to leave and rejoin the server as well. After restarting the mission, we also had an issue where we were fighting an SA2, the WSO said the jet exploded and he was dead but myself (the pilot) had evaded the incoming missile with no damage at all. To save other players time - don't bother doing any complex two-crew missions until this is figured out.
  3. Hi,

    I thought you had stood down 441?

    Hopefully, you are active?




  4. Negative, CF-18 ops only for this group.
  5. 441 TFS is taking on 1-2 new pilots for the F/A-18C. PM for more details.
  6. Hey man.  What's the 441 Discord?

    1. Saguanay
    2. TAC-1


      Does the 441 tfs have discord?

  7. Good day, 441 TFS is 1 CAG's English speaking CF-18 squadron that flies the F/A-18C in Eagle Dynamics DCS World. Based in the Eastern time zone, 441 TFS flies 1-2 times a week (Always up on Sundays) at 2000hrs Eastern. 441 TFS aims to be a semi-milsim virtual unit that focuses on the CF-18's real life missions. Although we enjoy to sim our operations at a semi-milsim level, our pilots often enjoy a beverage while flying and tend to keep things light as this is a fun hobby for most of us. In 441 we do not have "virtual ranks" or fly PVP competitively. Recruitment: To join 441 TFS, pilots must comply with the following requirements: - Availability to fly at 2000hrs Eastern - Mic, DCS World, F/A-18C module, Flight Stick - Foundation of F/A-18C knowledge (A/C Systems, Handling, Weapon Systems) - Ability to fly formation, aerial refuel, fly AoA (T/O & Land). - Sense of humour If you think you'd be a good fit, send me a PM and I will get you setup!
  8. When using the "Fire At Point" feature my cruise missiles are now beginning these weird never ending orbits, this was not happening before the update. Anyone have a fix?
  9. Hello mission editors, I was wondering if there's a way to place aircraft parked cold and dark on the tarmac without them being assigned a numbered parking space. If i recall correctly, I've seen this done with Viggen road bases and on larger multiplayer servers such as Blue Flag. Thanks!
  10. Hi guys, After doing some snooping around the userfiles and other online searches, I was wondering if there's any Majestic/Clemenceau class aircraft carrier mods kicking around? And if so would someone be able to direct me towards one? I tried using the older one by Markindel but it doesn't seem compatible with DCS 2.5. Thanks for the support!
  11. Been flying on the Cold War server for a few days now. Must say, most fun I've had in DCS in awhile. Missions are very entertaining! Thanks to the host and mission devs.
  12. I decided to reinstall since it didn't get fixed, and now it works.
  13. Hello all, Since the last update I've been encountering a very odd type of game crash that I haven't encountered in the last few years of flying DCS. I've been flying or in the mission editor and then all of a sudden I'll be staring at my desktop. I'll open task manager and DCS will not be indicated as one of the running applications. When trying to find the crash log there is also none in my log folder. I've tried repairing with no success. Has anyone else had this issue/ does anyone know what the solution could be? Thanks,
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