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Everything posted by Darcaem

  1. Yeah, since I started with an old cv1... Me? Super happy. My bank account and savings? Meh, not so much :( Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  2. What that option does is precisely that: in syncs the aircraft's inputs to whatever inputs your physical hotas or controllers actually are into. For example as you said if your flaps are down on your hotas, they will be down on the aircraft, same for the throttle position So I don't think this is what op wants :(
  3. There used to be some Spanish liveries, one from the regular Ejército del Aire and maybe I dreamt it but I remember also a Patrulla Ascua's livery Has anyone know any woking links, or can share them? Thanks in advance! Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  4. Totally off-topic, but I did see that in MWC Barcelona some years ago. It was a Korean (IIRC) startup, along with other that designed a device you were supposed to hold while playing vr that generated very hot and cold temperatures in a quick succesion so you felt actual pain when hurt in the game, without any actual physical damage to your body. It was... Disturbing Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  5. Yes, based only on my own experience, I would say it was most likely changes in the new weather model that affected wind Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  6. Same happened to me. You might need to install some library. I cannot recall the link, but if you enter their discord, on the download section are posted the requirements and you will find the link to the Microsoft page where to download it. Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  7. Indeed sir, thanks for the reminder [emoji14] I did feel something awkward while taxiing this morning... Jejejej Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  8. Same here (in Spain). It has been two weeks since they told me not to worry since they will send me a replacement. And it seems it is going to be another "two weeks ™" until they finally send me a new cable :( I don't really understand the logic, if you know most of your client's problems are due to the cable, why don't increase cable production? Hell, I would even gladly pay for a new cable if I could! XD Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  9. If you are talking about putting the aircraft on mission editor, you have to set the aircraft as "client", otherwise it would be AI controlled by default :) Edit: oh sorry, I get what you want, to drive to the aircraft and then jump into it. What I have done sometimes is to put a static aircraft on the spot where you want your aircraft to be. Then you can destroy the static and spawn the "controllable" aircraft
  10. This might be a stupid question, but, assuming I have one M.2 with w10 and an empty SSD, both 1TB, how would you recommend install DCS, Steam and WMR (Hp g2)? 1.- DCS on the main drive, m.2, and the rest on the SSD 2.- Everything on the m.2 3.- Join both disks on a raid (they have different performance so I guess this is no good option Iirc, all DCS install with the modules I own needed about 400-500GB total disk space, so the disk wouldn't reach the limit where efficiency decreases even if I install everything together Thanks for any input! Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  11. On the DCS options menu, under specials - DCS SRS there is an option to disable SRS UI. It doesn't seem to affect performance at all for me, lonelly single player Would be nice to have a workaround to avoid the requiriment of SRS, but I guess the whole point of the T-45 is to play it on multiplayer anyway PS: finally I can say thanks after trying it out properly!
  12. Yes I do Once installed SRS and copied the lua file from T-45 it did work and let me spawn on the front seat
  13. Still unable to control the T-45, path "C:\Users\alfon\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\aircraft\VNAO_T45", no commercial antivirus, exception added to windows defender and the dll file is there on bin folder. I was thinking what else could I be missing and I though, I do not have SRS. Do I need it?
  14. Do they work with the code based PB mode for the harm in the hornet? And if so, which codes do they have? I have use them with skynet's iads on custom missions previously, but haven't try them with that new harm mode yet. Also, thanks for the awesome work! Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  15. It is on the same path as the other mods. ALthough now that I see it, my mods folder has no capital letter... whilst yours is "Mods". AFAIK this should not be case sensitive (I mean, all other mods do work :P), but there is no harm in trying. Also if the problem was a wrong path, I shouldn't be able to see the module installed, flight the instant actions and actually see the AI controlled T-45, should I? EDIT: nah... I changed mods folder name to Mods, but nothing changed, as expected XD
  16. Thanks for the input. It must be something related, but not this exactly, sadly, still the same I already had the whole dcs.openbeta beta folder under an exception PS: after waiting so long, a little bit is no problem... eventually I shall get it working
  17. I'm still unable to contol it, when I spawn either on the instant action mission or in a custom clean ME made one with a T-45 set as player, it is AI controlled. I tried deleting every other aircraft mod, the tech mods also, the folder is excluded on the antivirus and the VNAOT45FM.dll is there on the bin folder. I also downloaded again the zip, in case it wasn't downloaded or unzipped properly. Any suggestion or anything I might be missing?
  18. I do see the T-45. I have the instant action mission and can place it on ME as player, but cannot control it. It is AI controlled once I spawn on any slot. I have just placed the folder on DCS.openbeta\mods\aircraft, not using any mod manager and I used this link to download it https://ufile.io/aoi5uv40. Might be conflictitng with other mod? I'm gonna try... EDIT: nop, after removing all other mods it is still not controllable
  19. I've been struggling all weekend trying out everything I read on the forum with no luck until this morning I decided to uninstall completely and then install it again from scratch. All performance issues are gone, visuals with new cloud and lightning are awesome and might be just placebo effect but I do feel it runs smoother than before in my medium range rig (i7900, 32GB, 2060 with G2). Now I can even taxi from Incirlik with only very little "acceptable" stuttering I did a full clean and repair before with no luck, and I have no idea why fully uninstalling would make any difference as in theory repair-clean would be the same. But I did have an error while installing DCS from the Beta installer. It installed the updater exe on the bin folder, and when the actual game started to download I got an error telling me that it did not have permission. So I run the updater myself from cmd to install the game. Just a silly theoru, but maybe when the game updated automatically from 2.5.6 to 2.7 something similar happened and some files could not be deleted/updated/installed, and that caused the problems?
