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Everything posted by swatstar98

  1. It's fixed internally, something broke with the update sorry!
  2. It's not a bug from polychop since I can do it on my side. It has to be something related to your startup procedure.
  3. Try not bounding it to an axis, and do it manually with buttons, so you have the fuel lever full 100% forward, 99% won't make it work.
  4. Make sure the yellow lever is full forward, and if you have it bound to an axis make sure your axis is reaching the 100%. Add saturation to it so you make sure it does.
  5. If you have the fuel lever assigned to a physical axis, make sure it is getting to the 100%
  6. Disculpa, que es lo que no te funciona? porque no has especificado. Las misiones van en JuegosGuardados/Missions, tu módulo comprado no está ahí, está en la carpeta de instalación en la carpeta EagleDynamics/DCS/Mods
  7. It has been said already, now the focus was specially finishing FM, but that is something that is not noticeable by a screenshot or video. When there is something to be shown, it will be. Just don't worry about it, the project keeps going.
  8. Do you have the throttle asigned to an axis? if that is so, that may be the cause because is not reaching the 100% value. Change the axis' saturation value.
  9. Are you trying it in a specific mission or something? Just trying and it works for me indeed.
  10. The cyclic is preseted in the arrow keys, sounds strange that you cannot bind them.
  11. 2020 was a bad year for everybody, and PC is a really small company, in the end is better not to rush. And making that kind of assumptions is not good for anybody.
  12. do you have an antivirus? if so, make the DCS folder an execption
  13. @Rudel_chw te llaman por aquí. De todas maneras, prueba un repair.
  14. Dudo que salga competencia, al menos a corto plazo, también te digo que se van añadiendo países poco a poco, no se puede tener todo porque cada cosa lleva su trabajo.
  15. Realmente si que puedes tener el P51 en uruguay, tan solo necesitas una skin, cuyo pais sea uruguay, savlo que no esté en la lista de países (que siendo sincero, no se si está)
  16. Hace tanto tiempo que ya me lo compré. por recomendaciones de la universidad me compré el MSI GE63 8RF o algo así jejeje
  17. Make sure your fuel lever (yellow one) is 100% forward, is the most common problem.
  18. You can disable it at the NS430 special options
  19. Cambiale el nombre a la carpeta de DCS de savedgames, para que te genere una nueva, debería solucionarlo.
  20. Seguro que si ejejej, se te va a quedar corto rápido!
  21. Aqui estamos todos para ayudarte, si fueras otr modulo te echaría una mano, pero justo el 25t no lo uso
  22. Para quitar el modo juego lo tienes que hacer yendo a la configuracion desde el menu principal. Ahí vas a la opción de "juego" y quitas todo lo que ponga "facil"
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