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About Badass1982

  • Birthday 10/01/1982

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  1. I wasn't aware of it until now but I guess I cant use this version until its updated so I will have to use the legacy version then, as I dont have a build setup on the new app, at least i know what's causing it now thanks!
  2. Am I missing something is there a reason this utility no longer detects my build is there a way to manually tell DCS Updater Utility 2.0 where my game is installed, it would find my build in the legacy version but not in the new build.
  3. I don't suppose there would be any interest in this script being re-written in the MOOSE API. I'm not coder myself but I'm trying to keep to one API for my scripting.
  4. Anyone know what the exact "type name" for this mod is, I'm trying to get it to work with the moose implementation of CTLD.
  5. Managed to fix it it was indeed a mod or two causing it I have yet to figure out which one but its one of these: VSN TORNADO VSN YF12A VSN 104G VSN F35 VSN F16 VSN F14A VSN F4 VNAO_T45 USNS_WALTER DIEHL SU 30MK_SFM JAS39 These are the mods I still have installed below and everything works great: A4E-C BELL UH-1M BRONCO CH47 CHINOOK SK60 EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON F-15EX F-22A HERCULES V6.8.2 MH-60R SH60B SIKORSKY SH-3 SEA KING SU-17M4 SU-57 FELON UH-60L
  6. Just to reply to this I'm running version on both my servers and my desktop client and even blowing out ALL the mods from the servers saved games directory AND the mission itself hasn't resolved this: If I try to spawn into any unit on any carrier the carrier shows a water "explosion" then the carrier disappears, It isn't on the map either. The slot is still selectable though in the menu despite the game not spawning it. This has only happened since the latest update. I think there is more going on with this issue than (delete all your mods), I also repaired the installations on both the server and the client.
  7. Maybe a stupid question but can we still use the older way of doing it with all the files (i will switch eventually but dont want to do it right now).
  8. In aware this might be something that is being worked on for the dynamic campaign but what I would really love is for ED to fully embrace the idea of fully persistent missions , so that when we are creating custom missions we can literally do something as simple as toggling a switch to make the mission fully peristent or not. I understand this would take a lot of work and I have tried A LOT of the other scripted solutions out there , and whilst some work well-ish, shout out to pikeys implementation and the SPGG one, but I feel like none of them really pull it off whilst making it work with both objects placed in the mission AND dynamically spawned units (plus we are also limited to not be able to take up units routes where they left off). My second suggestion (and I REALLY hope this is already being implemented into the DC but some sort of CTLD/CSAR core functionality. These three things imo would make this sim so much more realistic and enjoyable (and better for mission creators too). Thanks for reading my waffle . Smack.
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  9. Is it normal for this script to produce entries in the log that read " Airbase doesn't exist"? This wasn't happening until the new update just came out.
  10. Roger that yeah I learned that the hard way haha took me about 30mins to figure that out, sorry to keep banging on about it but deleting ALL the content would work yeah just leaving the empty file? One other weird thing , I've noticed whilst editing my mission (bearing in ming not when it's running on the server but just whilst editing it locally) when I load up the mission in the game sometime a ship or some enemy ground units will randomly spawn in enemy territory or on land which weren't there before, is this a bug or caused by the saved units file , or maybe I'm just crazy.
  11. Quick Question. Can I "reset" the persistence progress by just deleting the Savefile?
  12. I fingered it out , it didn't like it because I had left the "hotfix" on the end on the folder.
  13. Sorry to do this to ya Kanelbolle but I'm down to one last error in my log and I can't for the life of me figure out whats causing it, you have any ideas??? 2023-02-01 00:40:33.302 ERROR SCRIPTING (Main): Mission script error: [string "C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS_Laptop\/~mis000077B1.lua"]:74: can't open 'E:\Dropbox\Saved Games\DCS_Laptop\Scripts\SPGG_v019\SPGG_Save_v019.lua' 2023-02-01 00:40:34.392 ERROR SCRIPTING (Main): Mission script error: [string "C:\Users\Martin\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS_Laptop\/~mis00006C33.lua"]:6603: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) 2023-02-01 00:40:40.190 ERROR SCRIPTING (Main): Mission script error: [string "spgg.spawnBlueGroundGroup()..."]:1: attempt to call field 'spawnBlueGroundGroup' (a nil value)
  14. Ahhhh thankyou for that , yes I was driving myself insane, I am presently using v18 but I will see about using 19 now.
  15. Is there a minimum time that can be set as the loop in SPGG.lua as Mine works and saves every hour but it doesn't seem to make a difference if I set : -- Save loop in min spgg.Savetime = 10 to anything different it STILL saves at 1 hour intervals for some reason , any ideas???
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