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Forum Maintenance between 04:00 - 06:00 UTC


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Everything posted by CornAddict

  1. Might be worth posting in the Razbam discord.
  2. Diffuse is the colour or paint layer with shadowing or highlighting applied. AO is Ambient Occlusion. It's essentially a map that dictates to what degree areas are shadowed depending on the light hitting the object, in most liveries the AO is 'baked' into the diffuse, but you can define the AO in the red channel of the roughmet. If there were no red channel in the roughmet it would default to the darkest amount of shadowing and makes the texture look darkened or near-black, as it sounds in your case. As Megalax said, copy the default R channel into your roughmet to see how it functions. A is the Alpha channel. I've not done too much with Alpha channels so will let someone more informed comment but from what I understand the transparency dictates the function (cavity in the AH64), defined by the texture renderer (DCS). These are the most complicated parts of livery making imo, so you're def jumping in at the deep end but good to learn nonetheless. Did you have a look at the reddit link in my first reply? If you want the properties from the default just use the default roughmet, no need to make your own.
  3. Have you all 3 channels; Red, Green and Blue? Have a look at this Reddit thread which defines the function of each channel A good idea is to create 3 folders in the PSD and change the advanced blending of each to only allow the specific colour channel to pass; one for R, one for G and one for B. Double click on the folder and deselect the necessary channels, as seen on the attached pic. It's also a good idea to copy only the necessary parts from the layers you need for a certain channel i.e. If metallic items are on the same layer as fuselage paint, copy just the metallic parts to a new layer and place that in the B folder, otherwise the fuselage paint will have a metallic value assigned (undesirable unless your livery is bare metal). You can see in the two images what I've placed in the Blue and Green folders as an example. Roughmets can be a real PITA and can sometimes take me longer than the actual painting. Apologies for the bad explanation but if I can help any further feel free to reach out.
  4. It did look terrible but as I understand it was to match the South Atlantic environment, why did the COs object? I would love for an FA2 or FRS1 model but lacking the radar information, it would be kind of pointless imo. It would look bloody good though.
  5. Release pushed until next week, still lots to do with painting pylons etc, dirt layers, normal maps and roughmets. Also working on updating the FA2 liveries.
  6. I'm currently doing some paints of the AV-8B in Royal Navy FRS1 colours. Still lots to do but made good progress today, hopefully will release some by the end of the week.
  7. Now uploaded! https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3322934/
  8. This is the approach I've taken with tri-state switches such as the H2O switch in the AV-8B.
  9. Another screen. Still waiting for approval for file upload
  10. Just finished adapting one of my earlier harrier paints for this 899 NAS T8 harrier. Still waiting for approval but has been uploaded, will post link when it's done. Apologies for the rubbish screenshots, I got lazy after 4 hours doing this
  11. Hi all I'm creating a profile for the AV-8B and am trying to display the armament panel counters with spaces between the characters but don't know what function (or where) to add to the LUA file to make this possible. I.e. I can display 2020 but would specifically like to add 2 spaces between each digit to fit the custom icons I'm creating. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Just tested and pretty sure I'm not getting the button warning either, just the 7-tone RWR warning.
  13. Now added 800 Squadron to the roster. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3312074/
  14. Finished my fictional RAF Gnat livery for the MB-339A/PAN, I'll post the link when it's approved. Thanks for this excellent aircraft and again for the ongoing support! EDIT: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3312062/
  15. Thanks for pointing that out, indeed is 801 NAS.
  16. Just finished this paint, added a few elements unique to the FA2. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3311967/
  17. Currently painting the MB339 in a fictional RAF livery with inspiration from the Folland Gnat. Still got a few textures to do but happy the paint is mainly done.
  18. CornAddict

    Wind Vane

    Does anyone know in which file the top of the wind vane is located? I've searched through everything it seems and can't find it...
  19. All done and now live, heres some more screens
  20. The only way to get high quality decals is to scour the web to find large images, or to draw them yourself in illustrator/photoshop/gimp. Try searching on Flickr or Alamy they usually have large quality images. EDIT: What decal are you specifically looking for from that F-86? The RAAF roundel is easy to find as a large image.
  21. Been working the past couple of days on a fictional RAF Red Arrows scheme for the C-101EB including adding blue smoke. Some difficult times matching edges but pretty pleased so far. Just have to do the Roughmets and package the thing up within the next few days. EDIT: Now live https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3311818/
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