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Everything posted by fmedges

  1. I have this exact same problem when looking at the Stennis for some reason. I flew for an hour on Nevada no problem, but once I loaded a mission and looked at the boat it seems to happen. Log attached. dcs.log.txt
  2. All good info thanks guys. Yes I use the VV to quickly judge the relative movement of the aircraft b it don’t solely focus on it. My scan is lineup VV AOA ball instead of just lineup ball aoa.
  3. This once is a little hard to explain and I have a track file which I’ll attach once I get back to my desktop. The radar started to act strangely in the air. Went from tws to rws and tried to undesignate but that wasn’t working so I put the radar in standby. I landed and on the runway turned off nws and then back on and my radar started tracking targets while I was on the ground and it was in standby. I had the shoot cue rolling down the runway. I’ll attached a track file soon. The server I was n cuts off the last 10 minutes, but hopefully this will still provide some good data. The file was too big to attach so here is the link. https://www.dropbox.com/s/72sabzc6zhu1am2/Gunslinger%20Training%20Command-20200429-203400.trk?dl=0
  4. I’ve been flying boat approaches more than usual, prob at least 3 a day and I have come to the conclusion that there is something off with it. If I fly the ball only it will be centered no problem with me sawing the throttles and then as soon as I get over the stern the damn thing rockets off of the top. If I fly by paying attention to both the ball and velocity vector than I have no issues. Is this a personal problem or is something just off?
  5. I turn the map off every time. In two years I’ve never turned it on once after I saw it for the first time.
  6. I think this is the case. I keep hearing how it's not used that much currently, but the missions they fly aren't like the missions that I find myself at least flying. The missions I find myself in are more akin to A-10 Desert Storm kill boxes where I'm looking for targets with my pod or my eyes in a general area. We don't have the planning and detail briefings that the real life guys do and I believe we would benefit greatly from an AG radar.
  7. Ah yes I didn’t include include that. I only fly cold starts so that’s what it would have been.
  8. You had me until the last paragraph. All of your good points are wiped out my generalizing people that you don’t know.
  9. Yeah I swore it wasn’t that way, but I guess I was wrong.
  10. You’re thinking of a bit as far as an actual test being run, but not from a game software point of view. Adding the functionality to query if something is broken or not is not as complex as a real bit test it’s an abstraction.
  11. Upon entering the program setups via the EW page program 1 shows as 0 chaff 0 flir 0 rep 0 int these are not the actual values set. If you step through the other programs and go back to 1 it shows it’s correct values.
  12. I haven’t done much CAS in the hornet, but lately I’ve been trying some. Is there a reason that only the A10 (to my knowledge) can use all of the JTAC menu items, but other modules cannot? Is this module specific or core? I would imagine module specific. Is this going to get fixed at some point? An example of what I mean is the menu item (I don’t remember the exact name) where you designate a target and then verify that you have the correct target with the JTAC.
  13. Who’s trashing developers?
  14. Nobody but ED themselves is trying to pull this out of early access. They took on an enormous task sure but they decided to do it and also decided to take money for it. Find me a piece of software not in the gaming world where you sell a product and then claim its finished with 20 or so missing features. The companies that you sold it to won’t be happy and that’s a lawsuit for sure. The fact that some here want to blame the consumer for ED mis estimating their own product and then claiming that it’s in a state which it is not and won’t be is curious.
  15. You may set your expectations based on dreams, but I set them based on the product description from the company I am purchasing from. I don’t rate products I buy based on how hard they are to produce, I rate them based on what they are supposed to do and how well they do it.
  16. Beta builds are feature complete so your statement doesn’t make any sense.
  17. This isn’t a small number of customers, but the fact that you choose to interpret it this way is telling. Steam early access of for software that is in Alpha or Beta. Let’s review the software development lifecycle definitions. Alpha excerpt “The alpha phase usually ends with a feature freeze, indicating that no more features will be added to the software.” Beta excerpt “A Beta phase generally begins when the software is feature complete but likely to contain a number of known or unknown bugs.” These are clear industry standard definitions, not some misunderstanding from your customers. You guys aren’t the only ones who work in technology and while wordplay might sound good to some who don’t know any better, some of us do know better. Labeling it as early access is appropriate until it is feature complete. Posting an incomplete module to your store page as a completed one is dishonest and is everything wrong with the software industry. If you hold this community in such high regard and you claim then do the right thing and keep the label on as long as it should have it.
  18. I would suspect that in the dcs code base the multiplayer and single player are pretty coupled together. I would rather they spend the time to fix it as a whole then by taking the time to strip the mp and sp apart and then later on have to put it back.
  19. It was also said that they were two separate teams at one point in time.
  20. I don’t see it happening. I thinks it’s all or nothing if they were being honest.
  21. The planes INS is considered an improvement? Man talk about having a bad two weeks.
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