  20. In case anyone ever reads this, I found my error. Turns out that the event.pos object y compnent is the altitude, so the correct way of creating a POINT_VEC2 object from an event object is markerCoordinates = POINT_VEC2:New(event.pos.x, event.pos.z)
  21. If you just need to locate the player's location I believe you just need to find the GROUP object with GROUP:FindByName() for example and then you have a GetCoordinate method. https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS/Documentation/Wrapper.Group.html##(GROUP).GetCoordinate I have done that to create a markers indicating the last known location of downed pilots, for CSAR missions. If you have problems, I can search the script I used. Nevertheless, I assume you have multiple clients and your problem resides in identifying what GROUP is the one you want, doesn't it?
  22. Hi I would like the ability to spawn AI flights with different basic missions as support, headed roughly to a certain area the player could choose. For that I was planning to use the AUFTRAG class from MOOSE. And as a first test to validate it and learn how to use it I thought on this method: 1.- Create a marker on the F10 map and get its coordinates markerCoordinates = {} local MarkHandler = {} function MarkHandler:onEvent(event) if event.id == 25 then markerCoordinates = POINT_VEC2:New(event.pos.x, event.pos.y) end end world.addEventHandler(MarkHandler) 2.- Choose via F10 menu what base, mission and aircraft I would like to spawn 3.- Spawn selected aircraft 4.- Create a zone using the ZONE_RADIUS:New() method, based on the marker's coordinates 5.- Create a mission (for now I've only tried CAP) and assign it to the flight function launchFlight(from, aircraft, number, task, zone) dofile("./syria/airbases/"..from.."/aircraft.lua") -- Check how many aircrafts are available local num = Aircraft[aircraft] if (num ~= nil and num >= number) then -- Remove static placeholders for i = 0, number-1, 1 do local value = num - i local static = STATIC:FindByName(from.." "..aircraft.." "..value) static:Destroy() end -- Update logistics Aircraft[aircraft] = num - number writeAircraft(from) -- Launch flight local airbase if (from == "RamatDavid") then airbase = AIRBASE:FindByName(AIRBASE.Syria.Ramat_David) elseif (from == "Incirlik") then airbase = AIRBASE:FindByName(AIRBASE.Syria.Incirlik) end SpawnArray[from][task][aircraft] :OnSpawnGroup( function( SpawnGroup ) local mission if (task == "CAP") then local zone = ZONE_RADIUS:New("ZonaTest", markerCoordinates, 100000) mission = AUFTRAG:NewCAP(zone) elseif (task == "SEAD") then end local fg=FLIGHTGROUP:New(Group.getByName(SpawnGroup.GroupName)) fg:AddMission(mission) end ) :SpawnAtAirbase(airbase, SPAWN.Takeoff.Hot ) else trigger.action.outText(aircraft.." not available on "..from,20) end end What happens is that the flight is correctly spawned, taxi and takeoff as usual, but it RTB inmediatelly after takeoff. If I use instead a zone directly defined on the mission editor, it works correctly and the flight goes to the CAP zone. So my guess is the zone assigned to the Auftrag's generated CAP is wrong, and my second guess is that the problem are the coordinates I'm using as secont parameter on the ZONE_RADIOUS:New() method What am I doing wrong? PD: I have been using and customizing to my liking Surrexen's awesome sandbox missions for a while. In those, he defines on ME a lot of different templates and routes, one for each area of the map. I'm trying to give (me) a litle more freedom, allowing to direct flights in real-time, not to predetermined locations, just to play around and see if it the AI can be more accuratelly directed on a sandbox scenario. PD2: I might end up discovering CA's ability to "control" flights is enough, and these weekends programming and testing random stuff have been a waste of time
  23. Thanks for the info and the suggestions! Enviado desde mi POCOPHONE F1 mediante Tapatalk
  24. Hi. I've been flying for a couple of years now, and I have learn using a T16000 and TWS hotas, so I'm now used to using the little paddles on the TWS as rudder axis, and either a button on a slider on the stick as brakes. Now I've just bought a Saitek rudder pedals and I feel like learning from 0 again (not that I was a specially good pilot either). My main problem is with the wheel brakes. I "brake" using my toes on the pedals, but each pedal has a unique axis, so I usually end up braking more with one wheel than the other, so, either dead or out of one side of the runway. On slow speeds or taking off I have no problems, but landing seems harder for me than just pressing a button or an analog slider for both brakes at the same time. If I apply full force to the brakes, it works... but for example with WWII planes that is not an option, I need to control how much force is applied to the brakes, and I need to apply the same force to both brakes. Is this normal? I mean, IRL are both brakes controller with different "axis", or is there any way to "fix" or "tie together" both brakes so that if you apply force on one pedal, the other one also reacts in the same manner. In DCS I've tried: 1.- Set brake left and right to left and right pedal 2.- Set left and right pedal to the same action, Wheel brakes (both) 3.- Only set left pedal to the action Wheel brakes (both) The third option is the one I'm using right now. But since now I do have a proper-ish rudder pedals, I would like to learn how to use them properly :P I'm assuming it is just me not been able to apply the same force with both legs at the same time, and that I will learn eventually? :megalol:
  25. I can too! :smartass: I feel pretty confortable refueling the F18, turbulences included. And the Harrier... well... let's say 75% confortable. I have never ever manage to refuel any aircraft using boom though
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