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Everything posted by Gruw

  1. Old topic --> Seems to be something that happen sometime in the between of one patch and another
  2. I hope the new system arrives quickly, it is an essential part for the flight simulation.
  3. Just to know you that in the A10C II it works (for me) as expected. I don't fly the first version of the airplane anymore so I cannot give you a feedback on this. Bye
  4. Exactly
  5. In the video Wags released it seems the behaviour of the SAS is way smooth than before. I'd like to watch the behaviour during some more demanding maneuver as well.
  6. The ED manual says ( page 308 ): "Hook Mode (TAG: OWN, BULL, or CURS), rotary OSB 18. This OSB function is only displayed when you have hooked a TAD symbol with the cursor. TAD symbols can include the SPI, TGP diamond, waypoint/steerpoint, or bullseye. When a symbol is hooked, the SPI symbol is placed over it and a dashed, yellow line leads from the SPI symbol to the rotary selection." Someone could help and clarify if is it to intend as a bug or is the normal behaviour ? Thanks.
  7. Exactly, elasticity is necessary to avoid breackage. As the movement in the cockpit noticeable between the front panel and the canopy bow at as well. Anyway for me, there's some minor movement in the wing, no doubt.
  8. Keep going, the end is near :) How much heavy are the textures comparing them to the stock ones in terms of bytes? Could you give me some example?
  9. Very nice work, lookin' forward to test it!
  10. No problem. Many of us that are awaiting. I'm looking forward to understand what they mean with "dramatic visual and system upgrade". :v:
  11. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=4160206&postcount=232 "Following the free A-10C cockpit update, we will be releasing A-10C Warthog 2 in 2020. This will be a dramatic visual and systems upgrade to our A-10C. Once the new features have been finalized, we look forward to sharing them with you."
  12. Here we are! This issue seems to be alive again, 2 times tonight during HADB45 with the IDLE throttle. Someone noticed the same behaviour ?
  13. The drag. This is one of the things people don't think much about. Someone point the finger at the engine's performance, while instead there may be a correlation. In the past, between one patch and another, there has been a significant change in this sense, and I remember it well. And while the engine parameters have remained the same, the aircraft's performance and behavior have changed. The ED has already spoken about the engines also in detail. Now it would be useful to receive some information about the "fluid" in which the aircraft move. Have a good day.
  14. Very interesting, thank you guys.
  15. Hey Snoopy, thank you for your contribution. Have you something new to share with us about further progress?
  16. Strong reference indeed. Thanks Snoopy.
  17. Yeah, maybe you right. But here I'm talking about the status of this REPORTED ISSUE. If something is REPORTED officially I think it's necessary to give reply to this. At the end it's how a normal trouble ticket management, or not? Otherwise I need to know the exact meaning of REPORTED between customers and ED. No complain or controversy, I'm just trying to understand. ;) Thanks everybody.
  18. So the status of this issue at today is BROKEN -> REPORTED -> STILL NOT FIXED YET Am I right?
  19. Gruw

    What is SSLR?

  20. // please delete //
  21. I noticed a change in the volume of the clicks. Some one is more audible (maybe the nearest) and others less.
  22. Any change about this sentence? (come on guys...)
  23. This issue seems to be solved to me.
  24. Maybe an idea could be to calculate the way not in an unique moment with a unique task but during the way, triggering something... I don't know... But this issue is very very very bad, and you can reproduce it easyly in a supercomputer. It's a mess, also flying in close or weather formation raise high the risk. So issue not yet solved.
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